The long knives are out for Donald J. Trump, now that his polling numbers continue to grow, or at the very least, show no signs of falling. A great example of this is this impish article about him by George Will. News Flash George. There is no conservative party. And never was. There was a conservative president, Ronaldus Magnus (as Rush Limbaugh affectionately calls Reagan), but not a Party. In fact, the Republican Party was attacking him like the current party elite (and George Will) are attacking Trump today.
I see it differently than Will. I see it as the beginning of the end of the Republican Party, the RNC, as we know it. I see it as the beginning of a huge housecleaning that needs to be done in the House, the Senate, and the RNC. And Trump, Ted Cruz, or Dr. Ben Carson are poised to do just that.
Will is in total denial if he believes what he is saying, that there even is a conservative party called Republican. The way I see it, if Trump wins, it could mean the beginning of the conservative party.
Link: If Trump wins the nomination, prepare for the end of the conservative party