Tag Archives: Politics

HIllary Labor Day Rally

And speaking about not being fit to be president. Fast forward to 21:55 when Secretary Clinton begins talking. Or coughing.  It’s painful to watch. Really emphasises the importance of a solid VP pick, which we don’t have in Gov. Tim Kaine.


For the first time, she has an explanation.  She says she is suffering from allergies. (What, from the truth?)

I’d vote for her if she were to pick Ted Cruz for her VP choice, because she’s not going to last 4 years.

Merkel, Stinging Defeat

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s “Christian Democrats Party” was handed a “sobering defeat.” Beaten into third place, in what was the first of five regional votes before a national election expected next September.  Turning in an all-time low result was a “stinging defeat” for Merkel in her home district.

She was beaten by a relatively new political party, the Alternative for Germany (AfD), that campaigned against her open border policies. Policies that have hurt, if not transformed, German life in the same way it has affected the EU in general.

Not surprisingly, the media characterizes the AfD, not as pro-Germany, nationalist, or populist. Not as anti-Merkel. But as anti-immigrant and anti-Islam. Same media. Different continent.

AfD party chair, Frauke Petry, described Sunday’s result as a blow to Angela Merkel. “Now it is our responsibility to make politics for the people. The people no longer trust the old establishment parties to do so,” Petry said.

Whether this election or the AfD signals a shift in German politics remains to be seen. But it does have the same organic feel like the Tea Party in the U.S. or Brexit in the U.K.

Link: Merkel’s party beaten by rightwing populists in state election

Chicago Breaking Records

July 2016 was the deadliest month for Chicago in 10 years. Now, for August 2016, Chicago broke that record by having the deadliest month in 20 years.

Chicago saw its bloodiest month in two decades this August, after police recorded a staggering 90 murders, 384 shootings and 472 total shooting victims.

And as usual, innocent victims become part of the statistics. Like a seven-year-old shot in the arm as well as Nykea Aldridge, cousin of NBA star Dwyane Wade.

The trend is worsening. The shoot:kill ratio for July was 4:1. For last month it is just over 5:1. Out of 472 shooting victims, 90 of them were fatal. Something has to be done to keep Chicago from changing from The Windy City to The Shooting City.

Something from this post bares repeating . . .

I have a suggestion for cities like Chicago where gun violence is so prevalent. If just one innocent life could be saved . . .  Innocent lives would be spared if the thugs had better marksmanship skills with their illegal guns. If, through proper weapons training, we could get their efficiency closer to 1:1 than (now) 5:1, then that little seven-year-old shot in the arm would not have been shot. And Nykea Aldridge would still be alive today. It’s a win-win.

Links: Aug. 2016: Chicago’s Bloodiest Month in Two Decades  |  August most violent month in Chicago in nearly 20 years  |  Deadliest July In Chicago

Supremes Uphold Dem Bigotry

The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected a bid by North Carolina to reinstate for November’s elections several voting restrictions, including a requirement that people show identification at the polls. So, by virtue of a 4-4 tie in the Supreme Court, the lower court ruling stands.

South Carolina started 4 years ago to require a photo ID to vote, to ensure the integrity of one person, one vote. A right already extended to voters in Florida and 29 other states.

According to Democrats, which person here is incapable of following voting rules?

According to the NYT, opponents of the South Carolina election law (all Democrats) their reason to oppose it is . . .

its provisions deliberately “target African-Americans with almost surgical precision” in an effort to depress black turnout at the polls.

The “restrictions” the Democrats contend “target” Blacks are . . .

  • voters must present photo identification at the polls, even though there is an affidavit alternative for voters without a photo ID.
  • no same-day registration, registering to vote on Election Day, and
  • no registering to vote before being old enough (18) to vote
  • early voting via absentee ballots

The way the Democrats use the justice system to suit their political agenda (as opposed to the Constitution) is obvious. It also shines the light on the fact that they only care for Blacks when it comes to their vote. Something you’ve heard from republicans, including Donald Trump.

Looking behind their whole premise, is that Blacks are incapable of following voting rules. As an American, that bigotry offends me. They also contradict themselves. If 364 days before an election isn’t enough time to register, and early voting via an absentee ballot is not enough time to vote, then how is it that “same day” registration is even an issue?

