Category Archives: Media

Democrats And Jews

The rise in antisemitism in the United States is disturbing to say the least. What’s even more disturbing is the silence coming from The White House on stopping it. And the so-called news media complies by not asking Biden why he’s not doing so.

Could it be because the hate rallies in the streets and on campuses are also Biden supporters? Supported and financed by the same donors that support Biden and Democrats.

It’s about political power and money with them. The Constitution be dammed. We’ve seen this movie before.

Since its founding, the Democrat Party has been pro slavery and anti-Black. In a word, racist. They were against all the civil rights laws of the 50’s and 60’s.

The only thing that has changed now is it’s not Blacks, its Jews. And Biden hasn’t the guts to call it out. Power and money. Since the 10/7/24 attack (and the rest that continue to follow), Biden has demonstrated more support for Israel’s enemy than for Israel. Biden doesn’t want Hamas to lose more than he wants Israel to win.

Same goes with the Russia/Ukraine war. Two countries that have given millions of dollars to the Biden crime family. Biden would not give Ukraine the kind of military support that would have them win. Just like with Israel, Biden doesn’t want Russia to lose more than he wants Ukraine to win.

Now Russia has warships in Cuba and gets a big yawn from Quid Pro Joe. What’s next? WWIII?

Gaza, All Anti-Semites

Weird how the “from the river to the sea” crowd (all Democrats) get a pass when there’s no gray area in that statement. Eliminate Israel and all Jews in it. It’s heard in Gaza, Congress, and in the streets in cities across the United States. The media falls in line with the narrative.

You know where there’s no gray area? There’s no gray area in the antisemitism on display in Gaza and here. One could allow that yes, Hamas are terrorists whose mission is to wipe out Israel and all Jews on the planet. Palestinians willingly elected them to be, and run, their government. 

But it’s no stretch to say that while not all Palestinians are terrorists, they all are anti-Semitic. What you don’t see are Palestinians publicly condemning Hamas for the October 7 attack on Israel that started the war. You don’t see any of them waving the Israeli flag, you know, for humanitarian reasons. I haven’t seen it. Have you?

Link: Escambia Democratic Party calling for Rep. Salzman to resign for Israel-Hamas war comment

Media v. Israel

Finally, after weeks of interference from President Joe Biden, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu begins wiping out the terrorist regime in Gaza, from Gaza. Israel didn’t start this war, but they intend on finishing it by killing the enemy that uses its own citizens as human shields. Defeating the enemy is the path to peace. A couple world wars proves that.

What’s sickening about this is the media narrative, and Biden talking out of both sides of his mouth saying that Israel has every right to defend itself, but the US and Israel have to send humanitarian aid to Gaza, before the war is over. On top of that, the UN (Useless Nations) is blaming Israel for starting this war, and is singing the same song.

War sucks and innocent civilians get killed. That’s the nature of war. Makes one wonder if WW1 and WW2 would have had a different outcome if the same media existed then as exists today. Your mileage may vary.

Aside Order

Govt Partners With Cartels

Excessive government interference in the free market won’t put the Mexican cartels out of business. On the contrary. It empowers them. In the same way that government open border policies do.

Link: Why weed companies can’t make any money

What Tyranny Looks Like

High-ranking officials in the Biden administration worked hand in hand with influential social media companies to censor content that was deemed “misinformation,” according to emails revealed this week. The government identified “examples of problematic content,” and social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter would remove the posts, said the emails obtained in a lawsuit by Republican attorneys general Erich Schmitt of Missouri and Jeff Landry of Louisiana.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre clammed up when asked about the Biden administration’s alleged collusion with big tech.

“So, I–I–I don’t have anything to share with you on that. I’m not going to comment on that right at this time,” the White House press secretary said during the briefing.

Link: White House press secretary can’t answer if Biden administration colluded with big tech to censor Americans on social media

Woke Or Consequences

 “As Bed Bath & Beyond continues to face tanking stock prices and company-wide restructuring, one of the company’s executives jumped to his death on Friday, according to a news report.”

Was this decline before or after the company went woke and announced it was no longer selling anything from the My Pillow company? Causation or Correlation?

Link: Bed Bath & Beyond CFO Leaps to Death from NYC Skyscraper, Just Days After Company Releases Horrible News: Report


FBI’s Wray Must Go

Here’s yet another reason to fire FBI Director Christopher Wray. Through mismanagement or no management, the FBI’s communication management is so bad that they have to issue estimates on crimes rates this year.

Why? “[N]ot every law enforcement agency in the U.S. has successfully moved to the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) for reporting their crime data”

They’ve known about it since 2015. It was supposed to be completed by 2021. Good example of bureaucracy gone amok. How can they fight crime (instead of looking for crime) if they can’t even communicate?

So who’s affected by this? “A few major cities, however, are still working on the transition. Crime estimates will fill in the gaps where data is not available this year.”

We should trust their estimates on the major crime cities in the country.

And you also won’t get national stats. “The release will not include national view tables.”

Two things I don’t doubt about this story. The incompetence of big government. And political bias in the estimates. Meaning, they will be understated. Because that’s what they do.

This is how Wray was received when Biden took over. “Biden will reportedly keep Wray as FBI director, choosing to avoid turmoil” is the headline. The “choosing to avoid turmoil” part, in Democratspeak means “yippee, we keep our swamp dweller and appear to be magnanimous to the gullible Republicans.”

Did I say the midterms are coming?

Link:Biden will reportedly keep Wray as FBI director, choosing to avoid turmoil

No Infrastructure For You

Ever since President Carter’s creation of the Department of Energy in 1977, the purpose of which was to become energy independent.  It was a total failure. Not until 2019 in the Trump Administration did the country reach energy independence, where production exceeds consumption, for the first time in 62 years.

