‘Austerity’ Isn’t What It Appears

In what could qualify for the MRIOD award where the defense budget is concerned, if President Obama really does cut the military back to pre-WWII levels, don’t think for a second that you won’t hear how that so-called ‘saving’ is going to be spent on something other than paying down the national debt.

We heard this before. Like when the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan come to an end (win or retreat lose), we can spend that money ‘saved’ (actually borrowed) on ‘roads, bridges,  infrastructure, and schools.’ But he’s got so many more special interests to pay off now. Unions wanting relief from Obamacare, businesses wanting relief from Obamacare, people wanting relief from Obamacare, unemployment compensation fund backfilling, and of course, those green technology ‘investments.’ The list goes on. So don’t think for a New York second that whatever phony numbers this administration says it can save, it will spend, in spades.

Imagine the chutzpah of this administration to claim they’ve been austere in spending the people’s money when they’ve grown our national debt from $9 trillion to $17.3 trillion in the first six years of his term. Projected to be $26 trillion in 10 years. Then imagine the wisdom of cutting our national defenses instead of cutting the size of the government.

Blacks Killing Themselves

In New York City for 2012. . .

31,328 – number of black babies killed by abortion

24,758 – number of black babies born

Black children killed comprised 42.4% of the total number of abortions in NYC, which is 19% Black.

Any questions?


I’m Black. Don’t shoot me!


I’m Black. Don’t kill me!

How can anyone defend this wiping out of the Black population? How can we build a middle class when we’re killing our children faster that we’re raising them? And how can President Obama and the likes of Jesse Sharpton sleep at night when their social policies support such genocide? Or blackocide?