Wisconsin Political Speech Raid; Subpoenas hit allies of Scott Walker as his re-election campaign looms.
Progressives and Unions in Wisconsin are out to stifle free speech. Like the IRS political targeting, only republicans and conservative interest groups are affected.

Once you understand the mindset of Progressives when it comes to elections, this will make sense even though they don’t. And the way this translates in elections is, they didn’t lose, they were robbed. To them, an election loss does not mean the people don’t like whatever it is they have to offer. It means they just didn’t destroy enough opponents or didn’t lie good enough to overcome their opponent’s platform. So now, they are out to intimidate the opposition’s supporters by using the courts and the associated legal cost. You see, making people think twice about contributing to Gov. Walker or any other Republican’s campaign, for fear of being investigated with zero probable cause, would give the unions the unfair advantage they’re looking for to reverse Walker’s reforms.
Special prosecutor Francis Schmitz has hit dozens of conservative groups with subpoenas demanding documents related to the 2011 and 2012 campaigns to recall Governor Walker and state legislative leaders.
Copies of two subpoenas we’ve seen demand “all memoranda, email . . . correspondence, and communications” both internally and between the subpoena target and some 29 conservative groups, including Wisconsin and national nonprofits, political vendors and party committees. The groups include the League of American Voters, Wisconsin Family Action, Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce, Americans for Prosperity—Wisconsin, American Crossroads, the Republican Governors Association, Friends of Scott Walker and the Republican Party of Wisconsin. One subpoena also demands “all records of income received, including fundraising information and the identity of persons contributing to the corporation.” In other words, tell us who your donors are.
San Antonio college student shot by police after being pulled over for speeding.
‘I heard [a man] say, “Oh, you’re gonna shoot me?” like sarcastic almost,’ he said. Less than a minute later, Haidarasl heard four to six gunshots. He only realized the man who had been shot was his upstairs neighbor, whom Haidrasl described as ‘the nicest guy.’
Goodbye Movember, Hello Decembeaver
The men had Movember. Not to be left behind, the ladies have Decembeaver.
By Comedian Sarah Cooper. THIS IS A JOKE to raise awareness for Movember. Donate to Movember: http://www.movember.com