Category Archives: Egypt

Biden hearts china

On his first day, President Biden put our nation at  unacceptable risk when he dealt a blow to the energy industry. The consequence of which means we will once again be dependent on petroleum from foreign and hostile countries. But in this case, it’s a Two-for. It also gives Canada a poke in the eye to their economy too. Brilliant geopolitical move by President Biden.

“Alberta Premier Jason Kenney said in a different statement that he urged Trudeau to tell Biden that “rescinding the Keystone XL border crossing permit would damage the Canada-US bilateral relationship.”

To refresh your memory, Under President Jimmy Carter, The ‘Department of Energy’ was instituted on August 4, 1977. Its purpose was to lessen U.S. dependence on foreign oil. During Carter’s malaise there were long lines for gas at the gas stations. Prices were high.

Today, and for a few years, China owns and or operates both sides of the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal.  Given the cozy relationship the Biden family has with Communist China, I’m sure Joe doesn’t see how that could be a problem.

So what difference at this point does it make? It doesn’t take a genius to see the consequences of such a move, given the ever increasing presence and pressure from China wanting to rule the world.

The United States is the largest user of the canal; the second-largest is China. Approximately 60 percent of all the cargo that passes through the Panama Canal either originates in or is destined for the United States.

Losing thousands of good paying and mostly union jobs, and an industry, while making us vulnerable to Communist China, is not looking out for America and our interests. 

So whenever China wanted, they can choke the U.S. right out of product, including fuel. The alternate route is around South America. But Hunter is doing OK, and the environmentalist wackos are celebrating. Biden family first, America Last.

Links: With a pen stroke, President Joe Biden cancels Keystone XL pipeline project   |  Commentary: Expansion of the Panama Canal benefits global trade  |  Canada pleads case for controversial Keystone oil pipeline with Biden administration

Who Would Lie To Save An Election?

After hearing the cacophony of Democrats in Washington over the Benghazi hearings, starring the person in charge, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, a few facts are clear.

Setting the stage to not ignore history, the attack on the Consulate that ended in the deaths of our Ambassador and three other Americans, happened two months before the 2012 Presidential election.

Security conditions in Benghazi had been getting worse to the extent that the U.N. and other countries had left their Consulates because of it. The U.S.. Consulate was the only one that remained.

During that summer, the same U.S. Consulate was attacked. Also during the months preceding the September 11, 2012 attack, Ambassador Stevens had requested better security because of the escalation of terrorist attacks in Benghazi. The Arab Spring quickly turned into the Arab Winter.

Also during this same time, President Obama’s re-election campaign was in operation. During this time, President Obama was telling us that al-Qaeda was on the run. Remember VP Biden’s line? “Bin Laden is dead, GM is alive.” The meme, as echoed by the media, was that terrorism was in decline. When the truth was the opposite. They were on the run alright, but not from us, to us.

Today’s hearing revealed that Sec. Clinton knew on the night of the attack that it had nothing to do with a video. She said as much to the newly elected president of Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed Morsi, the day after the attack. After all, through her Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin Weiner, the nearly familial relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood was there, for all to ignore.

Of 63 leaders who make up the Muslim Sisterhood – which is essentially nothing more than the female version of the Brotherhood – we learned that Huma’s mother, Saleha, was one of those leaders. Little attention has been paid to the other 62 leaders, however. One of them is Najla Ali Mahmoud, the wife of Mursi. Both are members of the Guidance Bureau, which proves fallacious, the claim that Najla is just an innocent and naïve spouse.

After the attack, what flows from the Obama administration and his State Department, is the lie about how the attack was attributed to a “disgusting video.” The lie was perpetuated at the United Nations, and continued through the election. With the help of the Obamamedia, nothing stuck to the two people responsible. Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton. The two of them went so far as to make a video of their own to perpetuate the lie broadcast to people in Pakistan.

The other thing that is clear is how right Elijah Cummings, D-MD, was when he said this hearing is political. That’s because the lies about the event under investigation were blatantly political. Which was, to keep the truth of his and Sec. Clinton’s agenda and campaign of deceit from the American people until at least after the election. Where four Americans under her purview were left with no protection and no rescue attempts made. After all, to quote Mrs. Clinton, “It is a subject that we are absolutely required to explore.”

Obama and Clinton lied. And four Americans died. And the lie lasted well past the November election. You bet it’s political, on their part. To save his re-election in 2012 and her election in 2016.

