Category Archives: Energy

De-Growth Department Of Energy

If any politician in this country is a Russian asset, it’s Joe Biden and the de-growth global warming nuts who control him. In the Biden Administration, the Dept. of Energy isn’t about getting cheap, plentiful, and clean energy. It’s about “Addressing the effects of climate change.”

Why else would he reverse US energy independence while lifting sanctions on Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline, forcing us to buy oil from Russia and unfriendly states in the Middle East and Communist Venezuela, begging OPEC to increase their production?

But that’s not enough for Joe Biden. Contrary to its purpose, he wants to use the strategic reserves as a response to high prices at the pump. So if and when time comes that we actually need the strategic reserves, we won’t have them and will still be beholden to the same communist regimes for energy.

Current authorized capacity of the SPR (Strategic Petroleum Reserve) is 714 million barrels.  In 2019 there were 634.9 million barrels in reserve. Today, that is down to 568 million barrels. A decrease of 10% from 2019 with no plans to replenish, and a 20% decrease from authorized capacity.

Putin couldn’t have done a better job of weakening our country and national security. For that, Biden gets a Happy Face from Vlad. And the global warming nuts are all warm and fuzzy. Because for them increasing oil production is a good thing as long as we don’t do it ourselves.

This is what fundamental change in America is shaping up to be as long as the Left and spineless Democrats are in the majority. 

Links: DOE Announces Second Emergency Notice of Sale of Crude Oil From The Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Address Putin’s Energy Price Hike | DOE’s Top Priority DOE Response to Putin’s Price Hike | Strategic Petroleum Reserve Inventory | National Security & Safety Why tapping the SPR is one of many ‘bad’ options to ease gasoline prices

No Infrastructure For You

Ever since President Carter’s creation of the Department of Energy in 1977, the purpose of which was to become energy independent.  It was a total failure. Not until 2019 in the Trump Administration did the country reach energy independence, where production exceeds consumption, for the first time in 62 years.

That was a time when the economy experienced an economic slowdown, gas prices were rising, gas stations were running out of gas, and the ones that had gas had lines going down the street. The Unites States was at the mercy of foreign countries for oil because we didn’t have enough supply of our own.  People referred to the economy back than as the Carter Malaise.  News organizations were polling and reporting what they called the “Misery Index” on a daily basis.

That President Trump could do this in only 3 years says a lot about the Washington insiders and bureaucrats that, by their actions, or in this case, in-action, could not do. The same politicians who go bonkers come election time, always wanting to spend (they call invest) billions and trillions of dollars in RBI, Roads, Bridges, and Infrastructure. (Joe Biden was in charge of doing just that under President Obama. Remember the “shovel ready” joke?) Should be obvious by now that they didn’t mean a word they said.

The irony in President Biden putting the kibosh on the most important infrastructure project in our time, that truly made us energy independent, somehow (not really) escapes notice in the media.







Biden hearts china

On his first day, President Biden put our nation at  unacceptable risk when he dealt a blow to the energy industry. The consequence of which means we will once again be dependent on petroleum from foreign and hostile countries. But in this case, it’s a Two-for. It also gives Canada a poke in the eye to their economy too. Brilliant geopolitical move by President Biden.

“Alberta Premier Jason Kenney said in a different statement that he urged Trudeau to tell Biden that “rescinding the Keystone XL border crossing permit would damage the Canada-US bilateral relationship.”

To refresh your memory, Under President Jimmy Carter, The ‘Department of Energy’ was instituted on August 4, 1977. Its purpose was to lessen U.S. dependence on foreign oil. During Carter’s malaise there were long lines for gas at the gas stations. Prices were high.

Today, and for a few years, China owns and or operates both sides of the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal.  Given the cozy relationship the Biden family has with Communist China, I’m sure Joe doesn’t see how that could be a problem.

So what difference at this point does it make? It doesn’t take a genius to see the consequences of such a move, given the ever increasing presence and pressure from China wanting to rule the world.

The United States is the largest user of the canal; the second-largest is China. Approximately 60 percent of all the cargo that passes through the Panama Canal either originates in or is destined for the United States.

