Category Archives: DOJ

President Biden, Hunter, And Witness

Days before his daughter-in-law’s appearance as a witness in his son’s weapons trial, President Biden pays her a visit. Witness tampering much? 

Probably just chatting about vacations or the weather. 

We’ve seen this movie before. When President Clinton just happened to be at the same airport at the same time as then AG Loretta Lynch. Days before James Comey was to speak on his investigation of Hillary Clinton and her servers and emails.  We all know how that turned out. 

Watch how the media reacts to this. Imagine how they would react if this was Trump meeting with a witness. 

Links: Joe Biden Met With Witness Against Hunter Week Before Her Testimony | Report details Sky Harbor meeting between Clinton and Lynch

Biden: No 2nd Amendment For You

Today, President Joe Biden pardoned all prior federal and D.C. offenses of “simple marijuana possession.” He also called on governors to pardon simple state marijuana possession offenses.

“The Justice Department will expeditiously administer the President’s proclamation, which pardons individuals who engaged in simple possession of marijuana, restoring political, civil, and other rights to those convicted of that offense.”

But you will still lose your 2nd Amendment Right if you have a simple medical marijuana prescription. The Obama/Biden Administration’s DOJ did that 4 days before leaving office. Apparently, possessing a medical marijuana prescription is more troublesome than being arrested for possessing and using marijuana itself.

Links: DOJ StatementA Proclamation on Granting Pardon for the Offense of Simple Possession of Marijuana. | OBAMA’S 2A PARTING SHOT


No Concealed Weapons Permit For You

It’s not news that the Second Amendment has been under attack by the Left for years. Decades in fact.

Four days from the end of the Obama administration, Obama’s DOJ added an infringement to purchasing a firearm. If you have a prescription for medical marijuana, you have no Second Amendment Right. But prescriptions for all other drugs are OK.

Maybe it’s been this way since 2017, I don’t know. But I heard today that if you have a Concealed Carry Permit, it will be revoked (infringed) if you obtain a medical marijuana prescription. You can’t have both. And you thought you had personal privacy.

All this is predicated on the fact that marijuana is still illegal at the federal level. There’s no distinction between prescribed and not prescribed. But hey, any way they can infringe on the Second Amendment, they will.

The #AmericanMarxist Left must be replaced with real Americans who support and defend the Constitution.


FBI’s Wray Must Go

Here’s yet another reason to fire FBI Director Christopher Wray. Through mismanagement or no management, the FBI’s communication management is so bad that they have to issue estimates on crimes rates this year.

Why? “[N]ot every law enforcement agency in the U.S. has successfully moved to the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) for reporting their crime data”

They’ve known about it since 2015. It was supposed to be completed by 2021. Good example of bureaucracy gone amok. How can they fight crime (instead of looking for crime) if they can’t even communicate?

So who’s affected by this? “A few major cities, however, are still working on the transition. Crime estimates will fill in the gaps where data is not available this year.”

We should trust their estimates on the major crime cities in the country.

And you also won’t get national stats. “The release will not include national view tables.”

Two things I don’t doubt about this story. The incompetence of big government. And political bias in the estimates. Meaning, they will be understated. Because that’s what they do.

This is how Wray was received when Biden took over. “Biden will reportedly keep Wray as FBI director, choosing to avoid turmoil” is the headline. The “choosing to avoid turmoil” part, in Democratspeak means “yippee, we keep our swamp dweller and appear to be magnanimous to the gullible Republicans.”

Did I say the midterms are coming?

Link:Biden will reportedly keep Wray as FBI director, choosing to avoid turmoil


Below was my comment to the DOJ over the show raid at President Trump’s Florida home. The weaponization of the Justice Department for political purposes, FBI, is not acceptable, unconstitutional, and has got to be fixed. Time to stand up to this tyrannical Obama/Biden Administration, DOJ, FBI, and a host of top officials in them. Doing nothing will be to accept a Banana Republic, or Russian style of government. Biden’s version of the KGB. “President” Joe Biden and his administration is the threat to Democracy, not Trump.

If you’d like to petition the government too, here’s the LINK.

The Founding Fathers knew how corrupt a government could get. Because of that, they gave citizens the right and power to defend themselves against a tyrannical government in the Second Amendment. They also gave us the right to petition the government in the First Amendment. So, “when tyranny becomes law, resistance becomes duty.”*

Where Biden, Garland, and Wray are concerned, Trump Derangement Syndrome seems to have metastasized.

Want to play a game? I’ll see your 30 Federal Agents, and raise you a 30 round magazine.

You desperately need to get your operation back within the bounds of the Constitution. Expect to pay the price in Nov 2022 and 2024.

LINK: Your Message To The Department of Justice

* Thomas Jefferson

Security Clearance Smoke

The media reaction to President Trump pulling the security clearance from former CIA Director John Brennan, and considering doing same to other key participants as well, is interesting in two areas.

John Brennan, a CNN talking head, CNN, and their soul brothers in the media call it a restriction on his freedom of speech. I haven’t noticed Brennan or the media change their use of the First Amendment, have you? In fact, Jake Tapper, Jim Sciutto, Evan Perez and Carl Bernstein won the Merriman Smith Award for their broadcast work and reporting on the dossier. The “story” did not require a tireless investigation. It was handed to CNN by DNI James Clapper. The media always covers for, and protects, their own. They do it by giving the persons whose name is in the by-line an award. In this case, appropriately so, the media chose The White House Correspondent’s Dinner to announce it. It’s their attempt to add legitimacy to a bogus story. You might remember when Dan Rather got his award for the bogus GW Bush  National Guard story. A story that, like the fake dossier, also could not be verified.

