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CNN Video Is Newsworthy For Who?

CNN demonstrates the synergy between the insurgents in Iraq and the media.  If their ratings are so bad that they need to show videos of insurgent snipers killing our soldiers in Iraq, then they need to be expelled from the battlefield. Let the enemy do their own propaganda.  But who thinks this is put out for ratings?  It would fly well with terrorists in Iraq, and Iran, and Pakistan, and Afghanistan.  So in that sense, ‘ratings’ could be a factor.

The truth is, this is merely another episode that helps to undermine the administration and the war effort, which has been the objective of the MSM and their friends in the Democrat party for years.

CNN’s David Doss, executive producer of Anderson Cooper’s show said:

“We also understood that this kind of footage is upsetting and disturbing for many viewers,” he said. “But after getting beyond the emotional debate, we concluded the tape meets our criteria for newsworthiness.”


“Whether or not you agree with us in this case, our goal, as always, is to present the unvarnished truth as best we can,” Doss said.

Consider this.  We have been flooded with images, and videos, of our soldiers being attacked by IED’s in their humvees, trucks, and tanks.  We see them in their hospital beds.  We have all seen images of vehicles blown apart that had our soldiers in them. Now we get videos of an enemy sniper killing one of our soldiers.

OK fine.  Lets recall images that they and the rest of the MSM thought differently about.  Images that, from their perspective, were neither ‘newsworthy’ nor ‘unvarnished truth.’

  • Our citizens, choosing to commit suicide by leaping from the upper floors of the WTC rather than be incinerated at the hands of the terrorists.
  • The gruesome be-headings of Americans at the hands of the terrorists.  If it was reported at all.
  • We shouldn’t see the video of 9/11, because we, as a people, don’t have the mental toughness.

Where is CNN’s concern for the family of that soldier, not to mention the sensibilities of Americans period? 

CNN’s Doss also said that they

understood that some critics might find that the tape had public relations benefits for the insurgency.

Well of course.  And look at the choice they made.  The media bias cannot be subtle any longer.  Its in your face.  You see, any unvarnished images of what our vicious enemy does to us, both here in the United States and overseas, would tend to underscore why we are in this war to begin with, and why the President is doing what he is doing to protect us, (Patriot act, military tribunals, effective interrogations, terrorist surveillance program) and is the reason they won’t show them.  But, showing a video of one of our guys getting murdered tends to support their agenda of portraying this war as not winnable and that we should  just get out of Iraq.

I haven’t seen anyone question when CNN got that video.  On its face, showing the video is over the top, no matter when they got it.  What if we were to learn that the video was held for a period only to show near election-time?  And given recent history on this subject, who in their right mind would not suspect that?

Tune in to the al-CNN network for more terrorist propaganda, and Democrat talking points.


KESQ NewsChannel 3 Palm Springs, CA: House Defense chair asks Pentagon to remove embedded CNN reporters

Security Clearance Of NIE Leaker Suspended

A staffer of Democrat, Rep. Jane Harman of California, who is the senior Democrat in the House Intelligence Committee, is looking like the one who shared the report to the New York Times, just weeks before the election.  As an investigation begins in the committee, his security clearance is suspended.  That, according to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Peter Hoekstra of Michigan.

NewsMax article snippet:

Hoekstra acted after another Republican on the intelligence committee, Rep. Ray LaHood of Illinois, pointed out that the Democratic staff member requested and received a copy of the document from the office of U.S. intelligence chief John Negroponte just days before the leaks began to appear.

It’s about time that the Justice Department gets to the bottom of the leaking of top secret documents to the media.

Would-be Theif, Gets Cooked

One thief, medium rare.  Picture a thief going to an electrical company’s substation with a mission to steal copper wire.   Then imagine him cutting into 7,000 amps, and getting away. 

“A jolt like this microwaves your insides,” said John Hutchinson, spokesman for Gulf Power. “You might not have lots of burns on the outside, but your insides will be cooked. After that, it’s only a matter of time before gangrene sets in.”

“We found fingerprints on a regulator,” Hutchinson said. “The (suspect’s) fingers melted his prints into the paint. He was that hot.”

They have checked the area hospitals and clinics.  No one has come in yet, and the Sheriff’s Office is asking for the public’s help in locating the suspect. 

Is America Worth Keeping?

Listening to the secular progressives, the ACLU, and people like Vicente Fox, and CAIR, you would think not. But I like how people around the world, if given a chance or choice, want to come to America to live and prosper, when done legally. And if steps are not taken now to insure that America remains American, then I apologize to our future generations for the chaos they’ll be going through. There’s nothing wrong or un-American about this country being a so-called melting pot. What’s wrong is to let the pot melt.

Homeschooling Up In Black Families

Homeschooling, school vouchers, accountability, all are ways to combat ‘the soft bigotry of low expectations’ when it comes to educating our children to become successful and productive members of society.  That goal isn’t a race thing, its a human thing.   The demographics of ‘the educated’ can, however, be described in racial and ethnic terms, but only at the risk of being counterproductive.  There is evidence now that homeschooling among Black families is on the rise, the results of which can only be good for the kids, the families, and society.

What matters is what counts, and what counts is our children, not brick and mortar schools, not teachers unions, not bureaucrats.

ref: A new homeschooling movement led by Black families.

Investing In America Will Save Social Security

President Bush began his 2nd term with fixing Social Security being a priority. Social Security as it exists today is doomed to fail. On that, there is no disagreement.