That was a time when the economy experienced an economic slowdown, gas prices were rising, gas stations were running out of gas, and the ones that had gas had lines going down the street. The Unites States was at the mercy of foreign countries for oil because we didn’t have enough supply of our own.  People referred to the economy back than as the Carter Malaise.  News organizations were polling and reporting what they called the “Misery Index” on a daily basis.

That President Trump could do this in only 3 years says a lot about the Washington insiders and bureaucrats that, by their actions, or in this case, in-action, could not do. The same politicians who go bonkers come election time, always wanting to spend (they call invest) billions and trillions of dollars in RBI, Roads, Bridges, and Infrastructure. (Joe Biden was in charge of doing just that under President Obama. Remember the “shovel ready” joke?) Should be obvious by now that they didn’t mean a word they said.

The irony in President Biden putting the kibosh on the most important infrastructure project in our time, that truly made us energy independent, somehow (not really) escapes notice in the media.







Systemic crime

The Left (Democrats/Media), are amplifying “systemic racism” in the country. Since its founding no less. Weird how they just started pushing that narrative when President Trump first ran and won, and not before. 

Playing the Race Card is where they go when they’re out of ideas, or, to distract from real problems facing the country. 

If there’s anything “systemic” going on that needs to be addressed, it’s the systemic violence in Democrat-run cities. The riots, the murders, the shootings, the robberies, the rapes, the no-go zones, the guns, and the drugs. And this has not existed since the country’s founding.

It started when Law Enforcers suddenly became the bad guys, and criminals the victims. Credit The Community Organizer and President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, and “his wing-man” Eric Holder for that. He started it. D’s and the media embraced the narrative. And we are where we are today because of it. 

Politically, it serves their agenda better to blame the opposition Party with the Race Card, than to own up to their failures and get right with enforcing laws everywhere. Protecting people everywhere. Spinning systemic racism like they do is only killing more of the Americans they pretend to represent. But to Democrats, if it means keeping political power, it’s worth it. Or to put it another way, for Democrats, Black lives really don’t matter.

Where’s the commission?

Nobody incited an insurrection in Washington, DC 1/6/21. That’s a big lie, day in and day out. An insurrection without a single weapon. An insurrection when Capitol Police are opening the doors and letting people in.
This is just the replacement narrative for Trump/Russia collusion. An attempt at making sure Trump does not return to politics because they know they’re done if he does. That’s all this Big Lie is about. Since this Commission has subpoena power and public hearings, the media will be fed a daily dose of bull Schiff attacking Trump, his business, and . . . you.
So, where are the Commissions to investigate Antifa and Black Lives Matter and the 2 billion dollars of damage they’ve created in this country? The police officers who they’ve assaulted and in some cases killed in this country. The civilians who they’ve assaulted and in some cases killed in this country. The small business people they’ve put out of work. Where are the Commissions?
Where are the Commissions for the attack on The White House when Donald Trump was president?
Where are the Commissions for three months of nightly attacks on a Federal Court House in Portland, Oregon?
Where are the Commissions for the lawlessness and anarchy on our Southern Border, at the affirmative direction of the President of the United States, as he’s done nothing to stop it?
Where’s the Commission, when Chuck Schumer threatened two Supreme Court Justices a year and a half ago?
Where’s the Commission, when Nancy Pelosi incited attacks on Federal Law Enforcement Officers by calling then Storm Troopers?
Where are the Commissions for them? That there are none tells you all you need to know about what motivates Pelosi, Schumer, and their ilk.
H/T to Mark Levin podcast 5/19/21.

Media incites assassination?

One can’t deny the unifying power of President Trump. Even when he doesn’t try.

Democrats, including their candidate for Vice President, have weighed in on the use of force and violence. They’re really in tune (in their own mind) on threats of this nature. For example . . .

Now, eight days before Biden’s inauguration, the media writes about “Targeting A President” in a story about “impeaching” President Trump. A title like “Impeaching A President” just doesn’t do enough for them. We know what Democrats and the Media, but I repeat myself, mean to convey by wording like this. Politically speaking,  there’s not much difference between a bulls-eye and target. One marks the target, the other is the target. For example, remember how they reacted to a Sarah Palin add about congressional district races, ie. Gabby Giffords?

Parties reversed, Democrat leaders would call this a dog whistle to assassinate the President. But they’re not. Giving the Sharpshooter Wing (any wackjob with a gun looking for an excuse) of the Democrat Party the green light. 

Here’s the Front Page of the local, shrinking, newspaper.

Oh the depth and breadth of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Without even trying, President Trump has unified the Democrat Party in supporting violence against their political opposition. Up to and including assassination. 

Note: Currently, Google returns 50 million hits on “democrats target trump.”

Related link: Here are six videos of Democrats calling for violence or physical confrontations that are still active on Twitter

Bobulinski blackout

“Tony Bobulinski, former business associate of Hunter Biden, addresses media in Nashville, Tenn. ahead of second presidential debate.”
And by “media,” only FOX News covered it live or reported it.
Here’s where the media is today. Well, aside from being the PR Department for the Democrat Party. For over three years, they have been reporting nothing but Trump/Russia collusion in trying to rig the election to favor Trump. Which was proven to be a lie. And they still carry it on today, a la Rep. Adam BullSchiff.
And today, when there is a real live participant (that would be like a real whistleblower), who wants to publicly set the record straight, the same media will NOT cover it. Which arguably could be considered an attempt to rig THIS election.