Got a letter from Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, the nation’s government watchdog that took over when the media watchdog died. Since Hillary Clinton is making a second go at her husband’s last job, there are some things Tom reminds us voters of. Things that speak to the character of Hillary Clinton, the person who is asking expecting Americans to vote for her.
Here’s Hillary Clinton’s resume and, what you could expect of her in the future. She acts as if the laws that apply to other Americans like you and me do not apply to her.
Whether it was . . .
- Obstructing the release of records about the Whitewater land deal when her husband was running for president in 1992 (her Rose Law Firm billing records were mysteriously lost for two years and then turned up in the White House residence); or
- Keeping her “Health Care Task Force” proceedings secret when she was First Lady in 1993 (her task force wouldn’t even give the names of all the consultants it brought in for advice); or
- Refusing to tell the truth about the deadly Benghazi terrorist attack that took place on her watch as Secretary of State in 2012; or
- Violating and avoiding accountability by using secret email accounts as Secretary of State; or
- Abusing her public office to funnel money to her personal accounts — with corporate money, foreign money, foreign government money . , , gobs of money, much of which is now sloshing around her vanity “charity” that could be renamed “The Clinton Corruption Family Foundation.”
All throughout her political career, Hillary Clinton has shown chronic contempt for the law and for the American people’s “right to know.”