Category Archives: War On Terror

Democrats And Jews

The rise in antisemitism in the United States is disturbing to say the least. What’s even more disturbing is the silence coming from The White House on stopping it. And the so-called news media complies by not asking Biden why he’s not doing so.

Could it be because the hate rallies in the streets and on campuses are also Biden supporters? Supported and financed by the same donors that support Biden and Democrats.

It’s about political power and money with them. The Constitution be dammed. We’ve seen this movie before.

Since its founding, the Democrat Party has been pro slavery and anti-Black. In a word, racist. They were against all the civil rights laws of the 50’s and 60’s.

The only thing that has changed now is it’s not Blacks, its Jews. And Biden hasn’t the guts to call it out. Power and money. Since the 10/7/24 attack (and the rest that continue to follow), Biden has demonstrated more support for Israel’s enemy than for Israel. Biden doesn’t want Hamas to lose more than he wants Israel to win.

Same goes with the Russia/Ukraine war. Two countries that have given millions of dollars to the Biden crime family. Biden would not give Ukraine the kind of military support that would have them win. Just like with Israel, Biden doesn’t want Russia to lose more than he wants Ukraine to win.

Now Russia has warships in Cuba and gets a big yawn from Quid Pro Joe. What’s next? WWIII?

Gaza, All Anti-Semites

Weird how the “from the river to the sea” crowd (all Democrats) get a pass when there’s no gray area in that statement. Eliminate Israel and all Jews in it. It’s heard in Gaza, Congress, and in the streets in cities across the United States. The media falls in line with the narrative.

You know where there’s no gray area? There’s no gray area in the antisemitism on display in Gaza and here. One could allow that yes, Hamas are terrorists whose mission is to wipe out Israel and all Jews on the planet. Palestinians willingly elected them to be, and run, their government. 

But it’s no stretch to say that while not all Palestinians are terrorists, they all are anti-Semitic. What you don’t see are Palestinians publicly condemning Hamas for the October 7 attack on Israel that started the war. You don’t see any of them waving the Israeli flag, you know, for humanitarian reasons. I haven’t seen it. Have you?

Link: Escambia Democratic Party calling for Rep. Salzman to resign for Israel-Hamas war comment

EU Flirts With Suicide

Isn’t it obvious by now that the EU doesn’t really care about a nuclear Iran? Well, not more than they care about selling goods and services to Iran.

If they can’t survive economically without Iran, they’ve got a huge problem. There’s a world of customers out there, Iran doesn’t have to be one of them. And, funding a state sponsor of terror to the point that would enable Iran to lob a nuke their way makes sense to who?

Link: Europe Asks U.S. for an Exemption From Sanctions on Iran

New Hands Up, Don’t Shoot

It never occurred to me that a Commander-in-Chief would call the wife of a man who gave his last measure for his country, to insult her, her family, and all fallen soldiers. But according to Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL24), that’s what happened.

Rep. Wilson has created her own version of “hands up don’t shoot.” Because like the hands up don’t shoot meme, Wilson’s account of the sympathy call President Trump made to Myeshia Johnson, wife of Sgt. La David T. Johnson, was not real either.

Turns out that Rep. Wilson is a family friend of Mrs. Johnson. Which is why she was with her and her two children when the president’s call came.

Rep. Wilson said on Wednesday . . .

“What he said was, ‘I guess he knew what he was signing up for but it still hurts.’ That’s how he said it.”

Creating a false narrative, then using it to attack a political party or person is not new for Democrats. It’s used all the time.

  • There’s this one used to attack Trump, who she always has despised and made no bones about it.
  • The “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” story, debunked. Did not happen.
  • The “Russian Dossier, ” totally fabricated, was used to start an investigation to explain why Hillary lost, by collusion between Russia and Trump. (Haven’t found any Russians yet, but they’re still looking. And won’t end it for lack of evidence.)

But what good is lying to attack the opposition if you can’t lie to help yourself?

  • Benghazi Attack 9/11/2012, was a result of an internet video. A lie.

As told not just to you, but to the Gold Star parents beside their son’s casket.  That lie was to save Barack Obama’s re-election bid, after campaigning by saying al-Qaeda is on the run. Had to be solidarity in the lie, so there was, by President Obama, Sec. of State Clinton, and Ambassador Rice, echoed by the media ad nauseum.

It remains to be seen in this case whether we are seeing another media/democrat meme that Trump doesn’t treat the military and widows with respect, or whether we’re just talking about the mental capacity of Rep. Frederica Wilson.

You know the experiment where you have 20 people who pass a message from one to the other, and how the message is different by the time it gets to the last person? In Wilson’s case, she can’t handle person #1.

In her quote above from the NYT, she quotes what, according to her, Trump said. Then followed by “That’s how he said it.”  So which is it? Is that how he said it, or is that, in fact, what he said?

