New Hands Up, Don’t Shoot

It never occurred to me that a Commander-in-Chief would call the wife of a man who gave his last measure for his country, to insult her, her family, and all fallen soldiers. But according to Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL24), that’s what happened.

Rep. Wilson has created her own version of “hands up don’t shoot.” Because like the hands up don’t shoot meme, Wilson’s account of the sympathy call President Trump made to Myeshia Johnson, wife of Sgt. La David T. Johnson, was not real either.

Turns out that Rep. Wilson is a family friend of Mrs. Johnson. Which is why she was with her and her two children when the president’s call came.

Rep. Wilson said on Wednesday . . .

“What he said was, ‘I guess he knew what he was signing up for but it still hurts.’ That’s how he said it.”

Creating a false narrative, then using it to attack a political party or person is not new for Democrats. It’s used all the time.

  • There’s this one used to attack Trump, who she always has despised and made no bones about it.
  • The “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” story, debunked. Did not happen.
  • The “Russian Dossier, ” totally fabricated, was used to start an investigation to explain why Hillary lost, by collusion between Russia and Trump. (Haven’t found any Russians yet, but they’re still looking. And won’t end it for lack of evidence.)

But what good is lying to attack the opposition if you can’t lie to help yourself?

  • Benghazi Attack 9/11/2012, was a result of an internet video. A lie.

As told not just to you, but to the Gold Star parents beside their son’s casket.  That lie was to save Barack Obama’s re-election bid, after campaigning by saying al-Qaeda is on the run. Had to be solidarity in the lie, so there was, by President Obama, Sec. of State Clinton, and Ambassador Rice, echoed by the media ad nauseum.

It remains to be seen in this case whether we are seeing another media/democrat meme that Trump doesn’t treat the military and widows with respect, or whether we’re just talking about the mental capacity of Rep. Frederica Wilson.

You know the experiment where you have 20 people who pass a message from one to the other, and how the message is different by the time it gets to the last person? In Wilson’s case, she can’t handle person #1.

In her quote above from the NYT, she quotes what, according to her, Trump said. Then followed by “That’s how he said it.”  So which is it? Is that how he said it, or is that, in fact, what he said?

Given her hatred for Trump, and not a friend of veterans, chances are very good that’s what she heard, even though that’s not what he said.

Here she is today, pleased with how she has become a “rock star” since the call. That she would use that occasion like a campaign stop is disgusting.

If not wacky.


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One thought on “New Hands Up, Don’t Shoot”

  1. There’s a explanation for her stunt to use a fallen soldier to attack Trump. Worked for Khizr Khan, or so he thought. Made him famous. Now Frederica Wilson is famous too! And, liberals have no moral compass when it comes to politics.

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