Tag Archives: Politics

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Obama Regime Passes Iraq Off To Russia

kerry_iraq_border_lost US Secretary of State Kerry’s visit to Iraq comes after radical Sunni militants gain control of the Jordanian border, which, after the loss of the Syrian border, is piling pressure on Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki. (Image captured from a Reuters TV video clip) Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki could just do what Obama did and say, hey, they are Iraq’s future.

Ripping defeat from the jaws of victory, by virtually abandoning Iraq, and refusing Maliki’s request for air support when the invasion was starting, and refusing to sell jets to Iraq so they can defend themselves, the Obama regime just handed Iraq over to Russia. Putin is all too happy to sell Iraq the jets they want and to expand their reach into the oil-rich region. And the sacrifice the United States made in blood and treasure is all for naught. And we have no one else to thank but our community organizer president Barack Hussein Obama, Mmm Mmm Mmm.


Timelapse video of Philadelphia, sort of  from its beginning.

This sarcastically titled video is worth watching. Not just from the technical aspect of it, but if you’re from Philly, it will bring back a lot of memories. Well, good ones I hope.


When the time is right, will you be ready?

There are so many commercials on TV for ED (erectile dysfunction) that are getting downright boring to watch. A couple sitting in their own bathtub looking over a sunset. Another couple grinning at each other while doing yard work. You’ve seen them. Seems like a topic ripe for a SNL skit. But would they do it?

There is a whole other market that is being ignored. How long before we start seeing ads that cover couples like these?

Thomas Lynch, M.R.I.O.T.D. Award Winner

Dr. Thomas Lynch, United States Department of Veterans Affairs Assistant Deputy USH for Clinical Operations and Management, says the VA “is a good system.” For this statement, Dr. Lynch wins the M.R.I.O.T.D. Award. That would be the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day Award.

Weekly update from Congressman Jeff Miller (R-FL1) and Chairman House Veteran’s Affairs Committee.

Thad Cochran’s Twofer

Thad Cochran played Blacks in Mississippi like a fiddle, by playing the race card to disparage the tea party, and as an aside, to beat Chris McDaniel.


Learning from the Democrat playbook, he used the same tactics (and people) that they use. Emphasis on use. Proving beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the Cochran campaign used Blacks by fomenting racism the same as Democrats.

Where identity politics goes, there’s no difference between establishment Republicans and Democrats any more. How’s that post-racial administration (that Obama campaigned on) working out?

There’s an opportunity here. Is it possible to use this example to persuade Blacks that their victimhood is self-imposed? That the Democrat party is not helping them by keeping them in a perpetual state of victim status. On the contrary. That kind of treatment, and incitement, is keeping them right where Democrats want them. On the Democrat plantation. It’s an opportunity to free them again.

Link: The Flier That Got Thad Cochran Elected? |  How Thad Cochran bounced back from disaster

Foreign Policy? What Foreign Policy?

Snapshot of the state of foreign relations and leadership of the Obama Administration.

Nov. 3, 2013 and June 23, 2014, Secretary of State John Kerry trying to “mend” relations with Egypt.

Nov. 4, 2013, Secretary of State John Kerry trying to “mend” relations with Saudi Arabia.

January 1, 2014 to June 23, 2014, after a decade of war, trillions of dollars, and hundreds of thousands of American lives lost or affected, the progress and victory in Iraq has vanished. Iraq is being over-run by al-Qaeda type terrorists, slaughtering Iraqis along the way.

Libya, gone. Syria, gone. Russia, belligerent as ever and making a mockery of Obama while invading and taking parts of Ukraine.

Our allies, like Poland and Ukraine, know that the United States can not be counted on as an ally in any real sense. Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski believes his country’s alliance with the US is worth nothing. And then some.

“The Polish-American alliance is not worth anything. It’s even damaging, because it creates a false sense of security in Poland,” Sikorski allegedly said.