Bush told us his plan at the State of the Union speech. First, he had to convince Congress and the American people that there is a problem.  After getting that consensus, he wants suggestions on how to fix it.  He has ideas of his own of course, but wants participation by everyone in coming up with recommendations on how to fix it.  Then he’ll fix it.

So the President and Vice-President, and others in the administration are out on a 60 day campaign to educate the public on the matter.  I call that fulfilling a campaign promise.  The biased media mocks the process as if the president was selling used cars.  He’s out ‘pushing his plan,’ putting on the ‘hard sell’. I’m sure the word snake-oil has come up somewhere too. You get the point.  What’s the left call it?  They call it pandering to Wall Street.

The last thing the dems want to do is fix Social Security using any part of private accounts.  Their answer is higher taxes. Isn’t investing in America and its future, with rates of return higher by orders of magnitude than anything Social Security could possibly provide under current legislation, better than investing in a government hell-bent on taxing you more to give to someone else?  What Winston Churchill said:

We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.

Buying U.S. Savings bonds won’t create jobs. Investing in America does.  Everyone wins. Even democrats if they’ll admit it. Isn’t it a little ironic that the government has taken this long to see the benefits of that which made us a superpower, our freedom and free enterprise.

What really drives dems crazy about the people owning their own accounts, is that they really will own it and be able to pass it on to survivors upon your demise, and, out of their reach to tax.  Not possible under today’s system. The government gets to keep it, your family gets nothing of what might have been paid out in benefits regardless of how much the departed had paid into SS over the working lifetime.  Dems today are benefiting from the peoples’ false impression that the money they’ve been paying for taxes is being held for them until they retire, so they don’t see any difference between private accounts and the current system.  You can see the hill the administration has to climb to win this debate.

Dems Help Systems, Not People, In Social Security Reform

So Sen. Minority Leader Harry Reid, Tom Daschle’s successor, turns out to be an amalgamation of Tom Daschle and John Kerry.  There isn’t a winning combination of any of these democrat politicos, although they try.

On judicial nominations, Senator Reid, in 2001, said that every judicial nominee should get an up or down vote in the judiciary committee and the senate.  We all know what an obstructionist Tom Daschle was on judicial nominees, which is why he’s living high on his retirement benefits we pay for.  It’s cheaper for us this way than if he were still in Washington.   Now however, Harry Reid has voted NO on cloture votes in the judiciary committee, ie. to deny an up or down vote in the committee as well as the senate, on Pryor, Estrada, Brown, and several others.  He was for the normal judicial nominee processes before he was against it.

On saving Social Security, Sen. Harry Reid in 1999, was an advocate of private investment accounts as part of Social Security reform.  This was when Bill Clinton first pointed out the problem Social Security faces when it comes time for the baby boomers to retire.  At that time you didn’t hear anybody, republican or democrat, disputing the fact that there was a looming problem for Social Security, that the present system was headed for insolvency.  No one disputed that, although the ‘when’ this would  happen would differ, but the end result was the same.  Here again, Senator Reid was for private citizens to hold a small percentage of what would be their taxes to be invested in private and public sector money market accounts that they own.  Historically, these investments pay from 2 to 8 times the return that SS historically contributes.  He saw the wisdom in this plan 6 years ago.  Now however, he says there is no problem in Social Security that raising taxes won’t fix. I guess you can say he was for private investment accounts before he was against them.

We are left to wonder why a few years ago when a democrat was in the White House that the problem was perceived to be real, why they now think not only that there is no problem but that private investment accounts will kill Social Security instead of saving it?  The fact that a republican is in the White House now seems to have changed the way they see Social Security.  It’s purely political, which should now be obvious.

Another obvious conclusion one can draw is that, it isn’t the peoples’ welfare they are seeking to preserve, but rather the inadequate and antiquated Social Security system itself.

Democrats Are Color-Blind On One Thing, Liberalism

The shift to the left in the political spectrum that the democrat party has achieved in the last year, has caused them to leave their legacy-base behind.  As a result, Sen. Joe Lieberman is now running as an independent for his own three-term seat because today’s democrat party has shunned him.  What with his 90% voting record in sync with his party.  About the only thing I can think of that democrats are color-blind in with respect to race is their quest for the liberal mantra.  Now Blacks aren’t liberal enough.  And this, from a constituency that votes 92% democrat. 

Aside from the arrogance of this party in, by everyone’s estimation, taking Black voters for granted, now they are tightening control and telling Blacks that they aren’t liberal enough?  

This repulsive thought aside, all I can say to Black voters is, the republican party welcomes you.   Politics aside, your vote is not decided by party affiliation.   The Florida panhandle is a good example.  The legacy democrats down here are more conservative than their party leadership and vote with less emphasis on the D than on the issues.   It’s not so much that there aren’t democrats down here that the party talks about writing off the south.  It’s that a lot of democrats down here will vote for a republican or a republican policy.  They were left behind long before Joe Lieberman.

Muslim Silence Breeds Bias

Just a wild guess, but maybe if they got out in front of this issue by constantly denouncing any and all the terrorists attacks, instead of being mute, things might different. If profiling bothers you, get used to it. Expect it. If the terrorists matched a profile of a fat old white guy, I’d expect to be scrutinized more too. The silence coming from Mosques in our neighborhoods can too easily be misunderstood.
Poll: Muslims Face Bias in United States []