Tag Archives: Politics

The Politics Of “War”

See if you can tell when “war” isn’t what it used to be. You’ve got the . . .

  • Revolutionary War
  • the Civil War
  • WW1
  • WW2
  • the Korean war
  • the Vietnam war
  • the war on poverty
  • the war on drugs
  • the war on women
  • the war on the poor
  • the war on seniors
  • the war on college students
  • the war on education
  • the war on labor unions
  • the war on the middle class
  • Bush’s war in Afghanistan
  • Bush’s war in Iraq
  • Bush’s war on terror

The war on ISIS? Not so much.

The Answer For Punitive Tax Code, More Puntitive Tax Code

Charles Schumer (D-NY), No. 3 leader in the Senate’s Democratic majority, is working on a tax provision designed to discourage companies from moving their tax domiciles overseas, where the tax liability is lower than the U.S., that has the highest corporate tax rate in the world.

Which is exactly what is wrong with the current IRS tax code. It is used by politicians as a tax hammer to either reward or punish economic activity. In this case, Schumer is upgrading to a sledge-hammer, by attempting to grab business profits retroactive to 1994. It’s the Democrat’s version of an Occupy Wall Streeter’s wet dream. And would most certainly fire up the wealth-envy part of their party’s base.

The proposal would cut the amount of deductible interest for inverted companies to 25 percent of U.S. taxable income from 50 percent, according to a draft obtained by Bloomberg News.

There is only one tax code that is economically stimulative. Not just for business, but for the middle class and the poor. It’s called the FairTax. And it does not have tax hammers. If fact, the FairTax can not be manipulated by politicians to pick winners or losers. On the contrary, it couldn’t be more open and transparent, or fair. And instead of being an incentive to move out of the country, the FairTax would be the incentive for corporations to being their assets back home and be put to work here. And the only employment problem we would then have is finding enough people to fill the jobs that would be created by the economic recovery that would result in all sectors of the economy.

Link: Schumer Anti-Inversion Tax Plan Could Reach Back to 1994 – Bloomberg.

Worst Ever, Commander In Chief

President Obama gave the much-touted prime time address to the nation. After more than six months of watching ISIS convoys roll into Iraq from Syria, and watching  ISIS take back city after city in Iraq that our men and women and their families sacrificed so much for, President Obama now says he has a plan. This, two weeks after saying he had no plan for ISIS, and after watching two American journalists get beheaded, and after seeing his job approval rating fall to an all-time low, he had a conversation with the American people.

For the first time that I can recall, he used the L-word. Lead, as in leadership. Oh, did I mention his poll numbers for his ability to lead are also at an all time low?

What President Obama did is this. He told the enemy that he was coming for them. Gave them the heads up to move their assets around, spread them out, and not be an easy target. And to give cover for his piss-poor execution, he asked Congress to join him, even though he said he had the authority, and didn’t need them.

There isn’t war general, and has never been a Commander-in-Chief that will telegraph what the next move is, and what options he won’t use, like President Obama. And, appearing like a guest speaker at a VFW convention, he makes his speech behind a podium from a hallway in The White House. Not from his chair, behind his desk, in the oval office. Apparently, a well-financed and equipped Islamic terrorist organization that already controls half of Syria and Iraq, beheads Americans on video, that has declared war on us, isn’t important enough to come from there, the most un-used room at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

After all that, he can’t bring himself to declare war on them. A real leader, one committed to protecting and defending the people of the United States and all that the people of the United States already fought for, would have told the American people something like, “tonight the United States, with the help of our Joint Chiefs of Staff, have waged a massive attack on ISIS strategic locations inside Syria and Iraq . . .”

He needs to get the hell out of Washington, play golf, and leave the war fighting to the adults in the Pentagon. He’s a joke on the world stage. Anything but a world leader. Can’t be trusted at home or abroad. And an embarrassment to the nation.

Link: President Obama: “We Will Degrade and Ultimately Destroy ISIL”

UPDATE 10/9/2014:I guess it depends on what “Ultimately” means.


