They own Democrats in Washington, and there is a bill in the House and in the Senate that proves this point. It is called the National Right-to-Work Act, H.R. 946 in the House, and S. 204 in the Senate.
From the legislation Summary:
The National Right-to-Work Act – Amends the National Labor Relations Act and the Railway Labor Act to repeal those provisions that permit employers, pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement that is a union security agreement, to require employees to join a union as a condition of employment (including provisions permitting railroad carriers to require, pursuant to such an agreement, payroll deduction of union dues or fees as a condition of employment).
Translation; the bill will repeal those portions of the National Labor Relations Act and the Railway Labor Act that require you to join the union as a condition of employment. Similarly, the bill repeals those provisions that force you to pay union dues via payroll deduction, whether you are a member or not. Even if you are a union member, you can’t send them a check, or use your debit card. The government forces you to pay via payroll deduction, or to put it another way, guarantees that the union will get theirs. This was a free country. This bill will ensure that it stays that way, at least as far as getting a job is concerned.
OK, that’s the background. Where’s the evidence to support that Big Labor owns the Democrats? You would think that rational people, especially our elected representatives, would be all about freedom, and would be all about removing obstacles, not only for an unemployed person to get a job, but for employers to have one to offer. But, you’d be wrong.
Neither the House bill nor the Senate bill have a single Democrat cosponsor. Not one. House cosponsors: R-101, D-0. Senate cosponsors: R-14, D-0.
For the reason why this is the case, you don’t have to look any further than to see what political party is the beneficiary of labor union campaign contributions and street support. Hint, it isn’t the Republican party. What it shows is that Democrats value their constituents less than their campaign contributors, and are willing to let them (you) suffer the consequences.
Want another example of union ownership of the Democrat party? Wait and see how successful AFL-CIO Richard Trumpka was with his private meeting with President Obama where he wants either a union exemption from Obamacare or union subsidies for Obamacare. But none for you. You’ll gladly pay for that, won’t you?
Link: H.R. 946: National Right-to-Work Act | S. 204: A bill to preserve and protect the free choice of individual employees to form, join, or assist labor …