I’m getting tired of hearing, from the people wanting open borders, and who want to snatch people from terrorist hotbed countries and bring them here, drone on about “we are a nation of immigrants” as though that grants some automatic pass to bring them here and, commit suicide in the process, gambling with Americans’ lives.
Tired of hearing it because, we are not a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of citizens. American citizens. Many of whom immigrated here. And American citizens have a right to decide whether, who, and how many immigrants we accept. Whose interests are immigration laws supposed to serve — and whose interests do current immigration reform proposals actually serve?
Sorry but, when there is no assimilation of American values and culture, that is NOT “who we are.” And that includes learning and speaking English.
There was a 40 year halt to immigration, 1925-1965, for the purpose of obtaining assimilation. Immigration resumed in 1965. Maybe it’s time to do that again?
There’s nothing wrong or un-American about this country being a so-called melting pot. What’s wrong is to let the pot melt.
Who knew that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was a numbers guy? He figured out that the U.S.-Mexico border barrier that President Trump ordered this week could cost a projected $15 billion, once. That translates to $120 per household, based on the latest Census date of U.S. households.
Here is another number that Majority Leader McConnell should be concerned with. How much are illegal aliens already here costing U.S. households? That is $113 Billion. And that translates to $904, per year per household.
But the pressure on education, health care, infrastructure, prisons, jobs and unemployment are not the only cost. That $113 Billion does not count the people illegals have killed, raped, robbed, and assaulted. All preventable crimes if the border were secure. Can Sen. McConnell put a price on that? Is Sen. McConnell suggesting that Mexico reimburse the U.S. $113 Billion per year?
Let’s see, a one-time charge of $120 or an annual charge of $904. Where do I send my check?
Granted, even after the border is as secure as possible, and the welcome mat for illegals has been pulled, that $904 number won’t go away in the short term. Once illegal immigration is no longer an issue, it will in the long term.
I know President Trump ran on Mexico paying for it. His bravado. That would be nice. But not necessary. Mexico pays for the wall that they have on their southern border. For as little as it would cost to build, just do it already.
Mexico will “pay” for it in other ways. Like by having to deal with their own unhappy people instead of shooing them here, across the border, and transporting them from their southern border to our southern border, only to send remittances back.
Remittances used to be Mexico’s second highest source of income. Second only to oil. With crude oil prices dropping, remittances are now their highest source of income. And that amounts to $2 Billion per month leaving the U.S. economy. That’s how illegals “contribute” to our economy. Kind of like how multi-national corporations “contribute” to the economy by sheltering their assets from the onerous tax code.
The bold truth is, the U.S. is not Mexico’s welfare department. And the U.S. isn’t here to be their auxiliary country because of the corruption in their government and the drug cartels. A secure border would not only help keep Americans safer, but it might be the wake-up call Mexico needs to clean up their act.
And on that “big beautiful wall, with a great big door,” post a sign on the south side of the door. “Para ingresar a los Estados Unidos, diríjase al consulado más cercano. Ellos están ahí para ayudarte. – For entry into the United States, please go to the nearest consulate. They are there to help you.”
Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, like his predecessor Vicente Fox, is using the ‘M’ word, in speaking about Mexicans. He spoke with President Trump by phone on Saturday, and said Mexico would demand that the U.S. guarantee humane treatment and respect the rights of Mexican migrants.
No, Mexicans are not migrants. Animals migrate. Human beings immigrate. And like Mexico, we have immigration laws that we will now start enforcing.
His reference to Mexicans as being migrants is to presume that they can’t help themselves, they are driven by Mother Nature, like hummingbirds, to migrate North into the United States. But unlike hummingbirds, they don’t return to where they started.
Nieto doesn’t want the remittances interfered with. Wire transfer of money from illegals to Mexico is Mexico’s second largest revenue source. If it were me, I’d not allow wire transfers to or from illegals in this country. Call it a matter of national security. After all, terrorists can do it too. And we don’t need to help terrorism.
All the humane treatment an illegal alien is owed is free passage South of the border. And whether that should be “free” is debatable.
Illegal immigration and the burden it has on Americans has come to the fore again because of Pres-elect Donald Trump’s promise to end Sanctuary Cities.
Trump has said he will withhold Federal funding to cities that harbor illegal aliens and refuse to enforce current immigration laws. It is hoped that the threat of doing without would, ostensibly, be enough to convince those city governments to comply with federal immigration laws.
There are two other options available that have not been discussed yet. And one of which has already been done by the Obama administration and upheld by the Supreme Court.
The second option is to do to the Mayors and their Chiefs of Police what the Obama Justice Department did to Arizona. You go into Federal Court and get a Federal Judge to issue a Court Order. You force them to comply with Federal law. Virtually every federal judge will rule, based on the Supreme Court’s own precedent, and President Obama in particular, that it has plenary power in this regard, and that states and cities don’t have authority to nullify federal statutes. Then if a Mayor defies a federal court order, the Mayor will be held in contempt of court and go to jail. That’s the legal strategy that could be put into place, in one city after another. You specifically punish these mayors, you specifically punish these police chiefs and city council members if necessary. Get them held in contempt of court, criminal contempt, until federal immigration laws are enforced.
