The Grand Deception, If You Like . . . You Can Keep . . .

The American people are not deserving of what Obamacare is inflicting on them. It’s not their fault that they believed President Obama when he was running for President and trying to gain public support for the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, and even after it was passed into law. This isn’t anywhere near a “read my lips, no new taxes” moment. This was the Grand Deception.


It was nothing short of a Grand Deception because the administration knew that millions of Americans would be necessarily kicked off their plans because of the ACA as early as July 20, 2010. Yet, he decided to play “community organizer” on the honesty and integrity of the American people, and snooker them into accepting Obamacare on his words and promise.

Americans let the ACA pass was because they believed President Obama when he said, “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. Period.” And “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period.” Which should tell you that for the most part, Americans were happy with the plans they had. And they didn’t have a watchdog media to warn and tell them what was in the law. There was no groundswell of opinion for up-ending the health insurance and health care industries.

Americans believed him because . . . he was the President. He’s still the President, only now they also know what he, democrat operatives in the party, and the media are capable of.

Sad truth is, with him and his acolytes, the end (even lying) justifies the means.

And this “We’re going to work with the employers to lower premiums by $2,500 per family per year.”

Sales Fall 32%, BM Suspends Volt Production

Barack Motors, aka General Motors, has suspended production of the Chevy Volt for six weeks to pare excess inventory. They are using the the downtime to prep the chevroletvoltx-wide-communityassembly line for building the 2014 Chevrolet Impala starting early next year. Sales for the Volt are down 2.7% YTD. It has shown three consecutive months of decrease compared to LY, ending with the largest decrease in October 2013 of 32% compared to October 2012.

Lesson to learn here is that there is an insufficient market for this product, despite all the good intentions of the Obama administration and the environmentalists. And, that the government can not make a market. The people by their choices makes a market for a product. And this is a product that GM loses money on with every unit it sells.

What’s most amusing is how the greenies report this. For example UPDATE:Plug-In Electric Car Sales For Oct: Volt, Leaf Hold Steady by John Voelcker. His take on the Volt is quite different. You decide whether it is deliberately deceptive or he is mis-informed, when he says . . .

The Chevrolet Volt range-extended electric car racked up 2,022 deliveries, which is up 14 percent on September’s number of 1,766. For the 10 months of the year to date, a total of 18,782 Volts has now been delivered–which is 2.7 percent less than last year’s total through October of 19,309.

It “racked up” 2,022 sales. That’s down from October 2012 when it “racked up” 2971 sales. A 32% drop. You’ll also find reporting that supposedly refutes the over-inventory and poor sales performance as contributing to the production suspension. The reason I say “supposedly refutes” the real reason for the suspension is because the slug for the article itself reads to the contrary; Do you see the “over slow sales?”

Suffice it to say, if the Volt was doing well, they wouldn’t be needing subsidies to sell it, they wouldn’t be losing money on every one they sell, and, they wouldn’t be suspending production. And the taxpayers wouldn’t have lost $9.7 Billion on the GM bailout.

“Affordable” Care Act Mandate

In an effort to get to the meat of the penalty that Obamacare will impose on you, in the unlikely event that it would be possible for you to keep your insurance policy that the government (not you) deems unsatisfactory, below you will find the law as is in the Federal Register.

The penalty for not buying a government approved health insurance policy, or not buying an insurance policy at all, begins now at $95 and increases to $695 per year or 2.5% of your income by 2015, after the next presidential election.

The Joint Tax Committee prepared a summary of Obamacare that includes this discussion of the mandate:

The penalty applies to any period the individual does not maintain minimum essential coverage and is determined monthly. The penalty is assessed through the Code and accounted for as an additional amount of Federal tax owed. However, it is not subject to the enforcement provisions of subtitle F of the Code. The use of liens and seizures otherwise authorized for collection of taxes does not apply to the collection of this penalty. Non-compliance with the personal responsibility requirement to have health coverage is not subject to criminal or civil penalties under the Code and interest does not accrue for failure to pay such assessments in a timely manner.

On page 19 of this 19 page law, you will find this:

b)Special rules. Notwithstanding any other provision of law—

(1)Waiver of criminal penalties.In the case of a failure by a taxpayer to timely pay the shared responsibility payment, the taxpayer is not subject to criminal prosecution or penalty for the failure.

(2)Limitations on liens and levies.
If a taxpayer fails to pay the shared responsibility payment imposed by this section and §§1.5000A–1 through1.5000A–4, the Secretary will not file notice of lien on any property of the taxpayer, or levy on any property of the taxpayer for the failure.

The IRS only has the power to deduct whatever penalty you may incur from your tax refund. The Obama administration knows that poor people look forward to receiving their refund check each year, and don’t mind preying on the poor to take it from them. The poor would be wise to consult with their employer on how to not overpay their taxes by completing a new W-4 form so that they will get the maximum in their paycheck and, not expose themselves to government abuse.