Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is holding up another defense bill for the purpose of giving the military the ‘flexibility’ of trying terrorists in our civilian criminal justice system. Did you know that Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta was wanting that? I must have missed it.
The administration’s goal is to overturn previous congressional actions that prevent terrorists from being given the protections of law-abiding U.S. citizens.
Reid and the administration don’t like the part in the bill that “requires military custody of a suspect determined to be a member of al-Qaida or its affiliate or anyone involved in the planning or an attack on the United States.” In other words, the enemy.
This is Harry Reid deceiving the folks by turning a Right into a Left.
“Limitations on that flexibility, or on the availability of critical counterterrorism tools, would significantly threaten our national security.”
The administration must have the flexibility to combat terrorism, including the use of the criminal justice system to prosecute terrorist suspects.
If they didn’t lie about what they are really doing, they could never advance their real agenda. Sick, but that’s the way it is.
It should be no surprise either that Attorney General Eric Holder, who prior to his current job was defending terrorists, wants to take exclusive authority over enemy combatants away from the military. This is not an enhancement to national security.
Here’s a coincidence. Holder’s former law firm, Covington & Burling, specializes in representing Guantanamo detainees.
Sign says 'Abolish Capitalism, Fight for Socialism.' That's the agenda of the 'Workers World' bunch.
‘Occupy Wall Street’ was only the beginning for the United States. Now the same thing is happening all over the country.
But unlike the Tea Party movement which was a spontaneous reaction to just about everything the Obama administration is doing, this throwback to the demonstrations of the 1960’s these Marxist ‘demonstrators’ are trying to mimic Egypt in the so-called Arab Spring. Their intent is to force whatever changes they want if they just make enough trouble, like what happened in Egypt. In their short lives, they must think that what happened in Egypt can happen here.
There is one thing common between the Egyptian uprising and the ‘Occupy Everywhere’ protesters. Both were supported by BIG LABOR.
“We’re down with these protesters. We support the notion that rich folk are not paying their fair share,” said Transport Workers Union President John Samuelsen. “Our bus operators are not going to be pressed into service to arrest protesters anywhere.”
It isn’t about jobs, work, or the economy in general. They are desperate to get their unfunded pensions bailed out and desperate to reverse the trend of a shrinking membership.
Try this . . .
Van Jones, now senior fellow at the George Soros backed Center for American Progress.
Update: Remember Van Jones, the former Green Jobs Czar? He is all about this manufactured civil unrest.
“I think everybody should hold onto your seats,” said Jones on Thursday’s MSNBC program “The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell.”
“October is going to be the turning point when it comes to the progressive fight back,” he went on. “We are a part of something called the American Dream Movement. We`re having a huge summit on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Come—you can go to and find out more about it. We are going to build a progressive counterbalance to the Tea Party.”
Progressives should fight back, Van Jones says. What, can’t handle an election?
He also says that what we are seeing on the evening news is a counterbalance to the Tea Party. Not sure if that means they will start bathing. Stark difference between the two ‘movements’ is that the Tea Party folks know why they are petitioning their government. These Occupy Wall Street hippies haven’t a clue.
I don’t understand the liberal perspective on what ‘normal’ is. Why would saving our country from a socialist regime need a counterbalance? One group is the cream of the crop, Americans who know of and respect the Constitution for what it is and what it means. The other group is the bottom of the barrel and don’t have a clue about their country. They believe that they can change our government by popular demand according to what’s cool in the world. As if our form of government is a fad.
The dirty little anarchists haven’t noticed the failure of the socialist laboratory called Europe. Those of us who bristle at the thought of the government growing in debt, size and scope, and rolling back freedom and the free-market economy are dismissed by these anarchists as being ‘old fashioned.’ Waiting for us to die off so they can have the socialist version.
The useful idiots, revolutionaries, will be coming to a public place near you. Pray for them if you happen to meet one. That’ll really piss them off.
Whether he knows it or not, Republican candidate for president Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) has effectively ended his chances to win the Republican nomination for president because of his idiotic defense of those two terrorists in Yemen who were blown to Hell last Friday.
BTW, good job President Obama. (That’s makes three times that Barack Obama did something right since becoming President.)
Paul said that because they were American citizens, that they should have been brought to trial here in the United States.
