Tag Archives: Politics

$15/hr Quid Pro Quo

Consider what the political Left, beholden to Big Labor, tell you about raising the minimum wage, then piling on ‘living wage’ on top of that. Then look at this video.

All you need to know from me is, it’s Big Labor who wants the minimum wage to go up. And for their own selfish reasons.

For labor contracts tied to the minimum wage, those workers will get an automatic raise. On top of their already over $45/hr in wages and benefits they are getting. (Non-union is just over $32/hr)

Democrats advocate it to complete the money laundering scheme. That would be the campaign contributions, the ground support, and the Astroturf protestors that supporting Big Labor affords them for supporting Big Labor. And for advocating to increase labor union membership. The latter of which is no business of the federal or state government.

Obama and Hillary like to talk about the wage gap. They aren’t looking at the wage gap, that is getting wider, between union employees and non-union employees. 

Their sales pitch to you sounds so compassionate. But, to say that by forcing employers to pay an artificially high wage will act as an economic stimulus is just not based in economic experience. The laws of economics, like the laws of gravity, can not be changed. They are what they are.

MinWagePayneThe consequence of a $15/hr minimum wage will increase unemployment and, put those entering the workforce at a disadvantage. Neither of these consequences will  help the demographic (the voters) that these politicians say will be helped. Black youths are hit the hardest. The only demographic that will be helped is Big Labor, and the DNC.

The M&M Distraction

Michelle Obama once said “I want a better future for my children.” Now nobody else can say that? Melania Trump said she was proud of America and, to be an American, BEFORE her husband was nominated. She didn’t say “For the first time in my adult lifetime I am proud of my country,” AFTER her husband was nominated.

That portions of the speech was plagiarized is not as significant to me as what was said. It is the definition of the American Dream. Anyone have a copyright on that? Come to think of it, from that perspective, everyone owns that copyright.

My point here is, Melania has lived it. The significant difference between Michelle Obama and Melania Trump is, one didn’t believe what she was saying, said it for political purposes to appeal to middle America, and the other actually believed what she said.

Hillary’s polling numbers improve when she’s not speaking in public, not in the news. Where the media is concerned, any distraction that takes the focus off of Hillary Clinton is a worthy cause. Call it a campaign contribution.

China Gives The Finger

A U.N. (Useless Nations) tribunal has ruled in favor of the Philippines in a case against Chinese claims to rights in the South China Sea. The Permanent Court of Arbitration said there was no evidence that China had historically exercised exclusive control over the waters or resources. And, true to form, China called the ruling “ill-founded” and says it will not be bound by it. See that middle finger?

As foreign relations and global security goes, where is President Obama on the stealing of the South China Sea by China? It’s a rhetorical question. He’s at the same place he was when Russia stole Crimea from Ukraine.

Looking back, the U.N. Permanent Court of Arbitration ruling from The Hague against China may become the most discernible symbol of the failure of President Barack Obama’s foreign policy. The U.N. ruled. China ignored. It is a pattern that leads to a weaker America, which is a feature, not a bug, of Obama’s foreign policy.

Because this move by China will have a major impact on the entire region, trade routes, air space, and common defense, this should be big news.  China is claiming all the surface and air space as their own, including lands owned by other countries in and around the South China Sea. And hardly a peep out of the media about it.

The shootings in Dallas and elsewhere consume all the media. To the exclusion of that, and to the exclusion of Hillary Clinton’s illegal activities surrounding her email handling. How lucky for them is that?

Links: Why China is laughing at the U.N., President Obama and America today  |  South China Sea: Tribunal backs case against China brought by Philippines

Orlando Was An Attack On America

After the terrorist attack in Orlando, liberals from President Obama on down jumped on guns as the problem. Their reaction is full of emotion and, disconnected from the problem, which is terrorism. Not a gun. It is a “crisis” this administration will not let go to waste. And so came the bogus attacks at Florida Senator Greg Evers (R-2), candidate to replace retiring Rep. Jeff Miller (R-1), for a contest in support of our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms to give away the most popular rifle sold in America, an AR-15. Critics said he was being disrespectful to the victims and families of that attack. When in fact, ignoring the attack for what it was is disrespectful to the victims and families of that attack.

In reality, we are all victims of that attack, you might say ‘once removed.’ In solidarity, and humanity, I pray for those victims and their families. I also pray for a leader who will fight terrorism. Not the Founding Fathers.