On Immigration, Show Me The Metrics

From the start of his first term, President Obama has pushed his idea of immigration reform. Since that time, everyone knows that by “reform” he means not enforcing the immigration laws and accepting as many illegals as humanly possible, and spreading them around the country.nice_border_infidel

Refuting the obvious, the DHS and ICE say that the border is as secure as ever. If trainloads of illegals being escorted through Mexico and delivered by coyotes to the Coyote-in-Chief Obama is their idea of “as secure as ever,” then we’re in big trouble. In so many ways.

For example, the President says that his directives on immigration are not causing more illegals to come. He says because he’s been deporting more illegals that he is stemming the tide. That’s about as big a lie as the Affordable Care Act was going to be affordable.


Unfortunately, Americans are used to being deceived lied to by this president and his administration. Like his statement on Meet the Press the other day. He told host Chuck Todd that the delay of using executive actions on immigration until after the 2014 elections was not for political consideration, but to make sure “the public understands what the facts are on immigration.” He said . . .

“It’s going to be more sustainable and more effective if the public understands what the facts are on immigration,” Obama said in an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “I want to spend some time, even as we’re getting all our ducks in a row for the executive action … to make sure that the public understands why we’re doing this, why it’s the right thing for the American people, why it’s the right thing for the American economy.”

If the president is interested in making sure the public understands what the fact are, then why does it take a FOIA request to find out the statistics surrounding immigration? The facts not only show that more illegals are coming, and that fewer minors are being sent back, but that we are being lied to again.

It’s long past time that the administration be forced into being open and transparent (like they say they are) before ANY legislation is passed. On immigration, let’s see stats on number of illegals crossing the border. Let’s see the stats on deportations. Let’s see the stats on visa overstays. Let’s see all that, and let the American people (Congress) decide when America is secure enough to pass any legislation.

Link: Deportation data won’t dispel rumors drawing migrant minors to U.S.

DNC Starts Smear Campaign Against Christie

Doing what they do best, the DNC begins their campaign to take down all possible republican challengers for the 2016 presidential campaign. Casting the “Christie administration” as the demon.

“Gridlock,” the ad begins, according to a transcript.

“That’s what happened one year ago in Fort Lee, when the Christie administration shut down lanes to the George Washington Bridge. But it’s also what Chris Christie has brought to New Jersey — wrecking our economy and losing our trust.”

Of course, you can see the similar attacks brought against the “Obama administration” so what’s the big deal?

What’s the difference?

  • As far as is known, Christie was not responsible for the traffic slowdown that “wrecked” NJ’s economy, losing “our trust.” Obama IS responsible for wrecking the nation’s economy, and his habitual lying to the American people speaks for itself about trust.
  • The traffic study initially cited by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey as the reason for the lane closures proved a bogus explanation amid media probes. Exactly like the Obama administration’s bogus explanation of the IRS scandal blaming a few rouge agents in Missouri. But, a trove of leaked emails indicated an official in Christie’s administration (not Christie) along with one of his Port Authority appointees had ordered the shutdown as retribution against Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich, who refused to endorse Christie’s re-election campaign. They didn’t lose their emails. Months after the IRS “investigation” started, testimony brought the blame to Washington, to IRS official Lois (I pled  the Fifth) Lerner. Her emails, and the emails of 6 other people involved, have somehow magically disappeared.
  • Christie fired the aide and her supervisor, and the scandal led to the ouster of several Christie appointees at the Port Authority. President Obama has fired no one at the IRS. His story continues to be there wasn’t a smidgen of corruption. And he’s sticking to it.

The campaign tactic of marginalizing your opponent to the point of eliminated them is what the leader of the Democrat party, President Obama, does. It is all he knows. That’s what is unfolding in this ad targeted at Christie today. Don’t be distracted by it. You can bet that Christy won’t.

Link: Democrats to launch ad reminding voters of Christie bridge scandal – Yahoo News.

