Category Archives: Uncategorized

Democrats And Jews

The rise in antisemitism in the United States is disturbing to say the least. What’s even more disturbing is the silence coming from The White House on stopping it. And the so-called news media complies by not asking Biden why he’s not doing so.

Could it be because the hate rallies in the streets and on campuses are also Biden supporters? Supported and financed by the same donors that support Biden and Democrats.

It’s about political power and money with them. The Constitution be dammed. We’ve seen this movie before.

Since its founding, the Democrat Party has been pro slavery and anti-Black. In a word, racist. They were against all the civil rights laws of the 50’s and 60’s.

The only thing that has changed now is it’s not Blacks, its Jews. And Biden hasn’t the guts to call it out. Power and money. Since the 10/7/24 attack (and the rest that continue to follow), Biden has demonstrated more support for Israel’s enemy than for Israel. Biden doesn’t want Hamas to lose more than he wants Israel to win.

Same goes with the Russia/Ukraine war. Two countries that have given millions of dollars to the Biden crime family. Biden would not give Ukraine the kind of military support that would have them win. Just like with Israel, Biden doesn’t want Russia to lose more than he wants Ukraine to win.

Now Russia has warships in Cuba and gets a big yawn from Quid Pro Joe. What’s next? WWIII?

Never forget

While the nation mourns and honors the casualties and first responders in the 9/11 attack, let us also honor the service and sacrifice of the four casualties in the second 9/11 attack. Benghazi in 2012.
Amb. Christopher Stevens, State Information Officer Sean Smith, and Navy Seals Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods.
The Senate Select Committee’s Benghazi Report makes clear that the deaths of Amb. Christopher Stevens, State Information Officer Sean Smith, and Navy Seals Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods could have been prevented on the day of the attack.
Never forget the lies from Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama.  Speaking of lying politicians, Joe Biden is now carrying that torch.

sleeping on the job

“Joe Biden is asleep. Literally. If there was any doubt, he laid it to rest on Saturday, as he quite obviously tried to sneak in a nap while meeting with Israel’s new prime minister Naftali Bennett.

The Israeli Prime Minister Naftali looked directly at the U.S. President as if in disbelief while continuing to talk. This is hardly desirable optics for a Commander-in-Chief who looks like he would be more comfortable in a nursing home than in a war room.

America’s allies are now beginning to talk openly about a weak U.S. president that is letting down its partners and commitments around the world.”

When is Congress going to step up and do something about it? America is less safe with this Biden Administration.

Link: Watch: Joe Biden Caught *Sleeping* During High-Level Talks with Foreign Head of Government

U.S. MARINES, Happy 245th Birthday

On November 10, 1775, the Second Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia passed a resolution stating that “two Battalions of Marines be raised” for service as landing forces with the fleet. This resolution established the Continental Marines and marked the birth date of the United States Marine Corps. Serving on land and at sea, these first Marines distinguished themselves in a number of important operations, including their first amphibious raid into the Bahamas in March 1776, under the command of Captain (later Major) Samuel Nicholas.

The founding of the Marines in November 1775 during the times of the Second Continental Congress was to shut down the Barbary Pirates of Northern Africa who were pirating merchant ships, stealing the cargo and killing the crews in the Mediterranean Sea. As the Marine anthem goes “From the Halls of Montezuma To the Shores of Tripoli…” They were formed to protect shipping from pirates at first. Then grew into a force that can protect our country at home and abroad.

Happy Birthday Marines Corps. God Bless you and your families for your service and sacrifices, keeping us safe, secure, and free.


33.1% gdp, Pelosi claims credit

Nancy Pelosi, guest on a Bloomberg TV show, about the huge 33% GDP 3rd Quarter numbers.

“Does that make you think that we may not need another stimulus as much as we thought we did?”
PELOSI: No. In fact, it is proof that we need the stimulus even more so. The reason we had a good — a better third quarter is because what we did in the CARES Act and the subsequent legislation for PPP that put money into the economy. That’s gonna wear off, and we need another infusion.”
With no shame, Pelosi claims credit for the 33% increase in GDP 3Q. She also claimed that it required their wish list of COVID relief that has nothing to do with COVID.
Makes you wonder how much better the numbers would have been if New York, California, New Jersey, Hawaii, and a few other Blue states had participated? 
During the relatively flat 2% +or- GDP years of the Obama/Biden administration, we suffered two stimulus packages that did more for labor unions than the economy. No effect to GDP.
Truth is, Democrats are never satisfied, and can never be satisfied, when it comes to growing the size of government and government spending. That’s why they call it investing. Sounds better to the dumb masses.