“Complete bullshit,” the tape purportedly records Sikorski as saying. “We will get a conflict with both Russians and Germans, and we’re going to think that everything is great, because we gave the Americans a blowjob. Suckers. Total suckers.”

Can’t say I didn’t warn you. It’s what you get when you put a community organizer in The White House.

Action Alert: Eric Holder’s Operation Choke Point

It’s not like Attorney General Eric Holder has given up on his gun running operation, or fully complied with subpoenas. He just doesn’t want you to have one. And he (the Obama administration) is putting pressure on credit card processors to make it more difficult to do business.

Here’s how you can get involved in choking Eric Holder and his boss Barack Obama.


Call Senators Now!
Action Item from
Gun Owners of America

Rand Paul Offers Amendment to Stop Eric Holder’s Operation Choke Point

Excellent news!
A few weeks ago, we told you about “Operation Choke Point” — an effort by Attorney General Eric Holder to put gun stores out of business.

Basically, it works like this: The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), at the behest of Barack Obama, has declared that gun stores are “high risk” businesses. “High risk” businesses have been, up until now, a small category of supposedly disreputable businesses, which have included pornographers, sellers of drug paraphernalia, and payday lenders.

The second step in the process is Eric Holder’s Justice Department’s “Operation Choke Point.” And its function is specifically to choke off any credit or credit card processing for businesses (now including gun dealers) who fall in the “high risk” category.

Already, scores of gun dealers have complained that their banks have cut their credit or otherwise put pressure on them. Three articles detailing this effort to shut down gun dealers may be found
herehere and here.

The good news is this: Senator Rand Paul has just filed an amendment to the Science Justice Commerce Appropriations bill which will cut off Obama’s efforts to shut down gun stores by drying up their credit.
The Paul language is Amendment 3292 to H.R. 4660.

The appropriations bill is currently on the floor, but we expect the Paul amendment to be considered Friday or Tuesday. If adopted, the Obama administration would be barred from attempting to cut off credit to guns stores – just because they sell guns.

ACTION STEP:  Contact your Senators. Demand that they vote for the Paul amendment. 

Contact Gun Owners of America here

It’s up to you!!
Forward to your friends, neighbors and lists!



Tyranny On The March, America’s New Enemy

obama_constitution_negative_libertiesThe Obama administration just stole private property in the name of political correctness. Laws are meant to protect private property. And the President is supposed to support and enforce them. This administration, and anyone who believes that this action is good, is an enemy of the state and an enemy of the Constitution.

After a protracted debate regarding the ostensible insensitivity of the team’s name, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office decided this week to strike down the Washington Redskins’ trademark claim.

Because the news media won’t tell you, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is not part of the Judicial branch of government. It’s not part of the Legislative branch of government. It is part of the Executive branch of government. And who is the head of that? President Barack Hussein Obama, mmm mmm mmm, the Marxist who took an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.

This is but another example of how he flips the bird to you, to the Constitution, and to Congress. And idiots like Harry Reid are just fine with it. They are the enemy from within. Obama, as President, is the most dangerous man in America right now. The Constitution was written to protect against a President like him. Our job as citizens is even harder now, because he has a Congress full of accomplices.

If your elected representatives are OK with this illegal usurpation of power by the Executive branch, then you need to vote them out. PERIOD!

Our founding fathers have to be rolling over in their graves today.

Link:  With This One Simple Action The Government Just Crushed This Billion Dollar Company.

