Clinton’s Religious Demagoguery

Hillary continues to paint the opposition (Republicans, not the Islamic radicals/terrorists) as being against Islam and Muslims. I figured turning her question right back to her would be fun.

Know why Democrats refuse to recognize radial Muslims as radical Muslims? Because Muslims vote 80/20 for Democrats.

To them, the risk of losing American lives is worth the votes they can gain from importing them here.

Below is Hillary’s tweet, and my reply.

Could have added Syria in my reply, but I was thinking of the Yazidis.

CBS Democrat Debate, 11/14/2015

Realizing that not many people will take time out of their weekend to watch the CBS sponsored Democratic Debate, and, realizing that the DNC really doesn’t want these three to be seen or heard by a wide audience, and, realizing that CBS won’t be replaying the debate like the cable news networks do, I took the time to watch it on YouTube. It boils down to this. Continue reading CBS Democrat Debate, 11/14/2015