Category Archives: 2016 Election

Hillary’s Campus Rally

Hillary shared the stage with the Bern yesterday “to appeal for youth votes.” Worried about shrinking support from millennials (now the same as ‘college-age’), she echoed the “free stuff” theme of making public colleges tuition-free, for families earning less than $125,000.

Odd that the campus rally wasn’t open to the students without an invitation. Attendees described many of them as middle-aged, members of local Democratic organizations, or invited by the campaign. Phony much?

Although Sanders lost to Clinton, he consistently drew younger voters to his side with promises to take on Wall Street and make college less expensive.

Hillary’s version is not as bold when it comes to taking on her major donors, Wall Street. Speaking to student debt, she’s not talking about forgiveness, she’s talking about “those who already have student debt to refinance.”

Having lived through the real estate crash caused by Fannie / Freddie and bailing out Wall Street (which they continue to do), and what Obamacare has done to health care costs and the health insurance industry, managed by politics and not economics, what Hillary has in mind is just more of the same.

You can’t expect for the people who created the problem to now know how to fix it.  Like Trump says, “follow the money.”

Link: Clinton enlists former foe Sanders in appeal for youth votes

Debate 2016: Iran Nuclear Deal

What Hillary Clinton said in response to Donald Trump’s comment about the Iran nuclear deal being a disaster, was one of the highlights, or lowlights, of the night. Given the magnitude for disaster that nuclear weapons pose, so much was said by Clinton that contradicts her claim to being fit for duty as our President.

Speaking of Iran and the “Deal,” Hillary Clinton said . . .

“They had built covert facilities.”


Barack Obama, herself, and John Kerry “got a deal that put a lid on Iran’s nuclear program.”

False. First of all, the so-called “lid” is temporary (10 yrs.), after that they can do whatever the hell they want. The “lid” is gone. The deal also presumes that Iran won’t cheat during that 10 yr. timeframe.  From the country that “had built covert facilities,” why would we think Iran might cheat? They’ll still have their nuclear weapons whether they cheat or not.

“Nuclear weapons pose the number one threat we face in the world. And it becomes particularly threatening if terrorists ever get their hands on nuclear weapons.”

Iran is the largest State sponsor of terror and terrorists in the world. Led by Mullahs who chant ‘death to America, the Great Satan’ and death to Israel. “Threatening” (to quote Hillary Clinton) to us, Israel, and our allies in the Middle East. The Iran Deal paves the way for them to achieve the nuclear status they want. And it isn’t for producing electricity. This deal is the nuclear proliferation that she claims she does not want. In other words, it’s not good if Japan or South Korea have them, but it’s just fine if Iran does?

And here’s the kicker, the Deal was . . .

“Very successful in gaining access to Iranian facilities that we never had before.”

This is very telling, in how weak a deal it is just so President Obama, John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton can say that they made one. It’s from the very same perspective that they say our Southern border has never been as secure as it is today.

They caved to Iran on “anytime anyplace” inspections. That was one of the conditions Obama bragged about. (Remember him bragging about Obamacare, none of which has come to fruition?) But true to form, Iran stuck to their guns, and Kerry caved to the point that, not only are there no anytime anyplace inspections, but there are nuclear facilities that are “off limits” to independent inspectors. What could go wrong with a deal like that?

And who will stop Iran from using their nuclear weapons capacity? Won’t be the United States. According to the deal, we have to protect Iran’s nuclear facilities. According to the deal that she, Kerry, and Obama have made, if Israel finds it necessary to act on their own for their own national security, it will be the U.S. who will protect Iran’s nuclear facilities. That means fighting against our ally and protecting this terrorist State. And that makes sense to who? To Barack Obama, who’s mission is building his legacy, even if it is fake, built on lies and naiveté.

Continuing to lie to the American people, like her former boss does, when the American people are trying to decide on their next president, is Hillary Clinton’s most “qualifying” moral trait.