The third option. Sanctuary City Officials should be considered Seditious. Any elected or appointed official refusing to comply with federal law based solely upon their own ideological opinion, or encouraging the same of others, should be considered for arrest and indictment for sedition. It is one thing for state and local authorities to announce that there is insufficient resources to fully comply with the law of the land. But to declare for reasons exclusive to one’s own ideological opinion that they will not comply is indicative of an “insurrection against established order” and “incitement of discontent to lawful authority.”
The existence of Sanctuary Cities is one of the ‘welcome mats‘ to be pulled, if we are to ever get control of immigration. Equal justice under the law is not an option. Neither Hillary Clinton, nor city officials should be exempt.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s “Christian Democrats Party” was handed a “sobering defeat.” Beaten into third place, in what was the first of five regional votes before a national election expected next September. Turning in an all-time low result was a “stinging defeat” for Merkel in her home district.
She was beaten by a relatively new political party, the Alternative for Germany (AfD), that campaigned against her open border policies. Policies that have hurt, if not transformed, German life in the same way it has affected the EU in general.
Not surprisingly, the media characterizes the AfD, not as pro-Germany, nationalist, or populist. Not as anti-Merkel. But as anti-immigrant and anti-Islam. Same media. Different continent.
AfD party chair, Frauke Petry, described Sunday’s result as a blow to Angela Merkel. “Now it is our responsibility to make politics for the people. The people no longer trust the old establishment parties to do so,” Petry said.
Whether this election or the AfD signals a shift in German politics remains to be seen. But it does have the same organic feel like the Tea Party in the U.S. or Brexit in the U.K.
Last year, when CEO Trump mentioned the use of a “deportation force” to ostensibly deport the 11-30+ million illegal aliens already in the country, the opposition party (which included his republican primary challengers) ran with the demagoguery a la Adolph Hitler.
Now that the rubber is getting closer to hitting the road, what once looked like a police state actually has boiled down to something as simple as just enforcing current immigration laws.
As a secure border that will halt the illegal flow of humans and drugs is being established, law enforcement and the border patrol will be allowed, and empowered, to do their job. A 180 degree turnaround from the shackles put on them by the Obama administration and the Dept of Injustice.
As illegals (Visa overstays or otherwise) come into contact with them, they will be dealt with as the law requires. It is a kinder, gentler, way to deal with the illegal alien problem created by decades of neglect, and an administration breaking the law to break the law. It may take longer than a “deportation force” would, but the result will be the same. And, the American people will accept that as a more humane way to re-establish law and order and protect our economy, jobs, and culture. As illegals will not have sanctuary cities to run to, and won’t have employers that will hire them or landlords to house them, they’ll hit the road in one of two ways. Voluntarily return home, or as they come into the justice system, will be handled accordingly.
Those who may remain will be those who are somehow productive and, will be dealt with in a way yet to be determined. It should start by getting in line behind the immigration requests filed in accordance with our laws. To do that, they must come out of the closet and register themselves as an illegal, seeking to stay here under some earned legal status.
Assimilation is required. If they just want to use America instead of become American, then they will not meet the minimum requirement for the path to ‘citizenship.’
It will take as long as it takes for them to get their chance to become an amnestied American citizen. However many years that may take is what it will take. No jumping to the head of the line. And to remove the political motivation from the equation, amnestied American citizens will not have the right to vote in federal elections. After all, this is supposed to be a humanitarian issue, not a political one. A small price to pay to stay and live in the United States of America.
We will learn more of what Trump’s immigration policy is about tomorrow. Will be interesting to see how it compares to mine.
The Supreme Court today handed President Obama a defeat in his executive amnesty (DAPA & DACA) order. Because the court was tied 4-4, the decision of the lower court stands.
It was a victory. But it wasn’t good. What’s not good about it is that it wasn’t an 8-0 decision. This wasn’t an immigration issue. This was a separation of powers issue. And that there were 4 Justices who thought it was OK for the Executive Branch to make law is disastrous.
Article 1 of the Constitution establishes the Legislative Branch. That’s where laws are made. Article 2 of the Constitution establishes the Executive Branch. That’s where laws are enforced. Article 3 of the Constitution establishes the Judicial Branch. That’s where laws are interpreted when the need arises. That’s the way it’s supposed to work.
Imagine what would happen to the country if Obama could pick just one more Justice? It’s over. There is no “sick and tired” clause in the Constitution like Obama seems to think. If he can’t get Congress to pass laws that he likes, that does not give him the power to abuse his power to write a law he wants.
The Founding Fathers were careful to set up these three, separate but equal branches of government. They lived what a tyrannical government was like in the Crown. They also knew that if any two, or all three, branches of government ceased to be separate, where one branch assumed the role of another, that would be the definition of tyranny.
This where we are today. And that’s why the Founding Fathers provided for the Article V Convention of States. That is the safety valve to put the States, the people, back in power when the government turns tyrannical.
With Republicans and the National Rifle Association gun lobby under pressure to respond to the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history, Trump said he would meet with the NRA to discuss ways to block people on terrorism watch or no-fly lists from buying guns.
