Tag Archives: Politics

General’s Letter To The Iraqi People

While watching the newscasts today of the al-Sadr instigated demonstrations in Iraq, demonstrations against U.S. and coalition forces, here is the one news item the media is sure to miss. Gen. Petraeus’ letter to the Iraqi people upon the 4th anniversary of the fall of Saddam’s regime. It’s also time to review the 7 reasons (not 1) that we went into Iraq in the first place.

To the Iraqi People:

Monday, April 9, 2007 will mark the 4th anniversary of the liberation of Iraq from Saddam Hussein’s regime. For many in Iraq and around the world, it will be a time for reflection on the early days after liberation in 2003 and on what has transpired since then. Continue reading General’s Letter To The Iraqi People

A Suicide In The Making

Has ‘Let’s Roll’ morphed into Let’s Roll Over?  That’s what it seems like when you examine the democrats’ view of foreign policy, especially as it pertains to the Iraqi front in the war on terror.  For more on this apparent suicide in the making, visit Michelle Malkin’s post. Although Michelle’s post is regarding the 15 British troops who were taken hostage, the same can be said of some in the democrat party today.  Let’s Roll Over and Cut & Run, there’s not a hair’s difference between them.

A Liberal Who Wants To Win, Not Retreat

Meet Marc Danziger, a liberal democrat who wants to win the war, not run from it. He also believes that the war in Iraq is just one front in the overall global war on terror. And he has a plan to support any and all efforts to that end. He has started The Victory PAC.

For a perspective you haven’t heard from another liberal, with the exception of Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-Ct), here’s where Marc is coming from.

I’m a liberal Democrat (pro-gay marriage, pro-choice, pro-progressive taxation, pro-equal rights, pro-environmental regulation, pro-public schools) who supported and supports the war in Iraq. As I tell my liberal friends “Did I miss the part where it was progressive not to fight medieval religious fascists?”

I’ve been waiting for four years for the White House to start really explaining the war to the American people, and to do anything sensible at all to maintain the political capital necessary to keep America in the fight – to keep us from withdrawing because the war is too messy, or too long, or just plain makes us feel bad.


Marc is a liberal who knows who the real enemy is, and its not George Bush.

Thanks to Michelle Malkin for the heads up on Victory PAC

Right After You Schumer

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) feels that A.G. Gonzalez should resign for illegal snooping Senator Schumer in his usual nose-in-the-air profile.into people’s private lives. This is the same guy who, as head of the Senate Democrat Campaign Committee, brushed aside the issue of people in his office that were caught illegally obtaining the credit background of republican senate challenger, Maryland’s Lt. Gov. Michael Steele. And the MSM gave him a total pass.

“And so this department has been so political that I think for the sake of the nation, Attorney General Gonzales should step down,” Schumer said.

What’s good for the goose . . .

related link: Residual Forces

Employee Free Choice Act, Dems’ Next Fraud

The name of the bill sounds good, but it is exactly the opposite of its namesake. H.R. 800 is designed for the purpose of helping labor unions (the democrats’ largest contributing block) to organize. As if labor unions don’t already have a right to organize. They do and have had that right for decades.

The reality is that union membership is dwindling because workers are, more and more, voting NO to unionizing their workplace. The synergy between Big Labor and the Democratic party is showing its ugly head, and it is the workers, employers, and consumers that will pay the price if this bill actually becomes law. The bill would eliminate voting by private ballot. Put another way, democrats really don’t want a democratic process when it comes to voting about whether or not to start a union in their workplace. They don’t want a confidential ballot. They fear a confidential ballot. The mis-named bill is actually an Employee No Choice Act, but you won’t find this interpretation in the MSM. The left is claiming that the White House is against workers’ rights, when actually it is workers’ rights that they wish to protect.

Big Labor is expecting to get a return on their investment (campaign contributions) that finance the democrats’ elections. In private industry it would be called an investment, but in politics it is more accurately referred to as a quid pro quo. Substitute the word ‘unions’ for ‘workers’ and you see just who the democrat lawmakers choose to represent.

Vicente Fox And The Berlin Wall

Today, finally and thankfully, President Bush signs into law the Secure Fence Act of 2006.  The erection of the wall has prompted Mexican President Vicente Fox to call it Bush’s Berlin Wall.  No, the coca-cola dealer has it wrong.  It depends on who owns the fence.  If it were his wall then the Berlin Wall analogy is correct.