Bottom line here, what Democrats fear most is a fair voting process that insures the integrity of one person, one vote. And, they’re using Blacks as their vehicle to get them there.

Link: Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down North Carolina Voter ID Requirement

“Immigration Law” Is “The Deportation Force”

Last year, when CEO Trump mentioned the use of a “deportation force” to ostensibly deport the 11-30+ million illegal aliens already in the country, the opposition party (which included his republican primary challengers) ran with the demagoguery a la Adolph Hitler.

Now that the rubber is getting closer to hitting the road, what once looked like a police state actually has boiled down to something as simple as just enforcing current immigration laws.

As a secure border that will halt the illegal flow of humans and drugs is being established, law enforcement and the border patrol will be allowed, and empowered, to do their job. A 180 degree turnaround from the shackles put on them by the Obama administration and the Dept of Injustice.

As illegals (Visa overstays or otherwise) come into contact with them, they will be dealt with as the law requires. It is a kinder, gentler, way to deal with the illegal alien problem created by decades of neglect, and an administration breaking the law to break the law. It may take longer than a “deportation force” would, but the result will be the same. And, the American people will accept that as a more humane way to re-establish law and order and protect our economy, jobs, and culture. As illegals will not have sanctuary cities to run to, and won’t have employers that will hire them or landlords to house them, they’ll hit the road in one of two ways. Voluntarily return home, or as they come into the justice system, will be handled accordingly.

Those who may remain will be those who are somehow productive and, will be dealt with in a way yet to be determined. It should start by getting in line behind the immigration requests filed in accordance with our laws. To do that, they must come out of the closet and register themselves as an illegal, seeking to stay here under some earned legal status.

Assimilation is required. If they just want to use America instead of become American, then they will not meet the minimum requirement for the path to ‘citizenship.’

It will take as long as it takes for them to get their chance to become an amnestied American citizen. However many years that may take is what it will take. No jumping to the head of the line. And to remove the political motivation from the equation, amnestied American citizens will not have the right to vote in federal elections. After all, this is supposed to be a humanitarian issue, not a political one. A  small price to pay to stay and live in the United States of America.

We will learn more of what Trump’s immigration policy is about tomorrow. Will be interesting to see how it compares to mine.

Deadliest July In Chicago

65 people killed in Chicago in July, a toll that pushed the number of homicides in the city this year to nearly 400.  The total for all last year was 490. By comparison, total U.S. casualties in Operation Enduring Freedom for this year is 5.

It was the deadliest July since 2006, when 65 homicides were also recorded, according to Chicago Police Department records.  Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson noted that the month was still lower than June, when 72 homicides were reported.

That was for July. In less than a week for August, between last Friday afternoon and early Thursday, at least 99 people were shot in the city, 24 of them fatally.  At least nine people were killed on Monday alone, the deadliest day in Chicago in 13 years, according to Tribune data. Among the wounded that day was a 10-year-old boy shot in the back as he played on his front porch in Lawndale. That’s a 4:1 shoot/kill ratio.

Here’s a stunning statistic for you to ponder.  40 of the weekend’s shooting victims had been arrested 672 times.

Those killed over the weekend included 23-year-old Abner Garcia, an Army veteran with no criminal history, and 19-year-old Arshell Dennis, a college student whose father was a police officer. On Sunday, a 6-year-old girl became the third child under 10 to be shot in the past week, and a pregnant woman was shot in her chest.

When and how will it end? It won’t end until Democrats own up to the destructive nature that their feel-good social engineering is having on poor people; Black, White, and everywhere in between. Patrick Smith, the father of the  armed thug who was shot this weekend in Milwaukee, got one part of  the problem right when he said . . .

“Being on the street, doing things of the street life: Entertaining, drug dealing and pimping and they’re looking at their dad like ‘he’s doing all these things.’ I got out of jail two months ago, but I’ve been going back and forth in jail and they see those things so I’d like to apologize to my kids because this is the role model they look up to. When they see the wrong role model, this is what you get.”