Two Faces Of Hillary Clinton

Critics are saying that this video of Hillary is the equivalent of the Michael Dukakis or Howard Dean campaign moment. I’m not so sure about that, sounds like wishful thinking to me. But it does expose Hillary in other ways.

She is in a studio, with no audience. Her audience is labor union members a thousand miles away in Las Vegas. Compare her demeanor in this video to the other studio video below. Her animation is outstanding. Like how she changes her voice and cadence when speaking to a Black audience to sound “Black,”  Hillary raises her shrill voice as though she’s in a stadium on inauguration day.

It’s also clear she feels she is entitled to the throne, or rather, Oval Office. Not because she has a positive record, but because it’s her turn. So she acts angry, yelling about why this race isn’t in the bag for her.  (no pun intended) Angry at them for her poor position. Of course, it couldn’t be because of her.

Comparing her record to Trump’s record when it comes to jobs would be great. He has created thousands of them. She hasn’t created one. What she has done is cater to special interests and private enterprise donors like the labor union she is addressing here.   Using government (aka taxpayers) to pick winners and losers in the marketplace (in this case labor) is one reason Trump resonates with the folks.

Hillary’s focus is on “working people.” Those are the ones labor unions depend on because they can’t get dues from the 92 million people who are out of work. Big Labor is more than just pay for play where Democrats are concerned. That symbiosis is a well-oiled money laundering scheme.

And here is the other face of Hillary Clinton.

I’ve never heard of this guy, but that’s not saying much. He’s pretty funny though, at least in this interview. I thought it was one of those videos that were patched from two or more appearances from other people, but since Hillary’s campaign put this out, it seems to be a legit one-on-one exchange.

Obama’s Legacy, Of Failure

President Obama made his rounds around the world again, posing for pictures to put in his Presidential Library. After returning home, he spoke to the Congressional Black Caucus at their annual dinner party. His attachment them was two things. Both central to him. His skin color, and his legacy. And that’s it. It’s all about him.

What he’s concerned about is his legacy as the first Black President who failed miserably. He succeeded only in the thing he set out to do. Which is to fundamentally transform America by managing its decline, in so many ways.

Never mind that he made things worse, not better. But he is in good company among presidents. There have been White presidents who were lousy, or some form of ineffective. But his ego won’t accept he failed to do what he told people (Blacks included) what he was going to do “for them.” So at the CBC dinner, his community organizing persona comes out, shaming Blacks into supporting the candidate for President who will continue his legacy of failure. “C’mon bro. We look alike, so vote for her,” says the bumper sticker on the back of his limo.

In 2008, had he been honest with Americans and told them what he was going to do, instead of what they wanted to hear, Hillary Clinton would have been the President, not him.


Clinton-Obama Give ‘Aid and Comfort’

I don’t know. You’ll have to decide if Hillary Clinton is nuts or just crazy?

You know what “aid and comfort” to terrorists (that would be Iran) is? Giving billions of dollars in cash to Iran, the largest state sponsor of terror in the world. Hamas and Hezbollah really appreciate it. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Kerry (who served in Vietnam) should be prosecuted for it.

She had a 4 question (from 4 female reporters)10 minute “presser” on the tarmac. What this show is about is blaming Trump (candidate for 1 year) for the terrorist attacks over the last 7 years. They’re not about to accept responsibility for their incompetence in fighting ‘Islamic terrorism.’ A term that they can not even say. And the reason they can’t say it is because they haven’t a clue how to stop it.

Link: Clinton says Trump gives ‘aid, comfort’ to IS recruiters

Clinton’s “Medical Episode”

Talk about Karma. Four years to the day that Hillary Clinton lied to the public about Benghazi in advance of a presidential election, she has a seizure and loses her shoe in public. Still lying in advance of an election.

She didn’t pass out because of the heat. First of all, there wasn’t any heat. To the point though, when you pass out, you’re out, and you lay the victim down. That’s not what we see here.

Who’s unfit again? Trump does 2-3 cities a day. Hillary is lucky to do that in a week. Lacks the stamina to run the country, let alone attend a 9/11 ceremony. The White House is not an assisted living center, which is something Hillary Clinton should be looking at.