Big Labor, Minimum Wage, Laid Bare

Here we go again. A labor union advocate riding on the coattails of fifty and a hundred years ago. There’s a reason union membership is declining. They’re no longer needed in most cases. Especially so in the public sector.

Due to Big Labor’s successes in the last century, employers learned from them. They learned how to treat their employees so that there’s no longer a “need” for a union to step in and demand you pay them dues for protecting you from something that you don’t need protecting from or negotiating for. They want you to believe you have no power. You have all the power. It’s called “two feet.” And you can use them to leave an employer that you aren’t comfortable with, for whatever reason you choose. And, you have a voice. Use it yourself. Don’t feel you need a union representative to act or speak on your behalf. If you do, you’ve already surrendered your freedom.

Now it’s Big Labor’s turn to learn something. Be competitive or go out of business. I use the term “business” in an odd way because labor unions produce nothing. They are a leech on business. They are the reason that some businesses have gone out of business, or moved to another state.

Big Labor should put their theory to the test. Let them start a business that produces something (other than marijuana) and sell it on the free market (not to the federal government), and pay their employees two or three times the market value of a comparable private sector job, and see how long they stay in business. Without a government bailout of course. Go for it.

Here’s a fact for those Big Labor acolytes like Aaron Wazlavek who squawk class warfare about those evil 1 percenters. Under Obama’s economy, the top 10 percent, not 1 percent, are doing just fine. It’s the other 90 percent, the so-called working people (as if the top 10 percent don’t work), that have seen their incomes shrink. That median family income has fallen every year since Obama’s “economic recovery” began has nothing to do with labor union membership being low.

Wazlavek proffers . . .

A solid majority of U.S. workers consistently tell pollsters that they would like to join a union if their employer would simply not interfere.

Problem with this propaganda is this. When U.S. workers have a private vote on whether they want to join a union, they vote NO.  That’s not a poll, which can be manipulated to get a desired result. That’s a private vote, and the right to a private vote is not negotiable. “Card Check,” a union scheme to strip U.S. workers of their private vote, is government-sanctioned interference. Boosting labor union membership is not the responsibility of our government. Labor unions can succeed or fail on their own.

MinWagePayneAnother “hot button” of Big Labor is the minimum wage.

Big Labor advocates will say that raising the minimum wage to $15/hr or to what they call a “living wage,” which a starting salary was never intended to be, will cause the economy to grow because people will make more and therefore, be able to spend more. And (here’s the kicker) they’ll also say that it will reduce the deficit by decreasing welfare because, ostensibly, people will be making more money.

Here’s what really happens. Raising the minimum wage automatically gives labor union members, whose contracts are tied to the minimum wage, a raise. You know, the ones already making over $20/hr. The main reason President Obama wants it. His quid pro quo for Big Labor helping him get elected, twice. By arbitrarily raising the cost of labor employers must pay, employers will be forced to do with less of it (if not just go out of business) AND be forced to increase the price of their products, goods, and services to cover it. The result of that is, fewer people working, higher cost of living for everyone, including the long-term unemployed and the ones that just lost their job due to reductions in force, AND an increase in people dependent on government welfare. The second reason Obama wants to increase the minimum wage.

Bottom line, labor union membership is totally dependent on Big Labor learning something from their shrinking influence. Not the federal government and Card Check. And, hiking the minimum wage would have the reverse effect of what the proponents are saying.

President Addresses Nation On ISIS, Beheading

President Obama addressed the nation from the Oval Office to announce the beheading of another American journalist, Steven Sotloff, by ISIS. He said ISIS is a terror group whose goal is to set up an Islamic caliphate in the Middle East, enforcing strict Sharia law that includes killing of anyone that opposes them, including infants, women, and children. He also noted that ISIS has already taken over vast portions of Iraq and Syria as part of their goal.

He told the American people the bad news, that ISIS has declared war on the United States, and has threatened to kill more Americans if we keep on attacking them. As Commander-in-Chief, he expressed confidence that the United States will take the war to ISIS with all the military might we, and our coalition of the willing, have, wherever they are, and get the job done. He said he “will not rest” until ISIS has been killed.