If you believe that giving illegal aliens a drivers licenses will save innocent victims from their DUI and hit-and-runs, then I have a suggestion for cities like Chicago where gun violence is so prevalent. If just one innocent life could be saved . . .  Innocent lives would be spared if the thugs had better marksmanship skills with their illegal guns. If, through proper weapons training, we could get their efficiency closer to 1:1 than 4:1, then that little 6- yr-old girl would be alive today. It’s a win-win.

Surprise! “Deleted E-mails” Turned Over

Remember the Uranium One deal? That’s the one that as Sec. of State, Hillary Clinton paved the way for Russia to buy, and own, a company in the United States, a subsidiary of a Canadian company, that owned 20% of the uranium supply in the United States.

The latest email discovery, from among the 30,000 + emails that were said to be personal and were deleted, and unrecoverable, were turned over to Judicial Watch as part of a FOIA request. They detail the connection between the State Dept, Bill Clinton’s $500,000 speech in Moscow, to a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock, and people associated with Bill Clinton (Frank Rich, who Bill Clinton pardoned on his last day), including the brother of Hillary’s CoS, John Pedesta.

All these people are connected in one way or another to the sale of Uranium One in the United States. And at the same time, Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation.


With these emails that Hillary Clinton didn’t want anyone to see, including the FBI, the pay for play, cronyism, and influence peddling from her office is now in black and white.

Crooked Hillary Clinton should step out of the presidential campaign. If the Dept. of Justice doesn’t open up a criminal RICO investigation (which it won’t), then Congress needs to start one of their own.  Democrats need to pick someone else to run against Trump, or  just ask Democrats to go ahead and support Trump.

Related Link: Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Why I’m Voting For Trump

What a disappointing campaign season this is. Not for the lack of media bias, lies and obfuscation, but for all the political noise that is keeping Hillary Clinton and her record off of the front page. Have you noticed that her poll numbers rise the less she is heard? It is the reason she hasn’t had a real news conference in 249 days.

One thing about Democrats and the media you can count on is this. They will tell you who they fear the most by the focus and intensity of their attacks.  And it is unquestionably, Donald J. Trump.

There’s a curious contradiction in the campaign coverage going on. All we hear from the media is that the Trump campaign is going down. Trump’s ratings are falling and, he should drop out of the race, and Republicans should pick someone else. (reassuring to know that the media cares  so much for Republicans that they are giving them free advice)  If all that is true, or if they believed what they were saying, one would think that they would be happy, ignoring Trump and talking about all of Hillary’s accomplishments. Oh wait . . .

What’s different? Why does Trump get the support he does? What people need to understand about him is, he’s not a politician. And he’s not a community organizer hell-bent on fundamentally changing the country. He’s a successful CEO of a multinational private company.  And like all successful CEO’s, he’s a problem solver who knows how to get things done with minimal cost. And, keep the relationship between the people and the government the way the founding fathers intended it to be.

There’s nothing this country needs more than a pruning of needless and ineffective bureaucracies that, contribute to a bloated government (taxpayer’s overhead) and, are holding back our economy. You’ve heard politicians pledge to rid the government of waste, fraud, and abuse from the time you began listening to them.  And no one, not even the “watchdog media,” can point to where that ever happened. What has the politicians in both parties so unscrewed this time is that, in addition to that, he’s going to do the pruning that needs to be done to make government and their power smaller by transferring the power to the people, where it started and where it belongs.

Because he, as a CEO, has done it before, Trump is equipped, and committed, to actually doing this for our country. He calls it “Make America Great Again.”

Came across this in social media today, with a couple of enhancements from yours truly.  Suitable for spreading around.

Continue reading Why I’m Voting For Trump

Khizr Khan, Rebuttal

The 15 minutes of fame for Khizr Khan has passed. The mainstream media, and their political party are not done milking it as the big distraction though. Whatever! They, and the Clinton campaign, will do anything to draw the attention away from their flawed, lying, unqualified, and dangerous candidate and onto Donald Trump.

To mark the end of the Khizr Khan’s DNC speech (aka Trump Attack), it is necessary to finally address it.

“If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America.”

Gold Star father’s demagogic lie. The Khans immigrated here, decades ago, and legally. They were not scooped up and brought here like bales of hay. Trump only wants inhabitants of terrorist hotbed countries to stay in place, in safe zones within their own countries or nearby, so they can return home when the war is over, or until such time as a safe, and real, vetting process is in place.

“Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims.”

Gold Star father’s demagogic lie. Trump calls out Islamic terrorists for what they are, terrorists. Only if Khizr Khan believes that all Muslims are terrorists could his attack on Trump be true. And Trump does not believe that. Maybe Khan does?

“He disrespects other minorities — women, judges, even his own party leadership.”

More political and demagogic rhetoric. Par for the course. Mr. Khan forgets the he isn’t the only American who has a 1st Amendment right. The “judge” of Mexican heritage Trump spoke of has his own biases on illegal immigration built-in, both in practice and otherwise.

“He vows to build walls and ban us from this country.”

Again, another attack based on a false narrative, on national television, at the political event. Typical “red meat” kind of rhetoric one would expect from a political hack like Debbie Was-a-man Shultz or Khizr Khan. Let’s be clear about the Syrian refugees. They are not coming here in boats, airplanes, or swimming across the ocean to get to America. If you ask them, they will tell you that they want to stay there and to go back home as soon as they can. But no,  they are being picked up like low-hanging fruit (and undocumented democrats) and brought here, by the thousands. Terrorists among them.

“Donald Trump, you are asking Americans to trust you with our future. Let me ask you: Have you even read the U.S. Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy. In this document, look for the words “liberty” and “equal protection of law.””

Can’t speak for his copy of the Constitution, but my copy also says, above all else and, in the first sentence, called the Preamble, exactly what Donald Trump (and most Americans) wants to do. Look for the words “insure domestic Tranquility” and “provide for the common defense.” There is no liberty or equal protection for terrorists. Foreign or domestic. Similarly, the U.S. Constitution does not apply to inhabitants of Syria, Yemen, Tunisia, Somalia, Libya, Algeria, Nigeria, Sudan, or anywhere else and anyone else who is not a U.S. citizen.

“Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery? Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending America — you will see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities.”

More of the same demagogic rhetoric that fails to distinguish between regular Americans and those who want us dead. It’s what elected Democrats and Hillary Clinton do.

Khizr Khan has no immunity from reprisals for spreading lies about Donald Trump just because he is a Gold Star father. His son fought and died for our country. His son fought against the kind of Islamic extremism that Donald Trump will fight against for us, as President. To keep us, not terrorists, safe.

By his statements at the Democratic National Convention, what Khizr Khan is doing, and continues to do, aside from baseless attacks on Donald Trump, is to advocate on the side of the terrorists that killed his son. And that remains his cross (no pun intended) to bear.

Trump Derails Convention

If you’re wondering why the Democratic National Convention has their shorts in a wad over Donald Trump, it can be explained very easily. With his single 1-hour press conference yesterday morning, he totally hijacked their convention news cycle, drawing focus back to Hillary Clinton’s “extremely careless”email setup during her tenure as Sec. of State.

He began the press conference pointing out the slavishness of the reporters for the Democrat nominee. How is it that she has not had a press conference in 235 days and no one here seems to mind? It’s obvious. She can’t handle a press conference without pre-screened questions. And she is ready to be our president?

Listen to what Donald Trump said about Russia and emails, and the context it was said. Then recall what Leon Panetta said to millions of people watching the Democratic National Convention, and what other Democrats, and their Media, have said that he said.

Former Sec of Defense Leon Panetta:

Donald Trump, who wants to be president of the United States, is asking one of our adversaries to engage in hacking or intelligence efforts against the United States of America to affect an election.”


That these people will lie to advance an agenda, or to win The White House, is nothing new. To quote Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, as Americans, “that’s not who we are.” But it is who they are.

As for the New York Times and their soul brothers in mainstream media, and the Left in general, they have no sense of humor. Not until the last line of this article do they admit it.

Links: Donald Trump Calls on Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails |  Leon Panetta slams Trump for Russia comments

Video short cuts:

  • 1:45, Trump first brings up the subject of email hacking.
  • 5:00 First question from media. He “hopes” they do have the 33,000 emails she deleted. (past tense)
  • 34:00 “It’s probably not Russia. Nobody knows.”
  • 36:50 If Russia has those emails, he’d like to see them.
  • 39:25 Question about Putin, “he probably has” them.