Losing thousands of good paying and mostly union jobs, and an industry, while making us vulnerable to Communist China, is not looking out for America and our interests. 

So whenever China wanted, they can choke the U.S. right out of product, including fuel. The alternate route is around South America. But Hunter is doing OK, and the environmentalist wackos are celebrating. Biden family first, America Last.

Links: With a pen stroke, President Joe Biden cancels Keystone XL pipeline project   |  Commentary: Expansion of the Panama Canal benefits global trade  |  Canada pleads case for controversial Keystone oil pipeline with Biden administration

Climate Schlimate, Paris Accord

Pulling out of the Paris Accord is best for America. The anti-capitalist anti-American community are pushing the narrative that man-made global warming is going to kill the planet, and that the United States is responsible, and should set the example by agreeing to it.

The [agreement] promises to damage the economy while surrendering American sovereignty over climate policy to yet another international, largely anti-American enterprise. Our climate policy — which incorporates health and economic policy — would be mandated by the terms of this agreement. It is a hard-and-fast agreement that targets the United States as the primary culprit and requires the United States to carry the primary burden in fixing what isn’t broken, in stopping what isn’t happening: Man-made climate change.

We are setting the example already, and don’t need to shift trillions of taxpayer dollars from our side of the planet to the other. Get back to me when the rest of the world, including China and India, can run their industrialized economies as efficiently and environmentally friendly as we do. Then tell me what the global temperature should be, and how to keep it from changing.

OPEC’s World Changing

Ever since the long gas lines of the 70’s and the invention of the Department of Energy under Jimmy Carter (which proved to be an exercise in futility), Americans have been held hostage to OPEC in the prices they pay for fuel.

Two headlines tell a story . . .

Finally, having the will to use the energy potential we have,  the United States can shift from being an energy buyer to an energy producer-seller. And OPEC doesn’t like the new competition.

Thanks to the Trump administration’s opening up of our own energy resources with the goal of energy independence, the global energy market has changed.

Nothing against OPEC, but it is they who have to adjust to market pressures. As for the United States? It’s America first.

Dept of Energy Embeds

One of the things people don’t like about Washington, and the Obama administration, is the way that political operatives are embedded into every agency of the Executive Branch.  So much so that the phrase “drain the swamp,” made popular by candidate Trump, now Pres.-elect Trump, was widely accepted by voters in November.

The politicization of the Dept. of Energy is in the news now. The Dept. of Justice is another, but that’s for another time.

Lately, the Obama administration fired a top scientist and intimidated staff at the Department of Energy in order to further its climate change agenda.

A top DoE scientist who liaised with Congress on the matter was fired by the Obama administration for being too forthright with lawmakers, according to the report, which provides an in-depth look at the White House’s efforts to ensure senior staffers toe the administration’s line.

So it’s no surprise that the Obama administration stiffed the incoming transition team’s request for names in the DoE who have been working in the area of Climate Change. Not only that, but Democrats are pushing back for them even wanting to know. The epitome of politicization of an agency. They claim it is over-reaching. I think it is important to know who is involved so the new administration can learn what it is they have to say on the subject. Regardless, it won’t take long for the new administration to find out who they are and what they know. Sooner or later, the swamp will be drained of the political embeds poised to fight against the administration.

Like Obama once said. Elections have consequences.

Links: Congress: Obama Admin Fired Top Scientist to Advance Climate Change Plans  |  DOE won’t provide names of climate change staffers to Trump team  |  Democrats call for special counsel to probe Trump team’s focus on climate scientists

Dep. of Interior Goes Rouge On Dakota Pipeline

This is a prime example how the unelected bureaucracy, with its regulatory agencies, drive up cost of everything, including the Dakota Access oil pipeline in southern North Dakota.

After a decade of planning, research, and obtaining approvals for same, Obama’s Dept. of Interior throws a wrench into the project by using the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to deny an easement for the completion of the project.

The pipeline is largely complete except for the now-blocked segment underneath Lake Oahe, a Missouri River reservoir.