Ray Guillory Endorses Medical Marijuana

Received this press release from Raymond Guillory, candidate for Escambia County Commissioner District 2.raymond_guillory

Today Ray Guillory, Candidate for Escambia County Commissioner in District 2, becomes the first declared candidate to openly endorse the Medical Marijuana initiative on this Novembers ballot. 
Use of Marijuana for Certain Medical Conditions
Allows the medical use of marijuana for individuals with debilitating diseases as determined by a licensed Florida physician. Allows caregivers to assist patients’ medical use of marijuana. The Department of Health shall register and regulate centers that produce and distribute marijuana for medical purposes and shall issue identification cards to patients and caregivers. Applies only to Florida law. Does not authorize violations of federal law or any non-medical use, possession or production of marijuana.
Ray Guillory fully supports making medical marijuana available for the treatment of chronic debilitating disease.
With the recent ruling of the V.A. accepting marijuana as treatment for PTSD , Traumatic Brain Injuries and other problems that plaque our veterans, it is unconscionable that we would withhold beneficial treatments.
As a member of a family that has been hit hard by cancer,I wants anyone who suffers from this disease to have any medication that eases their sufferings and works against the debilitating side effects of both the disease and the cures.
On the county level we must set the standards for which this industry will be regulated. We must insure that this law doesn’t make it easier for this drug to get in the hands of minors. We should also ensure that any economic windfall has lasting benefits for Escambia County. With the passage of this amendment we should set up a tax structure to directly benefit drug prevention and policing programs.
                 Ray Guillory, Democratic candidate for Escambia County Commissioner Dist.2

A sign of the times? Yes. Backed by medical research? Yes. Implications of things to come? Probably so. Like the decriminalization of pot altogether for people over 21.

Kudo’s to Ray for taking a stand on this controversial subject. This is an issue that, I think, spans political party. An issue for which, the time has come.

Link: Raymond Guillory’s campaign website

U.S. Lawmakers Slam GMs Culture Of Secrecy

This is rich. Lawmakers are shocked at GM’s level of secrecy? Can you say “Obama administration?”

Reuters – U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday reprimanded General Motors Co for a “culture of secrecy” and said a company investigation that found top executives did not know for years about a deadly ignition-switch defect does not absolve them of responsibility.

Who should be shocked? The former self-appointed CEO of GM, Barack Obama, sets the new standard for “transparency.” By making sure he has plausible deniability of not knowing about anything until he reads it in the newspaper. A symptom of running the government by remote control. Rather, letting his acolytes run things for him while keeping him out of the loop. Or so the story goes.

Speaking of a culture of secrecy and the Obama administration. Did you hear that Lois Lerner, the person in the IRS that pleaded the Fifth, claims to have lost all her emails between her and The White House and other administration officials for the two years leading up to and during the IRS abuse of conservative and tea party non-profits? And wouldn’t you know, six other people involved also “lost” their emails for the same time frame. Dang. Talk about a coincidence.

And they think that’s all they have to do to make the investigation go away?

Link: U.S. lawmakers slam GMs culture of secrecy

Obama Announces First Benghazi “Capture”

He was never questioned since the attack (by authorities). And he lived openly in Benghazi.

The terrorist involved in the Benghazi attack said in an interview to an AP reporter . . .

“I am in my city, having a normal life and have no troubles,” he told The Associated Press late last year after he was first accused. He denied the allegations and said he didn’t fear being abducted from Libya.

And this is the Commander-in-Chief’s statement on the “capture.”

The fact that he is now in U.S. custody is a testament to the painstaking efforts of our military, law enforcement, and intelligence personnel.

President Obama also said that Ahmed Abu Khattala will . .  .

now face the full weight of the American justice system.

All of which means that this capture now, after two years of doing nothing, with President Obama’s approval ratings lower than ever, lower than Bush’s low, was nothing but politically motivated.

It also leaves open the question whether Attorney General Eric Holder will represent the United States or Khattala.

Bringing Club Gitmo detainees to trial in New York is just a continuance of Eric Holder’s defense (as opposed to prosecution) of these enemy combatants. Defending them is what he did at his New York law firm Covington & Burling.

Here’s the plea deal. He has to write “I will not kill infidels” 500 times on the blackboard, and he has to say that he was inspired by a video made by a guy who is still in prison, before he is released and returned to the battlefield in Afghanistan.

Link: Nabbed Libyan militant lived openly in Benghazi