That might have been the plan if they were still living in the Unites States instead of Yemen. I mean, how hard would it have been to go to their safe-house, arrest them, and frog-march them to federal court? And take the risk that Attorney General Eric Holder might drop the charges on them like he did for the Black Panthers in Philadelphia?
Ron Paul brings to the discussion a whole new way to fight a war which is, if the enemy is an American citizen, then taking out the command and control is not part of the rules of engagement.
Well there’s a losing strategy. It depends on the electorate forgetting Bill Clinton’s ’92 campaign. It went something like ‘it’s the economy stupid.’
If you stop to consider that the word ‘economy’ in that slogan can be swapped for other words like, socialism, Obamacare, government over-reaching, the Constitution, and a few others, you quickly realize that the campaign is faced with a special challenge. A challenge that the Obama campaign can not overcome between now and election day.
According to John Harwood at the Times, “The last time an incumbent president faced re-election, George W. Bush exploited social and national security issues to offset his economic vulnerabilities.”
So instead of the economy and jobs, the Obama campaign is going to run on attacking republicans on social issues and national security issues?
In battleground states, “Obama’s strategists intend to use abortion, gay rights, the environment and successes in the fight against Al Qaeda to counter economic attacks and drive a wedge between Republicans and swing voters.”
On those issues, Harwood says that the Democrats have shifted from defense to offense. I have to disagree with the Times that the Democrats have shifted “from defense to offense on those issues stems from evolving public attitudes, intensifying Republican conservatism . . .” Democrats have never shifted from offense. They live to ‘fight for ‘. Just fill in the blank.
What is important to note is the shift in public attitudes that are more in tune with Republican conservatism than with this administration. Not a pretty picture for Obama’s re-election chances.
What it means is all that the Democrats have left to run on, or run with, is more class warfare, wealth envy, and the race card. All directed at Republicans. (about half the country) Not much about why he should be re-elected. It is more like, ‘they are worse than we are.’ Good luck with that one.
In case you had any doubt about the synergy between BIG LABOR and anarchists here and around the world, this should remove any doubt.
A large group of protesters affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street movement attempt to cross and close the Brooklyn Bridge.
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka was in Minneapolis today for the ‘Next Up Young Workers Summit.’ This is the group of ‘young workers’ and activists and students that just announced their strong support of the Occupy Wall Street protesters:
The world in which we live isn’t working for the vast majority of people. The top 1 percent controls the economy, makes profits at the expense of working people, and dominates the political debate. Wall Street symbolizes this simple truth: a small group of people have the lives and livelihoods of working Americans in their hands.
Their perspective of just who works for who is instructive in just how counter-productive this labor movement is to America, and other countries with even less freedom. People work for the companies that have jobs to get done. The companies don’t work for the employees. They work for their customers. Like it or not, the ‘workers’ work for the same customer. That’s life in the real world.
Then there’s the global labor movement that Trumpka is talking about.
“America needs a good dose of critical imagination right about now. We need ideas and energy. We need enthusiasm, optimism, that sense that everything is possible. . . . You are the future of this movement, and all of us—all of America’s working people—need and your critical imagination in a big way.”
I get the distinct impression that Trumka isn’t pushing for America’s economic success. Instead, he is pushing for labor union membership growth. And if it means tearing the country down first, like our President and Trumka prefer, then they will surely do it. Or rather, continue to do it. Be imaginative, critically imaginative, he says.
You may have missed this in the news. That’s because it was one of those late Friday document dumps. They are not usually in the news over the weekend. And that’s the point. That’s the game.
What is special about this document dump is the subject. These were documents requested of The White House by a Congressional committee investigating the ATF machine gun debacle named “Fast and Furious.”
You’ll never guess. . .
The documents show extensive communications between then-ATF Special Agent in Charge of the Phoenix office Bill Newell – who led Fast and Furious – and then-White House National Security Staffer Kevin O’Reilly.
Ring of Fire radio host Mike Papantonio is still calling the ‘Tea Party’ and the ‘Republican Party’ a bunch of racists. According to this video, Rick Outzen and Chauncey DeVega agree.
Mike Papantonio . . .
It’s the Republican Tea Party, it’s the same people. They’re interchangeable. . . . They are the Republican Party.
What we have here is the Left’s continuing and tired accusation of racism. Well, that and three guys living in their own bubble somewhere.
Maybe someone will show these three bigots this article. Proof? that the tea party people are racists. Not only are they racists, but according to Papantonio, ‘they are insane.’