aSide Order


XL Pipeline Reduces Overall Carbon Emissions, State Department Environmental Impact Report

Seems the long-awaited environmental impact analysis of the XL Pipeline has environmentalist shorts in a wad.  Turns out, having the XL Pipeline will reduce carbon emissions compared to not having it. In transportation alone, whether by trucks, trains, or barges and ships, the pipeline emits no carbon emissions whereas all the alternative means of transportation do. When you consider that Venezuelan oil which we buy is shipped in oil tankers, the pipeline could not only end our need to buy it from them, but would cut the global carbon emissions by not using their tankers or Warren Buffet’s trains, which derail, explode, and burn. (How’s that for an environmental impact?)

It’s ironic that their excuse for nixing the pipeline just went away. Not only that, but since it creates a reduction in carbon emissions, they find themselves to be scientifically (but not politically) in favor of it. To make matters worse for them, Democrats are now calling for the President to use that pen he was talking about in his SOTU and approve it.

Their new arguments against it are now in development. How they will justify not supporting the reduction in carbon emissions should be interesting, if not entertaining.


Dinesh D’Souza / Bill Ayers Debate at Dartmouth College

They begin by each taking 18 minutes to state their positions. After that is complete they respond to each others positions for 5 or 10 minutes each, and then they begin asking each other questions directly. After that ends the Q&A begins.

If you don’t have too much time I’d recommend skipping the 18 minute speeches and begin where they are responding to each others speeches at around the 42 minute mark. But you’ll be missing out on some great stuff, I assure you, especially D’Souza’s view of the greatness of America.

h/t the rightscoop


Charles Krauthammer Explains Obama’s Lawlessness In 50 Seconds

If a Republican president tried what Obama has already done, he would have been impeached already, and with bi-partisan support.

So where are House Republicans on this? Spineless, that’s where.