Happy to share this video. In talking about the protesters that Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid have championed, Herman Cain explains just why that is.
I like his ideas and his passion for them. Seems genuine to me.
Happy to share this video. In talking about the protesters that Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid have championed, Herman Cain explains just why that is.
I like his ideas and his passion for them. Seems genuine to me.
Looks like Sam (Joe the Plumber) Wurzelbacher is going to run for Congress in Ohio. He is challenging fourteen term Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH).
(Note to commenter MJG, this is what democracy looks like. Not the mobs in the street.)
While three days of mourning, praying and fasting for the victims for the Egyptian Coptic Christians begins tomorrow, look back eight months ago and see that I wasn’t the only one who thought Obama was a participant in the Egyptian uprising.
Obama sowed the seeds, stoked the fire, then disappeared; allowing the Muslim Brotherhood to take over. It’s like community organizing at the country level.
He has replaced one dictator with another. Only this one is much more violent. This ‘dictator’ burns down Christian churches. Bibles and all. Now they are targeting and killing Christians with much less abandon.
Does this get him a feather for his diplomatic hat?
Link: Credit Obama, Not the Bush Administration, for Seeds of the Egyptian Revolution
And for your viewing and listening pleasure, Herman Cain takes a fully loaded question from a liberal in the audience.
Link: Herman Cain 2012
It will be revealing to see how, or whether, President Obama deals with the church bombings, rioting, and the killing of 26 Coptic Christians in Egypt over the weekend.
Will he . . .
Associated Press reports . . .
Egypt’s Coptic church blasted authorities Monday for allowing repeated attacks on Christians with impunity as the death toll from a night of rioting rose to 26, most of them Christians who were trying to stage a peaceful protest in Cairo over an attack on a church.
The spiritual leader of the Coptic Christian minority, Pope Shenouda III, declared three days of mourning, praying and fasting for the victims starting on Tuesday and also presided over funerals for some of the Christians killed. Sunday’s sectarian violence was the worst in Egypt since the uprising that ousted Hosni Mubarak in February.
For the role he claims to have played in the Arab Spring, President Barack Hussein Obama (Mmm, Mmm, mmmm), the one who was going to unify the world, now has Christians’ blood on his hands.