The other is the direction from which they report on his motive behind his action. Paraphrasing, “He’s just doing this because they are investigating him for Russia collusion.”

Well, YEAH!

But they say his motivation is to obstruct justice. Which is also irrelevant because that has nothing to do with the ongoing investigation. It has to do with how this investigation really began over two years ago. And Brennan played a big role. (Which is why the initiating documents and related communications still have not seen the light of day.) It is not about what is going on with Mueller today.

They look at it as a threat to national security. And it is. But on the part of the former government officials, not Trump. Former officials with security clearances getting classified information from current government officials, and with that, starting the plan to destroy candidate Trump’s campaign, and then his presidency.

You can’t have people on the outside with top security clearance getting information from people on the inside with top security clearance. Realize that these are swamp dwellers, democrats and Never Trumpers I’m talking about. I don’t think for a second that Brennan not having his security clearance would have stopped Mueller, Comey, Clapper, or anyone else from leaking to the media. There’s simply no reason, as a matter of course, to take your security clearance with you when you leave your employ.

The Commander-in-Chief yanked Brennan’s security clearance to get control of national security. Not to breach it.

Links: How a senior DOJ official helped Dem researchers on Trump-Russia case | The Russia Investigations: Trump On Collision Course With National Security World | CNN Wins Award for Taking Dictation from James Clapper

Steele’s Disney Dossier

It’s time to get a grip on what “opposition research” is, and what it is not. Take this Steele Dossier, aka the Trump Dossier for example. This is the document that the FBI used to get a FISA warrant on an American citizen in the Trump presidential campaign.

The fake news media calls this dossier opposition research on Trump. The FBI presented it to the FISA Court as legitimate intelligence from various sources.

Here’s the problem. “Opposition research” is a record of what a political opponent has done. Used mostly to embarrass or disqualify an opponent while helping your own candidate.  It’s normal for campaigns to use it. It’s not opposition research if it never actually happened.

The Steele Dossier is not opposition research. It’s the DNC’s version of The Wonderful World of Disney. Totally made up political theater. James Comey  referred to it as “salacious and unverified” when telling Trump about it. After having already used it to get a FISA warrant on then President-elect Trump’s New York property, where their “target” was.

Out of all their whining about the Nunes memo, you will notice that Rep. Adam Schiff has never denied that the dossier was a fraud. Ditto Sen. Schumer and Rep. Nancy Pelosi. The same bunch has never denied that the Clinton Campaign and the DNC funded the creation of the “dossier.” Admitting that much would be an admission that the dossier they presented to the FISA Judge was fake. A fraud.

Comey and others in the FBI and DOJ better lawyer up. Getting a sense that the swamp drain is about to open?

Memo: Sources And Methods

So the D’s in DC didn’t want to #ReleaseTheMemo because it would reveal “sources and methods.” And that would be dangerous.

Know what? They were right!

Sources: Obama administration officials including President Obama, top people in the Executive Branch, State Department and Sec. of State Clinton, DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, with some made up dossier from foreign (including Russian) sources.

Methods: The weaponization of government resources. Using a made-up dossier, paid for by the DNC (that Hillary was running at the time), to lie to a FISA court judge to get permission to spy on the Trump campaign and candidate Trump, then President elect Trump, then President Trump, with no focus, boundaries or limitations. In this case, since they failed to stop Trump to get Hillary elected, they had to take him out by some other means. And this is it.

And it is dangerous, in so many ways.

  • Dangerous for society based on the rule of law,
  • the 4th Amendment of the Constitution,
  • the victims of their sting,
  • and especially dangerous for Democrats.

Funny how the only Russian collusion anyone knows about is that between the Clinton campaign and the DNC, with an assist by the FBI, and the creation of that phony, DNC paid for, dossier.

Below is the memo that was unclassified today.

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What should happen now? The whole investigation should end since the start of it was a fraud in the first place. A new special council should be created to investigate the investigators, and, all those who had a part in weaponizing the government for political purposes. From Barack Obama to Hillary Clinton on down. Paul Manifort and Gen. Flynn should have their charges dropped, and be reimbursed for their legal expenses, and an apology given.

It took almost a year, with no charges brought against anyone in the Trump organization for what was the purpose of the investigation, Russian collusion to rig the election. Yet two citizens have been ruined in the process. Trump can’t prove a negative. He can’t prove there was no collusion. The government is supposed to prove that there was. And they are no closer now than they were last year.

Bottom line, but for that bogus dossier, FISA warrants would never have been issued, and the country would have been spared all the pain that the sore losers put our country and our institutions through.

General Sessions

It’s long past time to close the “Russia Collusion” investigation.

When the FBI can find, within hours, that there was no ISIS involvement in the Las Vegas shooting, and after a year of looking for evidence of a Russia/Trump connection to ostensibly swing the 2016 election, and finding none, quit wasting government and FBI resources. Use them to keep us safe and secure instead of looking for an alternative excuse for why Hillary Clinton lost.

Then there’s this . . .