By now everyone is familiar with the word “obstructionist.” It’s what Democrats call Republicans every time they don’t get what they want. Since everyone is now comfortable with the word being used in the political arena, it’s time it be employed here. Only difference is, what Republicans in the House want also happens to be
what most Americans want, a functioning government actually being responsible with the people’s money.
Below is a quick summary of what could have been accomplished if only the Democrat-controlled Senate would stop sitting on everything that comes from the House. Well, that and if there was a President that would put the people and the constitution ahead of his personal agenda and actually sign the bills into law.

House Continues its Work to Reopen Government
The House continued its efforts today to reopen the government through targeted funding bills. H.J.Res 80, the American Indian and Alaska Native, Health, Education, and Safety Act, which would provide funding for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Indian Education, and Indian Health Service, is the 22nd bill passed by the House since September 20 that would fund all or part of our government.
1395 = # of days since the Senate fulfilled their Constitutional duty and passed a single standalone annual appropriations bill
132 = # of days that Harry Reid has failed our veterans by not fully funding VA
130 = # of days Harry Reid has failed to protect our borders by not funding the Department of Homeland Security
96 = # of days Harry Reid has failed to responsibly fund the Department of Energy, including national security provisions related to our nuclear arsenal
82 = # of days Harry Reid has failed to fund DoD and uphold military readiness
24 = # of days Harry Reid has failed to fund all government operations and put furloughed employees back to work
H/T Rep. Jeff Miller (R-FL1)