That was an attack on America. And to blame it on guns, and in Obama’s case, to blame it on freedom and liberty too, just adds insult to injury. And because of that, the 2nd Amendment is under fire (no pun intended). No. The response is, Obama’s failure to prosecute the war on terror has made us victims in our own cities. And the pressure belongs on him and Democrats. Not on Republicans, the National Rifle Association, or Greg Evers.

Evers’ campaign gimmick perfectly illustrates this disconnect and, brings a dose of reality to both attacks. The ongoing attack on the Bill of Rights, and the ongoing terrorist threats and attacks from ISIS and related Islamic Extremists. And the latter is not just on Americans. It’s on the whole world who are not ‘believers’ in their brand of Islam.

Obama says he wants to change laws to ‘fix’ this. The law he needs to change is Sharia. The laws he wants to change is our Bill of Rights, which are God-given. Says a lot about him. To focus on guns as the problem, as the administration is doing, is the huge miss-direction from the problem.

It is Obama’s policies, restrictions, that he has imposed on the FBI and DHS that makes preventing attacks like Ft. Hood, San Bernardino, Boston, Orlando, and others more difficult. It is his CVE (Countering Violent Extremism) program. The one that excludes common sense from the task of combating terrorism. Because of that, Obama is more responsible for the advance of terrorism around the world, and for terror attacks on our soil, than any inanimate object.

The rage over the Orlando attack needs to be focused on the problem, the failures of the Obama administration, not a gun.


The above, published in today’s edition of the Pensacola News Journal, was a response to the push-back that a Florida Senator Greg Evers (R-2) got for holding an AR-15 giveaway contest.

Link: PNJ Viewpoint article  |  Want an AR-15? ‘Like’ Evers’ page

Obama’s Executive Amnesty Fails

The Supreme Court today handed President Obama a defeat in his executive amnesty (DAPA & DACA) order. Because the court was tied 4-4, the decision of the lower court stands.

It was a victory. But it wasn’t good. What’s not good about it is that it wasn’t an 8-0 decision. This wasn’t an immigration issue. This was a separation of powers issue. And that there were 4 Justices who thought it was OK for the Executive Branch to make law is disastrous.

Article 1 of the Constitution establishes the Legislative Branch. That’s where laws are made. Article 2 of the Constitution establishes the Executive Branch. That’s where laws are enforced. Article 3 of the Constitution establishes the Judicial Branch. That’s where laws are interpreted when the need arises. That’s the way it’s supposed to work.

Imagine what would happen to the country if Obama could pick just one more Justice? It’s over. There is no “sick and tired” clause in the Constitution like Obama seems to think. If he can’t get Congress to pass laws that he likes, that does not give him the power to abuse his power to write a law he wants.

The Founding Fathers were careful to set up these three, separate but equal branches of government. They lived what a tyrannical government was like in the Crown.  They also knew that if any two, or all three, branches of government ceased to be separate, where one branch assumed the role of another, that would be the definition of tyranny.

This where we are today. And that’s why the Founding Fathers provided for the Article V Convention of States. That is the safety valve to put the States, the people, back in power when the government turns tyrannical.

Link: Deadlocked Supreme Court deals big blow to Obama immigration plan  |  Convention of States

Dems Tantrum, Hold Sit-In

In what can only be characterized as the aging hippie generation reliving the good old days of the 60’s, yesterday Democrat lawmakers left their seats to sit on the floor of the House of Representatives and pitch a temper tantrum. Complete with chants. (But without the pot.)

Driven by the emotion of the Orlando terror attack and their fervor for more ‘gun control,’ these politicians are creating this show to do three things.

They are demanding . . .

  • the abolition of due process.
  • that the Attorney General have dictatorial powers.
  • the evisceration of the Bill of Rights, including the 2nd Amendment.

In short, their sit-in is to attack due process, the right to bear arms, and the Constitution.

If this isn’t a wake-up call to save this country from tyrannical rulers, I don’t know what is.

Obama: Liberty, Freedom Caused Orlando

That President Obama took the memorial as his occasion to push gun control is bad enough and, an insult to the victims and families.

Deflecting his weakness in combating the war on terror, which is what this terrorist attack was, to the gun control agenda is all he had the courage to do. Deflecting a terrorist attack to a gun debate,  he said “This debate needs to change.”

But it is much worse. Listen to him. He is equating liberty and freedom with this terrorist attack. That your liberty, your freedom, the Constitution, is what made this and makes acts of terror possible! That your liberty and freedom “requires” terrorist attacks.