Obama-Clinton-Media, New Axis Powers

Labor Day has passed. Now the 2016 campaign season begins to heat up. This is the time the candidates traditionally take the gloves off, so to speak.

Of the two candidates, Donald Trump has made themes of his platform in seperate campaign appearances. Laying out his vision on, national security, the economy and jobs in general and in impoverished Democrat strongholds known as the inner cities, immigration and illegal immigration, education and school choice, safe neighborhoods, and infrastructure improvements.

What we hear from Hillary Clinton is attacks on Trump not being qualified or “fit” for the job. Main reason for that is, she has nothing positive about her record to brag about. So, she assumes the disaster of the Obama administration and calls to expand on that. And that should scare everybody.

A correction is needed. There are 3 entities in this race, Trump, Clinton, and the Media. Trump really has two opponents if you look at it that way. And you really do have to look at it that way, because if anyone with an R behind their name, Black or White, did any of the things that either Obama or Clinton have done, they would have resigned, been impeached, or prosecuted years ago. The media would have made sure of that.

With the moral integrity expected of a President, Richard Nixon resigned rather than face impeachment over the erasure of 18 minutes from a cassette tape that recorded events in the Oval Office. All the news, every day, was big, bold, and above the fold over that Watergate Scandal.

To contrast, here is an abbreviated list of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama accomplishments. The record they have to run on. And they get a pass from the media every time . . .


  • For politicization of the NLRB that the Supreme Court shot down 9-0.
  • For politicization of the IRS by targeting and denying conservative PACs tax exempt status leading up to the election.
  • For using the DOJ to harass and tap phones and email records of reporter James Rosen.
  • For AG Eric Holder’s plan to pass automatic and semi-automatic rifles to Mexican drug cartels, Fast & Furious, with no ability to track their use except to recover them at crime scenes when our border agents are murdered with them.
  • For the 9/11/2012 attack in Benghazi where our Ambassador and 3 other Americans were abandoned and left to die during a firefight that lasted 8 hours.
  • For lying to the world, the American people, and to the survivors of our 4 Americans who died there, about all aspects of the Benghazi attack before, during, after, and that the reason for it was an Internet video.
  • For the propping up of the Muslim Brotherhood.
  • For screwing up the Iraq pull-out, paving the way for ISIS.
  • For screwing up Afghanistan by announcing to the enemy when we were leaving.
  • For allowing a totally porous southern border.
  • For lying under oath to Congress investigating e-mail servers and national security.
  • For obstructing justice by destroying (emails & hardware) evidence under subpoena, in national security e-mail scandal.
  • For obstructing justice by destroying (emails & hardware) evidence after receiving a Preservation Order, in national security e-mail scandal.
  • For subverting economic sanctions placed by Congress on Iran by secretly sending billions in cash, all in foreign currency, to them.

That President Obama has such contempt for this country, its founding, and the Constitution should come as no surprise. He set out to, in his words, “fundamentally change America.”  His hubris in doing so would make him, in his own Marxist mind, the new Founding Father, replacing the real ones. And that can not happen if one follows the Constitution and the rule of law.

Charles Carroll, one of the Founding Fathers, saw the danger of a tyrannical government and put it this way . . .

Without morals a republic cannot subsist any length of time; they therefore who are decrying the Christian religion, whose morality is so sublime and pure (and) which insures to the good eternal happiness, are undermining the solid foundation of morals, the best security for the duration of free governments.

Our Founding Fathers put their faith in the American people, to uphold the rule of law in the protection of freedom and liberty and, to keep the government in check to not become what it has already become.

Ronald Reagan put it this way . . .

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

This election season defines the tipping point. The tipping point in fidelity to the Constitution, the tipping point in free-market capitalism, and the tipping point in the relationship of the people and the government. Which will prevail, the intended design of the people putting limits on the government, or the government putting limits on the people?