Given her hatred for Trump, and not a friend of veterans, chances are very good that’s what she heard, even though that’s not what he said.

Here she is today, pleased with how she has become a “rock star” since the call. That she would use that occasion like a campaign stop is disgusting.

If not wacky.


Judicial Anarchy, Tyranny

Another rogue judge ruling, not on the law, not on the constitution, but on his (and Obama’s) personal feelings and agenda.

A few days before the travel ban v2.0, President Obama met with the judge, a former Harvard Law School classmate, while vacationing in Hawaii. Then miraculously, 2 hours after the temporary travel ban was issued, this judge comes up with a 34 page law-less opinion issuing a stay.

Echoes of the politicized DOJ are clear in the court system too. Time to get the impeachment train running. When we lose the rule of law, we lose the country.

Debate 2016: Iran Nuclear Deal

What Hillary Clinton said in response to Donald Trump’s comment about the Iran nuclear deal being a disaster, was one of the highlights, or lowlights, of the night. Given the magnitude for disaster that nuclear weapons pose, so much was said by Clinton that contradicts her claim to being fit for duty as our President.

Speaking of Iran and the “Deal,” Hillary Clinton said . . .

“They had built covert facilities.”


Barack Obama, herself, and John Kerry “got a deal that put a lid on Iran’s nuclear program.”

False. First of all, the so-called “lid” is temporary (10 yrs.), after that they can do whatever the hell they want. The “lid” is gone. The deal also presumes that Iran won’t cheat during that 10 yr. timeframe.  From the country that “had built covert facilities,” why would we think Iran might cheat? They’ll still have their nuclear weapons whether they cheat or not.

“Nuclear weapons pose the number one threat we face in the world. And it becomes particularly threatening if terrorists ever get their hands on nuclear weapons.”

Iran is the largest State sponsor of terror and terrorists in the world. Led by Mullahs who chant ‘death to America, the Great Satan’ and death to Israel. “Threatening” (to quote Hillary Clinton) to us, Israel, and our allies in the Middle East. The Iran Deal paves the way for them to achieve the nuclear status they want. And it isn’t for producing electricity. This deal is the nuclear proliferation that she claims she does not want. In other words, it’s not good if Japan or South Korea have them, but it’s just fine if Iran does?

And here’s the kicker, the Deal was . . .

“Very successful in gaining access to Iranian facilities that we never had before.”

This is very telling, in how weak a deal it is just so President Obama, John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton can say that they made one. It’s from the very same perspective that they say our Southern border has never been as secure as it is today.

They caved to Iran on “anytime anyplace” inspections. That was one of the conditions Obama bragged about. (Remember him bragging about Obamacare, none of which has come to fruition?) But true to form, Iran stuck to their guns, and Kerry caved to the point that, not only are there no anytime anyplace inspections, but there are nuclear facilities that are “off limits” to independent inspectors. What could go wrong with a deal like that?

And who will stop Iran from using their nuclear weapons capacity? Won’t be the United States. According to the deal, we have to protect Iran’s nuclear facilities. According to the deal that she, Kerry, and Obama have made, if Israel finds it necessary to act on their own for their own national security, it will be the U.S. who will protect Iran’s nuclear facilities. That means fighting against our ally and protecting this terrorist State. And that makes sense to who? To Barack Obama, who’s mission is building his legacy, even if it is fake, built on lies and naiveté.

Continuing to lie to the American people, like her former boss does, when the American people are trying to decide on their next president, is Hillary Clinton’s most “qualifying” moral trait.

Clinton-Obama Give ‘Aid and Comfort’

I don’t know. You’ll have to decide if Hillary Clinton is nuts or just crazy?

You know what “aid and comfort” to terrorists (that would be Iran) is? Giving billions of dollars in cash to Iran, the largest state sponsor of terror in the world. Hamas and Hezbollah really appreciate it. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Kerry (who served in Vietnam) should be prosecuted for it.

She had a 4 question (from 4 female reporters)10 minute “presser” on the tarmac. What this show is about is blaming Trump (candidate for 1 year) for the terrorist attacks over the last 7 years. They’re not about to accept responsibility for their incompetence in fighting ‘Islamic terrorism.’ A term that they can not even say. And the reason they can’t say it is because they haven’t a clue how to stop it.

Link: Clinton says Trump gives ‘aid, comfort’ to IS recruiters

Deadliest July In Chicago

65 people killed in Chicago in July, a toll that pushed the number of homicides in the city this year to nearly 400.  The total for all last year was 490. By comparison, total U.S. casualties in Operation Enduring Freedom for this year is 5.

It was the deadliest July since 2006, when 65 homicides were also recorded, according to Chicago Police Department records.  Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson noted that the month was still lower than June, when 72 homicides were reported.