But that’s not all it did. The Department also inserted a pack of Indians, protesters, with zero interest in the project into the negotiating and planning process.

According to a news release, Assistant Secretary for Civil Works Jo-Ellen Darcy said her decision was based on the need to “explore alternate routes” for the pipeline’s crossing. What? Now that it is already built is no time to explore alternate routes.

And anyone should even wonder why the Obama administration is the most unfriendly to business and industry?  Especially the energy industry. And why they move overseas wherever possible to avoid this kind of interference?

Links: The Dakota Access Pipeline Project  |  Army Corps blocks route of Dakota Access oil pipeline

Stumped On Trump

Up until the other day, both of the so-called outsiders had me going ‘yeah, that’s right.’ Both Ted Cruz and Donald J. Trump championed free-market capitalism. Both believed that corporate welfare and crony capitalism had no place in a government by, of, and for the people. Both denounce pandering to special interests.

This is what Trump said in Pensacola just last week: (h/t Inweekly)

“Believe me, so much special interest that the politicians they’re all talk, they’re no action. They’re controlled by their lobbyist or their special or their donors, totally. If it’s bad remember this, if it’s bad for the United States, and if it’s good for them and the people they’re representing, forget it. The United States doesn’t have a chance.”

This all changed when Cruz was polling closer to Trump, and the Iowa caucuses became imminent.

Trump is a smart guy, and at the top of his game in his profession. But to now accuse Ted Cruz of being beholden to Big Oil because he does not support the food-for-fuel scam on the public called government subsidizing the ethanol industry, he has dropped off the conservative wagon. Aside from that accusation being patently not true, Cruz wants to end subsidies to the oil industry as well. He wants to end all govt subsidies, leaving the innovation and success in all industries up to the free market.

There is a contradiction that I can’t reconcile here about Trump. When in Iowa, to talk about not only supporting govt intervention and subsidies to the ethanol industry, (which makes fuel and food more expensive, and has a larger carbon footprint to produce than what is purported to save by using it, Trump is calling for increasing ethanol government subsides. If that’s not pandering, I don’t know what is. I’m sure his recent endorsee, Sarah Palin, would be in favor of ending the Big Agra welfare. Not increasing it. Hoping she can get his mind right on this.

It’s a contradiction in everything Trump has campaigned on until he entered Iowa. If a close and credible challenge is all it takes for him to change his principles, I’m sorry to see it.

I’m also sorry to see him lying about Cruz, just like Democrats do, to try to discredit him. The opportunity for a Republican landslide is at hand. It’s the Republican’s election to lose. Keep your taking points and criticisms of your opponents factual. Mr. Trump, don’t screw it up by going to the dark side.

Obama Caves To Greens, Rejects XL Pipeline

Moving right along to govern against the will of the people, President Obama, and his sidekick Sec. of State John Kerry, rejected  the largest energy-related infrastructure project in decades, the Keystone XL pipeline.

What the media calls a victory for “the greens,” the American people call a government that operates for special interests who put dollars in campaign coffers. Which is why Gallup comes up with this, “Americans Name Government as No. 1 U.S. Problem.”

Despite the State Department’s own environmental impact study which says having the XL Pipeline will reduce carbon emissions compared to not having it, President Obama turns out to be against it for political reasons instead of for it for economic and scientific reasons. (It’s what community organizers do.)

Canadian tar sands are likely to be developed regardless of U.S. action on the pipeline, the report said, and other options to get the oil from Canada to Gulf Coast refineries — including rail, trucks and barges — would be worse for climate change.

Since this oil is going to be extracted anyway, what is to gain by not allowing the XL pipeline? That’s easy, it will be carried on Warren Buffet’s (Obama contributor and activist) railroad, with the exploding trains instead?

And did I mention that the American people think government is the number one problem? And who’s been in charge again?

Links: Obama rejects Keystone XL pipeline in win for greens  |  Fellow Democrats press Obama to approve Keystone, following environmental report  |  Americans Name Government as No. 1 U.S. Problem