Foreign Policy Ameteur Hour

Two years ago, under the Muslim Brotherhood’s Egyptian leadership, the Obama administration was going to sell Egypt F-16 fighter jets and tanks. Then the regime change gave way to a more U.S.-friendly Egyptian administration. Mohamed Morsi was arrested, and Abdel Fattah el-Sisi was elected. And the Muslim Brotherhood was declared the terrorist organization that it is. OK fine.

Two years later, Sec. of State John Kerry, the Obama administration,  is holding up that aid. Kerry said a decision would come “very soon” on the F-16 fighter jets, tanks and other material the Egyptians say they need to combat an extremist threat operating in the Sinai Peninsula and spilling over from lawless Libya.

One would think that it would be in U.S. interest to give Egypt this kind of aid. But wait, Kerry also said he wants to certify Egyptian progress on human rights, democracy and the rule of law. Odd thing to demand of our ally, when demanding no such thing of our enemy, Iran, who routinely tortures, kills, and imprisons political prisoners and Christians every day.

Foreign Policy? What Foreign Policy?

Snapshot of the state of foreign relations and leadership of the Obama Administration.

Nov. 3, 2013 and June 23, 2014, Secretary of State John Kerry trying to “mend” relations with Egypt.

Nov. 4, 2013, Secretary of State John Kerry trying to “mend” relations with Saudi Arabia.

January 1, 2014 to June 23, 2014, after a decade of war, trillions of dollars, and hundreds of thousands of American lives lost or affected, the progress and victory in Iraq has vanished. Iraq is being over-run by al-Qaeda type terrorists, slaughtering Iraqis along the way.

Libya, gone. Syria, gone. Russia, belligerent as ever and making a mockery of Obama while invading and taking parts of Ukraine.

Our allies, like Poland and Ukraine, know that the United States can not be counted on as an ally in any real sense. Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski believes his country’s alliance with the US is worth nothing. And then some.

“The Polish-American alliance is not worth anything. It’s even damaging, because it creates a false sense of security in Poland,” Sikorski allegedly said.

“Complete bullshit,” the tape purportedly records Sikorski as saying. “We will get a conflict with both Russians and Germans, and we’re going to think that everything is great, because we gave the Americans a blowjob. Suckers. Total suckers.”

Can’t say I didn’t warn you. It’s what you get when you put a community organizer in The White House.

Sexual Harassment A Social Ill?

Since the so-called Arab Spring in Egypt, sexual assaults have increased exponentially, by groups of men, and in public places. Women’s groups called on Egypt’s President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi to do something about the “mass sexual rape and mass sexual assaults.”

On Monday, 29 women’s rights groups released a joint statement accusing the government of failing do enough to address the spiraling outbreak of mob attacks on women. “Combatting that phenomena requires a comprehensive national strategy,” they said.

The writer of the Associated Press story, Hamza Hendawi, goes out of his way to excuse or omit the obvious with this line. “Sexual harassment has been one of Egypt’s enduring social ills, embedded in the country’s patriarchal conservative culture, where women are generally seen as inferior to men.” Islam is the “social ill.” The slimy side of Islam floated to the top with the overthrow of Mubarak. And only got worse when the Muslim Brotherhood’s President Mohamed Morsi (also not mentioned in the article) was ousted by El-Sissi.

Link: Egypt’s El-Sissi Weighs in on Sexual Harassment | Woman stripped, beaten and sexually assaulted at Tahrir Square


President Obama, our elected Commander-in-Chief, has demonstrated over and over his naiveté in foreign policy. If you can point to one successful, tactical foreign policy decision, then you’re a magician because there isn’t one. North Korea, China, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Russia, Ukraine, Egypt, Eastern Europe’s missile defense shield, Israel, Lebanon, Arab Spring, Red Lines.

Likewise, his military acumen as a warrior is totally laughable. Except for the fact that he is responsible for our sons and daughters in harm’s way. He fights wars based on timetables instead of results. And he announces them, not just to his political hacks but, to the enemy. He creates a false narrative about the Benghazi attack, and broadcasts apologies to the Islamist goons in Pakistan about a movie that they likely never saw. As if they will do anything other than laugh at his amateur hour.