Link: Pelosi says CARES Act, not Trump, deserves credit for positive economic figures on GDP growth

Ukraine, the Bidens, and corruption

The Ukraine government held a press conference on “international corruption and external governance of Ukraine.” The hour-long video includes recorded phone conversations between Joe Biden and Ukrainian officials. It necessarily includes Barisma and other corrupt Ukranian companies, including Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and their participation. 

It lays out how Ukranian money left Ukraine for Hunter Biden and his shadow businesses and partners. It also accuses the U.S. Treasury Dept swamp of trying to stop this Ukranian official from releasing their findings.

Ukranian investigators want to talk to Joe and Hunter Biden about it, in Ukraine, under oath. How’s that for a way to end a campaign?

Related Links: MP Derkach reiterates about external control of Ukraine by United States, related corruption | Derkach claims that his visa to the USA was revoked after Biden was summoned to court

Bank out of change

Have you tried buying change at the bank lately?  They’re rationing whatever they have because they can’t get any from the Federal Reserve Bank in Mobile.  This probably doesn’t mean much if you don’t own a business, or you have a business that doesn’t deal in cash.

Quarters, for example, come in a box of 50 rolls. Knowing about this shortage, I tried to buy ten rolls instead of the usual box. She gave me two rolls. Try making change when there isn’t any. 

Below is a letter addressed to our State representatives and President Trump.

First of all, thank you for your service and representation. I am appealing to you for a solution to a problem I thought, as a small business owner, I would never have to deal with. I’m asking you because this is a Federal issue. 

I don’t know if is a national problem or just in NW Florida, but I can not get enough coin change from our Regions Bank in Pensacola. They tell me that the Federal Reserve Bank in Mobile, where they get their change from, is closed. Something to do with COVID-19. I don’t know if that’s the case, but that’s what I’m told.

I understand that, by law, a bank can not be closed for more than three days. So I was not concerned about not getting change for our business. But this has gone on for two weeks with no end in sight.

This is a problem. A big problem. And not a peep about it in the news, so I’m proud to be the one to tell you that the problem exists. Please find a way to solve this problem.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Budget deal Message

This budget deal is Democrats’ way of saying “FU Trump. We Heart Open Borders. Here’s what you have to work with. Have a nice day!”

As small as it is, it comes with a qualifications.  For instance, no increase in the number of Border Patrol Agents.

As for the “barrier,” the legislation limits designs to only those that were in use two years ago, before Trump’s election. No Trump innovation, no new wall construction or design is permitted.

The legislation does not pay for the increase in beds the administration requested for detention facilities. Left up to what the House appropriated, they intend to continue the catch and release of illegal aliens, including those with criminal records. 

Let them sleep on the floor then. The ‘plus’ from that would be that it would be a negative incentive for others to come and crash the border. Which is currently estimated to be 60,000 per month. And, that they will not be released to prey on Americans and American Cities because Democrats won’t spring for a bed.

The House of Representatives is not responsible for the National Security. The Executive Branch is. That’s why President Trump has declared a National State of Emergency, to give him the means to fulfill his responsibility of keeping us safe.

Oddly, Nancy Pelosi and her Party are crying that Trump has overstepped his bounds by going around Congress. In reality, it is Congress that failed to provide funding necessary for national security, something they are not responsible for. By virtue of their actions, NOT funding national security as requested by the DHS, Border Patrol, and the President, Congress is the one interfering with business of the Executive Branch. Not the other way around.

Warren In For 2020

Sen. Elizabeth Warren announcing her candidacy for 2020 presidential race is so patriotically inspiring about America and Americans, surpassing Trump’s SOTU Address. NOT!

She portrays an angry woman inciting her supporters to essentially hate successful people in America, because, they became rich by robbing you, the ordinary working man. Wouldn’t they do better if they kept their money, and not give it to billionaires?

And when you apply for the Texas State Bar, that’s where you become an American Indian.