HIllary Labor Day Rally

And speaking about not being fit to be president. Fast forward to 21:55 when Secretary Clinton begins talking. Or coughing.  It’s painful to watch. Really emphasises the importance of a solid VP pick, which we don’t have in Gov. Tim Kaine.

For the first time, she has an explanation.  She says she is suffering from allergies. (What, from the truth?)

I’d vote for her if she were to pick Ted Cruz for her VP choice, because she’s not going to last 4 years.

Supremes Uphold Dem Bigotry

The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected a bid by North Carolina to reinstate for November’s elections several voting restrictions, including a requirement that people show identification at the polls. So, by virtue of a 4-4 tie in the Supreme Court, the lower court ruling stands.

South Carolina started 4 years ago to require a photo ID to vote, to ensure the integrity of one person, one vote. A right already extended to voters in Florida and 29 other states.

According to Democrats, which person here is incapable of following voting rules?

According to the NYT, opponents of the South Carolina election law (all Democrats) their reason to oppose it is . . .

its provisions deliberately “target African-Americans with almost surgical precision” in an effort to depress black turnout at the polls.

The “restrictions” the Democrats contend “target” Blacks are . . .

  • voters must present photo identification at the polls, even though there is an affidavit alternative for voters without a photo ID.
  • no same-day registration, registering to vote on Election Day, and
  • no registering to vote before being old enough (18) to vote
  • early voting via absentee ballots

The way the Democrats use the justice system to suit their political agenda (as opposed to the Constitution) is obvious. It also shines the light on the fact that they only care for Blacks when it comes to their vote. Something you’ve heard from republicans, including Donald Trump.

Looking behind their whole premise, is that Blacks are incapable of following voting rules. As an American, that bigotry offends me. They also contradict themselves. If 364 days before an election isn’t enough time to register, and early voting via an absentee ballot is not enough time to vote, then how is it that “same day” registration is even an issue?

Bottom line here, what Democrats fear most is a fair voting process that insures the integrity of one person, one vote. And, they’re using Blacks as their vehicle to get them there.

Link: Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down North Carolina Voter ID Requirement

“Immigration Law” Is “The Deportation Force”

Last year, when CEO Trump mentioned the use of a “deportation force” to ostensibly deport the 11-30+ million illegal aliens already in the country, the opposition party (which included his republican primary challengers) ran with the demagoguery a la Adolph Hitler.

Now that the rubber is getting closer to hitting the road, what once looked like a police state actually has boiled down to something as simple as just enforcing current immigration laws.

As a secure border that will halt the illegal flow of humans and drugs is being established, law enforcement and the border patrol will be allowed, and empowered, to do their job. A 180 degree turnaround from the shackles put on them by the Obama administration and the Dept of Injustice.

As illegals (Visa overstays or otherwise) come into contact with them, they will be dealt with as the law requires. It is a kinder, gentler, way to deal with the illegal alien problem created by decades of neglect, and an administration breaking the law to break the law. It may take longer than a “deportation force” would, but the result will be the same. And, the American people will accept that as a more humane way to re-establish law and order and protect our economy, jobs, and culture. As illegals will not have sanctuary cities to run to, and won’t have employers that will hire them or landlords to house them, they’ll hit the road in one of two ways. Voluntarily return home, or as they come into the justice system, will be handled accordingly.

Those who may remain will be those who are somehow productive and, will be dealt with in a way yet to be determined. It should start by getting in line behind the immigration requests filed in accordance with our laws. To do that, they must come out of the closet and register themselves as an illegal, seeking to stay here under some earned legal status.

Assimilation is required. If they just want to use America instead of become American, then they will not meet the minimum requirement for the path to ‘citizenship.’

It will take as long as it takes for them to get their chance to become an amnestied American citizen. However many years that may take is what it will take. No jumping to the head of the line. And to remove the political motivation from the equation, amnestied American citizens will not have the right to vote in federal elections. After all, this is supposed to be a humanitarian issue, not a political one. A  small price to pay to stay and live in the United States of America.

We will learn more of what Trump’s immigration policy is about tomorrow. Will be interesting to see how it compares to mine.