No. The response is, Obama’s failure to prosecute the war on terror has made us victims in our own cities. And the pressure belongs on him and Democrats. Not on Republicans and the National Rifle Association.
His failure to protect our borders.
His failure to enforce immigration laws,
his releasing of GITMO prisoners to return to the battlefield,
his insistence on scooping up thousands of Syrian refugees to bring them here, some of who are and will be (according to his own security apparatus) terrorists embedded among them.
His failure to keep tabs on terrorists he had his hands on, like the Boston bombers, the Fort Hood shooter, the San Bernardino shooters, and the Orlando shooter. All terrorists, all on the FBI’s radar, all on their list, and all let go. Credit Obama’s CVE program for that.
His plan to fight Islamic extremism is not to investigate Islamic extremism. That’s his program called the Countering Violent Extremism program.
And the media doesn’t ask why.
And that doesn’t even include giving Iran $1.5 Billion dollars to fund Hamas and Hezbollah and to expand their nuclear weapons program, or funding the Palestinian Authority and Hamas with hundreds of thousands of dollars each year, so they can attack Israel.
To deflect his failure to keep us safe, his response, is the same as always. Not to let a crisis go to waste. That’s what this is about. In this case, he makes the case for taking away our rights to defend ourselves, a constitutional right, for his inability to protect us from terrorism. In other words, to protect us from the terrorist invasion that he is creating, his response is to disarm law-abiding citizens. This might makes sense if you are a Mullah in Iran, or an ISIS terrorist. But it does make sense to Barack Hussein Obama.
Besides all that, there is no constitutional right to fly on an airplane. There is a constitutional right to protect oneself with a firearm. In fact, the right was intended to protect oneself from a tyrannical government. Not a deer or a duck. And never has this been as imperative since the forming of the Bill of Rights when we broke from the tyrannical Crown of King George III.
UPDATED: 6/16/2016, Countering Violent Extremism program added, explains our ineptness in fighting terrorism here.
Listening to the political Left, like HIllary Clinton and lefty talkers like Alan Combs, you would think the flow of illegals into this country has improved. If by improved you mean decreased.
They’re now claiming a net zero flow. Even if true, which it is not, they are not claiming that illegals are no longer coming into the country. So that’s supposed to make us feel safe and secure?
Here are a few things a wall and enforcement would do.
Save lives, from convicted criminals and human traffickers
End bunji deportation, once deported, stay deported
Prevent terrorists and ISIS from walking in.
The surge of illegal and unaccompanied children is ramping up again. This summer it is worse than in 2014. Not better.
Yuma, Arizona is on our southern border. Far from Washington DC and New York City. Here’s a couple articles from 5/28/2016, that is in the news down there.
On Tuesday, Agents from the Deming Station were patrolling an area east of Columbus, N.M. when they were alerted to five subjects who crossed the international boundary from Mexico. The area is a known illegal immigrant and drug smuggling corridor.
During processing it was discovered that 34-year-old Mexican national, Juan Antonio Canales Martinez, had a prior conviction for “Sex with a Minor” in California, along with other criminal charges
U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the Rio Grande Valley Sector saved the lives of a man, a women and a 3 year old who were abandoned by their smugglers in two separate incidents in the last 24 hours.
“These heartless smugglers left a woman and child helpless and lost” said Chief Patrol Agent Manuel Padilla Jr. “this reinforces the message from our Border Safety Initiative, “smugglers view little regard for the safety of migrants.”
Bridges are not what is needed. Despite what Hillary Clinton keeps saying. We already have “bridges.” And they’re not working to keep illegals, terrorists, and human traffickers out.
Bridge that looks like a wall.
On top of the human cost described above, there are also social costs incurred with illegal immigration and sanctuary cities.
Fewer jobs for Americans, while record unemployment persists
Depressed wages for Americans because of cheap labor of illegals, enabled by lack of enforcement of current immigration laws
Overburdened health care facilities and schools.
Poor service and higher cost to taxpayers in servicing people who don’t belong here in the first place.
Putting Americans first must be our priority. Starting with enforcing immigration laws and re-establishing our southern border. After all, protecting the American people, not illegals, is the main responsibility given to the federal government. It is the oath all elected officials have taken. There’s nothing controversial about that.
Socialism requires walls to keep people from leaving. Like in Venezuela.
Venezuelans seeking a visa to leave to the United States for the first time will no longer be able to apply for one, the U.S. embassy in Caracas announced, due to the socialist government’s forced reduction of the number of American staff working there.
While Obama is bad-mouthing America in the Far East, he should be touting our success in capitalism and freedom. He is the first president to hate this country, rejects its founding principles.
There’s a reason people from all over the world want to come here. No one is trying to leave. Not yet anyway. Some Hollywood types keep promising to leave but they lie
If the direction of this country does not get turned around 180 degrees, we will look like Greece, like Cuba, like Venezuela. Then there will be no place to go.
America really is the last place on earth where freedom and liberty reign It is the reason people want to come here. To achieve the American Dream. That’s fine, but not unless you also want to assimilate to become American. Not to live here to use America and not assimilate.