Withholding judgment whether Bowe Bergdahl is a deserter (an investigation will tell), this latest prisoner swap (he does negotiate with terrorists) is yet another example of how far Barack Obama will go to 1) stick it to the military, 2) appease terrorists in hoping (“hope” is not a strategy) that they’ll like us, 3) let these 5 terrorist kingpins go free after one year (who were supposed to be detained until the cessation of hostilities, ie. indefinitely). That is, if Qatar doesn’t release them or allow them to escape beforehand, and 4) he finally has a chance to give preference or weight to an Islamist goon, over an American. When the era of slavery was coming to an end, there was a time when slaves counted as 3/5 of a person. But today, President Obama (who claims to be Black) has a chance to exercise a little payback. Bergdahl weighs in at 1/5. One American, in exchange for the 5 most dangerous terrorists on the planet.

And that makes sense to who? Makes one think that President Obama is on the wrong side in this war. Problem is, he thinks he’s on the right side.

Link: Obama defends operation to rescue U.S. soldier from Taliban

The Budapest Memorandum, circa 1994, Ukraine Edition

The Budapest Memorandum was a security agreement signed Dec. 5, 1994 by US President Bill Clinton, UK Prime Minister John Major, Russia’s Boris Yeltsin and Leonid Kuchma for Ukraine. Not having a meaningful military of its own, but did have nuclear weapons, the Budapest Memorandum was Ukraine’s agreement to dismantle their nuclear capability in exchange for security guarantees for their sovereignty and protection of their borders.

The Budapest Memorandum was affirmed as recently as Dec. 4, 2009 when China and France joined as signatories to this agreement. And no one, except Russian President Vladimir (the dog killer) Putin denies that the generic troops in the Crimea part of Ukraine that came from Russia are in fact, Russian troops. And no one, except Putin, believes that the Russian-speaking Ukraines there need protecting by him. By all other accounts, including the Ukraine government, Russia has invaded their country and violated their border and sovereignty.

With Russia keeping the unarmed Ukrainian military from their posts with its military, including firing warning shots at them, preventing them from going to work (picture above), some Ukraine officials are calling on the Budapest Memorandum for the help they were promised.

Arsen Avakov, the new interior minister and member of Fatherland, the party of oligarch Yulya Tymoshenko, alleged that the international airport in Sebastopol in the Crimea had been blocked by Russian forces. He wrote on Facebook, “I regard what is happening as an armed invasion and occupation in violation of all international treaties and norms. This is a direct provoking of armed bloodshed on the territory of a sovereign state.”

By invoking terms of a 1994 agreement, he aims to provide a casus belli justifying Western military intervention in Ukraine.

Two things are certain. There is no will on the part of the signatories of the Budapest Memorandum to use military force to repel the Russian troops from Crimea. And, the world now sees who is calling the shots, and it is not President Obama and the United States.

There are plenty of sanctions that can be placed upon Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Sanctions that will hurt their economy and the Russian people. But what remains to be seen is where Putin will stop. Will he move on to Kiev and claim the whole country? Then move on to another former Soviet satellite country in a move to effectively re-establish the former Soviet Union?

It is clear that the time to act to prevent this has long past. What is surprising (not) is that the only people who could see this coming were Republican politicians like Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney. An examination as to why that is reveals the differences between the two parties. The Republicans deal with reality whereas the Democrats deal with the way they think things ought to be, or, the way they want them to be.

Putin knows this, and just as sure as Palin and Romney knew what he was all about, Putin knows how far in over his head Obama is, and what he’s all about. One pundit characterized it this way, “while Putin is playing chess, Obama is playing marbles.”

Refusing to admit this foreign policy debacle, the Democrats in Washington are criticizing Republicans for blaming Obama for letting this crisis grow into a crisis. It wasn’t Republicans that took an apology tour throughout the Middle East and Egypt. They didn’t voice support for the green movement in Iran, then abandon them in support of the Mullahs. They weren’t the ones that sparked the Arab Spring in Egypt, supporting the students and people who wanted democracy, only to abandon them after Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood took over. They weren’t the ones voicing support for the Syrian opposition, then doing nothing to help, until it was too late to help. Now a couple hundred thousand dead and millions in refugee camps later, al-Qaeda and Hezbollah have taken hold in Syria. And Putin is on the side of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

What President Obama has shown the world is that the United States is all talk and can not be a trusted ally when the going gets tough. Trying to save face, Obama’s response is one for the ages. As big as the lie of the year was. Ukraine is hearing, if you like your country, you can keep your country.

President Obama’s statement on Russia’s action qualifies for the joke of the year . . .

I actually think that this has not been a sign of strength, but rather, is a reflection that countries near Russia have deep concerns and suspicions about this kind of meddling.

If Russia’s move into Ukraine is not a sign of Putin’s strength, then it is an example of Obama’s weakness, naiveté, and incompetence.