The empty chair and desk. Together again.

Oh Wait! No he didn’t.

World To Obama, Ease U.S. Oil Export Ban

Mmm, lub me some ultra-light, sweet crude.

President Obama is facing growing international pressure to ease the long-standing ban on crude oil and natural gas exports, with South Korea and Mexico joining the European Union in pressing the case for U.S. oil shipments overseas.

10 Most Expensive Avg Gas Prices-7-28
It was $1.84 per gallon in January 2009.

Never ceases to amaze me how the president must be drug screaming and kicking to the oil independence table that will create high-paying jobs (mostly union jobs), lower the cost of fuel, food, and transportation, stimulate the economy, as well as the family incomes that have been falling ever since his “recovery” began.

If the president had any balls at all, he’d be the first one calling for this. More than any sanctions he could muster against Putin’s Russia, having the ability to lower the price of crude worldwide would be the most effective pressure he could put on Putin because Russia’s economy is totally driven by oil and natural gas.

It should be a no-brainer. Americans, Europeans, Asians would all benefit from increased availability and lower energy cost. Then again, we’re dealing with Barack Obama and the greenies.

Link: Exclusive: From Seoul to Mexico City, pressure mounts to ease U.S. oil export ban

World Leaders Differ On ISIS

British Prime Minister Cameron says the ISIS threat is “a poisonous ideology of Islamic extremism”. Clueless Pres. Obama says it’s political.

Why would President Obama deny that ISIS, alQaeda, all those cowardice cave men clinging to their guns and religion, is political and therefore requires a political solution? That there is no military solution and, btw, we don’t have a plan on how to deal with (terrorism) them. If that isn’t music to the terrorists’ ears, I don’t know what is.

Great Britain is learning what an open door Politically Correct driven immigration policy is getting them. Suicide bombers, citizens being decapitated in broad daylight. Unfortunately, President Obama is likewise genuflecting to the Islamic goons by ignoring border security here. Which begs another question. Do you think Obama has weighed the benefit of millions of undocumented democrats against the terror threat that exists? To put it another way, do you think Obama thinks that the sacrificing of untold number of Americans to terrorist attacks is worth the price for the perpetual Democrat control of government?

From the frame of mind of someone who wrote the book “Dreams from my (Communist) father,” I have no doubt that he thinks it is worth it.

As an aside, and not totally unrelated to Obama and terrorism, let’s review his actions of late.

  • Illegally sends reinforcements to the Taliban, ostensibly after spending a year in Qatar, by trading five of their top generals for one deserter.
  • Gives further aide and comfort to the enemy (that’s also illegal) by announcing that the US has no plan to deal with them.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not feeling confident that this president knows what is best for America.

Somebody tell me, what happened to, “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for”? (h/t to Rush Limbaugh for that one)

Links: David Cameron stands up to Islamists |  Terror target Britain  |  Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap was illegal, says US government watchdog

Obama Preps Legal Case For Extra-Constitutional Action

Just like his run-around the Senate on climate change, the lawless president demonstrates neglect of duty with this . . .the_beast_train_transporting_illegals_to_us

With impeachment threats and potential lawsuits looming, President Barack Obama knows whatever executive actions he takes on immigration will face intense opposition. So as a self-imposed, end-of-summer deadline to act approaches, Obama’s lawyers are carefully crafting a legal rationale they believe will withstand scrutiny and survive any court challenges, administration officials say.

Media note: notice the meme to remove President Obama from the responsibility of his actions. The key is transferring his name with “The White House” in anything and everything that HE does. The media continues to portray him as the outsider, trying to solve problems. Harken back to the previous administration. Not an article appeared that didn’t begin with the word Bush and, rightly or wrongly, everything that happened was hung on Bush. Following nearly 8 years of media pummeling going unanswered, this is where we are today. See the difference?

Link: Obama preps legal case for immigration steps