One of the most unreported (maybe because no one saw it, it was on MSNBC) news nuggets this week is about the so-called War on Women. The phrase itself
has pre-conceived notions on what that means. The irony is, women care more for their safety than any phony meme Democrats can create to cast them as protectors of women. Or to put it another way, they are not as mindless and “on board” as Obama thinks they are.
In exploring the president’s sinking poll numbers among women, the folks on Morning Joe asked Tina Brown, the Dione of liberal feminists, what it means and why it is? Her response blows the War on Women meme out of the water. She also has come to realize the difference between what Obama says and what he does. The reality is, reality is catching up to President Obama, and women are not happy with him any more. Her response . . .
“I think they’re feeling unsafe,” Brown surmised of female voters. “They feel unsafe, economically; they’re feeling unsafe with regard to ISIS; they’re feeling unsafe about Ebola. What they’re feeling unsafe about is the government response to different crises.”
(Brown also suggested that the president’s own persona makes women voters like him less.)
“I think they’re beginning to feel a bit that Obama’s like that guy in the corner office who’s too cool for school,” she said. “[He] calls a meeting, says this has to change, doesn’t put anything in place to make sure it does change, then it goes wrong and he’s blaming everybody.”
Where the president is concerned, welcome to Realville Tina.
Sarah Palin weighed in on what Tina Brown said when asked by Sean Hannity. She said fellow females aligned with the flawed ideology of leftist feminism are to blame for many of the issues her gender currently faces. That these feminists “support liberal men who have kept women, unfortunately, embracing this lie that they should be dependent upon government.” And “fake feminists” support Obama, “whose failed policies have kept them dependent on a failed government”, while ridiculing conservative principles designed to contribute to the success of all Americans.
Link: Tina Brown Video: Obama Makes Women Feel Unsafe | Video: Sarah Palin Just Absolutely Unloaded On Liberal Feminists In This Epic Rant