That was for July. In less than a week for August, between last Friday afternoon and early Thursday, at least 99 people were shot in the city, 24 of them fatally.  At least nine people were killed on Monday alone, the deadliest day in Chicago in 13 years, according to Tribune data. Among the wounded that day was a 10-year-old boy shot in the back as he played on his front porch in Lawndale. That’s a 4:1 shoot/kill ratio.

Here’s a stunning statistic for you to ponder.  40 of the weekend’s shooting victims had been arrested 672 times.

Those killed over the weekend included 23-year-old Abner Garcia, an Army veteran with no criminal history, and 19-year-old Arshell Dennis, a college student whose father was a police officer. On Sunday, a 6-year-old girl became the third child under 10 to be shot in the past week, and a pregnant woman was shot in her chest.

When and how will it end? It won’t end until Democrats own up to the destructive nature that their feel-good social engineering is having on poor people; Black, White, and everywhere in between. Patrick Smith, the father of the  armed thug who was shot this weekend in Milwaukee, got one part of  the problem right when he said . . .

“Being on the street, doing things of the street life: Entertaining, drug dealing and pimping and they’re looking at their dad like ‘he’s doing all these things.’ I got out of jail two months ago, but I’ve been going back and forth in jail and they see those things so I’d like to apologize to my kids because this is the role model they look up to. When they see the wrong role model, this is what you get.”

If you believe that giving illegal aliens a drivers licenses will save innocent victims from their DUI and hit-and-runs, then I have a suggestion for cities like Chicago where gun violence is so prevalent. If just one innocent life could be saved . . .  Innocent lives would be spared if the thugs had better marksmanship skills with their illegal guns. If, through proper weapons training, we could get their efficiency closer to 1:1 than 4:1, then that little 6- yr-old girl would be alive today. It’s a win-win.

Khizr Khan, Rebuttal

The 15 minutes of fame for Khizr Khan has passed. The mainstream media, and their political party are not done milking it as the big distraction though. Whatever! They, and the Clinton campaign, will do anything to draw the attention away from their flawed, lying, unqualified, and dangerous candidate and onto Donald Trump.

To mark the end of the Khizr Khan’s DNC speech (aka Trump Attack), it is necessary to finally address it.

“If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America.”

Gold Star father’s demagogic lie. The Khans immigrated here, decades ago, and legally. They were not scooped up and brought here like bales of hay. Trump only wants inhabitants of terrorist hotbed countries to stay in place, in safe zones within their own countries or nearby, so they can return home when the war is over, or until such time as a safe, and real, vetting process is in place.

“Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims.”

Gold Star father’s demagogic lie. Trump calls out Islamic terrorists for what they are, terrorists. Only if Khizr Khan believes that all Muslims are terrorists could his attack on Trump be true. And Trump does not believe that. Maybe Khan does?

“He disrespects other minorities — women, judges, even his own party leadership.”

More political and demagogic rhetoric. Par for the course. Mr. Khan forgets the he isn’t the only American who has a 1st Amendment right. The “judge” of Mexican heritage Trump spoke of has his own biases on illegal immigration built-in, both in practice and otherwise.

“He vows to build walls and ban us from this country.”

Again, another attack based on a false narrative, on national television, at the political event. Typical “red meat” kind of rhetoric one would expect from a political hack like Debbie Was-a-man Shultz or Khizr Khan. Let’s be clear about the Syrian refugees. They are not coming here in boats, airplanes, or swimming across the ocean to get to America. If you ask them, they will tell you that they want to stay there and to go back home as soon as they can. But no,  they are being picked up like low-hanging fruit (and undocumented democrats) and brought here, by the thousands. Terrorists among them.

“Donald Trump, you are asking Americans to trust you with our future. Let me ask you: Have you even read the U.S. Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy. In this document, look for the words “liberty” and “equal protection of law.””

Can’t speak for his copy of the Constitution, but my copy also says, above all else and, in the first sentence, called the Preamble, exactly what Donald Trump (and most Americans) wants to do. Look for the words “insure domestic Tranquility” and “provide for the common defense.” There is no liberty or equal protection for terrorists. Foreign or domestic. Similarly, the U.S. Constitution does not apply to inhabitants of Syria, Yemen, Tunisia, Somalia, Libya, Algeria, Nigeria, Sudan, or anywhere else and anyone else who is not a U.S. citizen.

“Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery? Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending America — you will see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities.”

More of the same demagogic rhetoric that fails to distinguish between regular Americans and those who want us dead. It’s what elected Democrats and Hillary Clinton do.

Khizr Khan has no immunity from reprisals for spreading lies about Donald Trump just because he is a Gold Star father. His son fought and died for our country. His son fought against the kind of Islamic extremism that Donald Trump will fight against for us, as President. To keep us, not terrorists, safe.

By his statements at the Democratic National Convention, what Khizr Khan is doing, and continues to do, aside from baseless attacks on Donald Trump, is to advocate on the side of the terrorists that killed his son. And that remains his cross (no pun intended) to bear.