OBAMA:  This debate needs to change.  It’s outgrown the old political stalemates.  The notion that the answer to this tragedy would be to make sure that more people in a nightclub are similarly armed to the killer defies common sense. . . . Why it is that we think our liberty requires these repeated tragedies?  That’s not the meaning of liberty. . . .  If we don’t act, we will keep seeing more massacres like this, because we’ll be choosing to allow them to happen.

Never before in American history have we had a president so unwilling to protect and defend the Constitution and the people of the United States.

The truth about Obama is, he never intended on keeping his oath. He gave that up when he declared he was going to fundamentally change America.

It’s Obama’s Failure, Not Guns

Since the Orlando terrorist attack last weekend, the Obama theme ‘not to let a crisis go to waste’ has kicked in.

Don’t fall for this meme.

With Republicans and the National Rifle Association gun lobby under pressure to respond to the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history, Trump said he would meet with the NRA to discuss ways to block people on terrorism watch or no-fly lists from buying guns.

No. The response is, Obama’s failure to prosecute the war on terror has made us victims in our own cities. And the pressure belongs on him and Democrats. Not on Republicans and the National Rifle Association.

  • His failure to protect our borders.
  • His failure to enforce immigration laws,
  • his releasing of GITMO prisoners to return to the battlefield,
  • his insistence on scooping up thousands of Syrian refugees to bring them here, some of who are and will be (according to his own security apparatus) terrorists embedded among them.
  • His failure to keep tabs on terrorists he had his hands on, like the Boston bombers, the Fort Hood shooter, the San Bernardino shooters, and the Orlando shooter. All terrorists, all on the FBI’s radar, all on their list, and all let go. Credit Obama’s CVE program for that.
  • His plan to fight Islamic extremism is not to investigate Islamic extremism. That’s his program called the Countering Violent Extremism program.
  • And the media doesn’t ask why.

And that doesn’t even include giving Iran $1.5 Billion dollars to fund Hamas and Hezbollah and to expand their nuclear weapons program, or funding the Palestinian Authority and Hamas with hundreds of thousands of dollars each year, so they can attack Israel.

To deflect his failure to keep us safe, his response, is the same as Tyranny-vs-Libertyalways. Not to let a crisis go to waste. That’s what this is about. In this case, he makes the case for taking away our rights to defend ourselves, a constitutional right, for his inability to protect us from terrorism. In other words, to protect us from the terrorist invasion that he is creating, his response is to disarm law-abiding citizens. This might makes sense if you are a Mullah in Iran, or an ISIS terrorist. But it does make sense to Barack Hussein Obama.

Besides all that, there is no constitutional right to fly on an airplane. There is a constitutional right to protect oneself with a firearm. In fact, the right was intended to protect oneself from a tyrannical government. Not a deer or a duck. And never has this been as imperative since the forming of the Bill of Rights when we broke from the tyrannical Crown of King George III.

UPDATED: 6/16/2016, Countering Violent Extremism program added, explains our ineptness in fighting terrorism here.

Links: Senators, Trump open to ban on some gun sales after Orlando |  SIMILARITIES OF PRESIDENT OBAMA AND KING GEORGE III  |  House GOP Leaders Set To Endorse Obama’s Failed Anti-JIhad Strategy  |  Obama’s CVE Program Is an Outrage — and the Republicans Are Funding How not to counter domestic terrorism

2016 Election, Not American Idol

How bad the low information crowd, the media, and especially the current republican wing of the Democrat Party (that would be the current Republican leadership and Republican Establishment), are clinging to the “unfavorable” ratings of the presumptive Republican candidate for president Donald J. Trump?

We tried electing an American idol in Barack Hussein O. In fact, despite any positive results, he was re-elected.  The country, the working poor, and those not working, and the middle class are seeing their future, their incomes, their jobs all shrinking.

Hillary Clinton is running on more of the same. Trump is running on change, not hope. The people who chose him over 16 other candidate feel the same way and, feel that he can deliver.

Personally, the “unfavorable” ratings hyped by the media don’t mean a thing to me. Your mileage may vary. I think the American people who support Trump realize that turning this ship around is going to take someone bold enough to lead. Between the media and fellow republicans doing all they can to elect Hillary, it is going to take someone like Trump to turn the Washington establishment upside down. And if that portrays him as unfavorable, then so be it. We’re electing a Commander-in-Chief, not a vagina or an American Idol.