AP – President Bush wanted an exchange of workers with Mexico to bring order to the border, but wound up signing a law Thursday that approves partitioning 700 miles of the United States from its southern neighbor.

The Ring-Of-Fire Is The Pot Calling The Kettle Black

Have you heard that Air America Radio is in bankruptcy?  Not a big deal you know.  Businesses come and go based on their success.  But for Mike Papantonio, board member of Air America Radio and host of AAR’s ‘Ring of Fire’ radio program (I think it’s one hour a week), it must be a big deal. Into AAR for over $600,000, not counting his ‘state-of-the-art’ broadcast studio in Pensacola, Papantonio says he is not a creditor, but rather an investor.

Aside from being an investor in Rabid Radio, he also is loose with the truth.  His animosity towards Rush Limbaugh seems to be his only motivation to continue to be an ‘investor’ in Rabid Radio.  And telling lies in order to utter his name and maybe catch one or two more listeners is more important than his credibility.

Case in point ishis latest ‘Pap Attack’.  In this Pap Attack, did I say attack?  That’s right I did.  That’s what he calls it himself.  Anyway, in this clip, he uses Limbaugh’s name several times as though he is even in the same league, by denouncing the White House’s ‘media day’ as a hate radio gathering with Limbaugh, and other conservative talk-radio hosts.  Give one listen to this clip and you tell me who the hate monger is.  As usual, there is no substance, only a lot of creative pejoratives and insults and crap directed at conservatives, Bush, and talk-radio.  The latter of which he knows apparently little about.

The lie?  What would he have said about ‘media day’ if he knew that Rush Limbaugh was not there nor was he invited to be there?  Spoken like a real class-action attorney.  Sounded great, but not true.

Economics 101 would suggest a correlation between ‘no credibility’ and ‘no money.’  Business 101 would suggest having a product doesn’t mean anyone will buy it. OK, but that’s all the help they’re going to get from me.

Hate Radio Goes To Washington” by Mike Papantonio

Outsourcing & The Left

The political left are on the wrong side of outsourcing. Why? Because they ignore insourcing. To listen to a Democrat speak of outsourcing, it is always about how high paying jobs are going overseas and this is wrong. That, like the missing explosives ‘under our watch’ is simply not true. It’s spin.

If you imagine our economy as a superhighway, you can find these Democrats on the exit ramp, demagoging the economic function of outsourcing. All they see is jobs that ‘go overseas’. They refuse to see what’s going on at the on-ramps. So, as per their playbook, they make sure you only see what they’re losing and none of what they’re gaining.

This is a simple concept. Outsourcing is not an exclusive function of employers in America. Businesses do it where they can to cut costs, which means they can be more competitive and solvent to their investors (more increasingly you and I), and their customers in offering more bang for the buck. Fact is, countries around the world also ‘outsource’ where they feel they can benefit. And, not surprisingly, many of them outsource to the good ole U.S. of A. In the final analysis, more jobs are created as a result of ‘outsourcing’ than are lost. But the left, standing on the off-ramp is oblivious to this phenomenon. Studies show that over the past 15 years, foreign corporations have moved jobs to the United States at a faster rate than jobs have left. “Jobs insourced to the United States increased from 4.9 million in 1991 to 6.4 million in 2001.” There’s been an 82 percent increase in insourced jobs compared to a 23 percent increase in outsourced jobs.

Source Bruce Bartlett, a senior fellow at the Dallas-based National Center for Policy Analysis. In their ‘perfect’ world, the Democrat party would like to eliminate outsourcing to appease the unions. It’s purely a political calculation for them, not an economic one. They claim outsourcing will increase unemployment here in the U.S. If that was true, then how can they explain our current unemployment rate, which the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics put at 5.4 percent in September 2005, is one of the lowest in the world and in our history. (This article originally published in October 2005, it is 4.4 percent as of October 2006, and is now the lowest in history.) France’s unemployment rate is 9.4 percent, Germany’s 9.9 percent and Italy’s 8.6 percent. Our Canadian neighbor’s is 6.6 percent. Quoting Walter Williams here “The next time you hear a politician whining about our “awful” job climate, ask him which European country we should look to for guidance in job creation. The fact of business is that our country is the world’s leader not only in job creation but in terms of where the world wants to invest its money.” Outsourcing is not a dirty word. And the party stuck on the off-ramp does not have the answer. Only spin.