Muslim Brotherhood Gets “Port Courtesy” From TSA, Not You

And in the WTF Department comes this. Something that took a FOIA request to get.

Never mind for a moment that there is a war against the West and non-believers going on. It used to be called a war on terror. It’s a war where the aggressors are all radical Muslims. Then consider that the reason your grandmother and 10 yr. old daughter get patted down at the airport is because ‘racial profiling’ is not politically correct. No matter how effective it may be. So you have to wonder why racial profiling is now allowed for members of the Muslim Brotherhood. An organization affiliated with terrorists (Hamas) and listed a terrorist organization, with family ties to Anthony Weiner’s wife, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Weiner, aka Huma Mahmood Abedin.

This racial profiling dictates that if air travelers are Muslim Brotherhood types, then they will not get the same scrutiny that you and your family receive. They’ll get the VIP treatment that the TSA calls “port courtesy,” normally reserved for high-ranking visiting government officials and dignitaries.

It’s embarrassing how reckless, naive, and downright stupid President Obama is waging this war on terror. Seems like he’s on the wrong side. Or, he thinks the was is over. Were it not for his actions in Egypt, Mohamed Morsi wouldn’t have deposed Hosni Mubarak. Himself now behind bars. The Muslim Brotherhood has been outlawed in Egypt and labeled a terrorist organization, and all their assets there are frozen. Not here in the United States. His stupid head-in-the-sand handling of Benghazi post Muammar Gaddafi is another example. It’s the same kind of “leadership” that gave Syria to Al Qaeda.

As if you needed convincing that President Obama is our enemy from within, this should do it. When is the first impeachment hearing scheduled? Probably not until Speaker John Boehner is replaced. Keep a sharp eye out for this revelation coming from the mainstream media.

Links: Well, This Seems Fair. | Obama ‘Admin’ DHS Gave Muslim Brotherhood VIP Treatment, No TSA Pat Downs | IPT Exclusive: Records Prove MB Delegates Skipped Airport Inspections

Egypt Outlaws Muslim Brotherhood, Seizes Assets

Officially labeling the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, the Egyptian government moved to seize the ‘Hood’s accounts and assets. And called upon other countries in the Middle East to do the same.

Should come as no surprise except to the Islamist deniers in the administration who told us that the Muslim Brotherhood was a peaceful, secular organization. But that’s old news.

The effects of taking a bold step against the terrorist organization, aside from fighting back at them in hopes of keeping the peace domestically, is the deleterious effect it will have on Hamas. Their subsidiary in the Gaza Strip that terrorizes Israel and calls for their destruction.

Can’t wait to hear what Secretary of State John Kerry, the President’s mouthpiece, has to say about this and whose side he will come down on. Egypt has already decided.

Turkey, just to make it interesting, is sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood. As is a guy named Fethullah Gulen. A self-exiled (was actually fleeing charges of plotting to overthrow the government in Turkey) 70-year-old Imam, who commands a global empire of media outlets, private schools and charities. Gulen directs his Islamic “school” and “charity” operation from his 25 acre Saylorsburg, Pa. estate in the Poconos. Comparisons between him  and George Soros have been made as both men are very wealthy, and both use their money to advance agendas. Both to change America as it exits today.

Will the United States add the Muslim Brotherhood to their list of terrorist organizations and seize their assets? President Obama has some ‘splain’n to do.

Links: Egypt, Dealing a Blow to the Muslim Brotherhood, Deems It a Terrorist Group  | The 60 Minutes Whitewash of Fethullah Gulen  |  Egypt seizes assets of over 1130 Brotherhood-linked NGOs

War On Islam Continues, In Egypt

A car bomb detonated by Barack Obama’s friends, the Muslim Brotherhood, killed 14 people, mostly police, and injured 60 others when they blew up a police station in Mansoura Egypt. More Muslims killing Muslims. There’s your war on Islam for you. Muslims in Egypt and Syria are killing Christians with abandon as well. As hateful as they are, sucks to be them.

And as you can tell by their silence, our President Obama, Sec. of State Kerry, and National Security Advisor Susan Rice, have no problem with it. You see, it wasn’t democratic rule Obama was looking for back before the Muslim Spring turned to winter. He wanted, and allowed, the Muslim Brotherhood to take over.

The bombing comes just weeks before Egypt holds a referendum on a new constitution that is billed by the country’s military-installed authorities as the first step towards democratic rule after the army ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in July.

Link: Car bomb at police HQ in Egypt city kills 14 – Yahoo News.