Republican Party Area Assessment

Talk about audacity! The NRSC has nothing on Obama.

From the party leadership that funded Obamacare, funded sanctuary cities, funded illegal immigration, increased national debt by habitually raising the debt limit, surrendered its Constitutional power of the purse to the Executive Branch,  surrendered their oversight power to the Executive Branch, and allow the lawless administration to selectively enforce laws and create laws outside of the Legislative Branch . . .

I get this!

It was worth the postage to send my survey back in the envelope provided.

Still Thinking Obamacare Is Affordable?

It’s so affordable that the Obama administration had to prime the insurance industry with payoffs for their losses for getting onboard with the misnamed Affordable Care Act. Those payoffs end next year.

And already, despite the government’s best efforts to use taxpayer money to give the illusion that it is working as advertised, it is not. And those payoffs are supposed to end in 2016.

It may not be performing as advertised. But, it is working exactly as planned. The pathway to single-payer healthcare is widening.

State-run health insurance markets that offer coverage under President Barack Obama’s health law are struggling with high costs and disappointing enrollment. These challenges could lead more of them to turn over operations to the federal government or join forces with other states.

Critics of Obamacare saw it coming long before it was rammed down America’s collective throat. But they were dismissed by the Left and its media being racists, not liking the government takeover of 16% of the private economy and ruining the health insurance industry just because Obama is Black. As if it would be OK if Obama were only White.

On this legislation, there’s no victory lap for being right. So far it’s a moot point, because electing a Republican majority in both the House and Senate with a mandate to repeal it has failed. It has failed because those Republicans have betrayed their constituents by failing to do what they were elected to do. They have caved on every plank of that mandate.

There are way too few republicans running for president with the gonads to turn this ship around. Most of them are responsible for running full speed ahead.

Links: State health insurance markets struggle with cost challenges   |  OBAMACARE HIGHLIGHTS AND RACKETEERING

Cruz Calls Out Washington Cartel

Yesterday, Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) offered an amendment to the highway bill that reauthorizes the Export-Import Bank. That, after promising to do no such thing. And Sen. Cruz called him out on it.

The Ex-Im Bank has become a tool that the President and his willing accomplices in Congress use as their crony capitalist slush fund for both foreign and domestic projects. Against their own charter. . .

The Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) is the official export credit agency of the United States. EXIM is an independent, self-sustaining Executive Branch agency with a mission of supporting American jobs by facilitating the export of U.S. goods and services.

as noted HERE.

And Sen. Cruz called out what he called the Washington Cartel that has proven that our government has strayed from being of, by, and for the people.  “Today we have government of the lobbyists, by the lobbyists, and for the lobbyists,” he said.

Most people who follow politics already knew that. But his floor speech yesterday calls out the leaders on how that really happens. For the first time since ever, a senator calls out congressional leaders for lying to their members and, by extension, the people who elected them in 2010 & 2014. Plain and simple, that’s what happened. Good for Cruz for not playing along.

Is The U.S. A Reliable Ally?

If Israel were to attack an Iranian nuclear site, whose side would President Obama, and the United States, be on?

From the “deal” under Nuclear Security . . .

10. Co-operation through training and workshops to strengthen Iran’s ability to protect against, and respond to nuclear security threats, including sabotage, as well as to enable effective and sustainable nuclear security and physical protection systems.”

Would the U.S. give intelligence to Iran in the event of such an attack? Would the U.S. attack Israel? Would the U.S. resupply Israel? Would the U.S. refuel Israeli jets.  Would the U.S. proved intelligence to Israel?

If I were Israel, I’d be looking elsewhere for an dependable ally. From this agreement, it is obvious that Obama has switched sides.

Link: Full text of Iran Nuclear Deal

Race Politics, Democrat Lies

Here’s a more detailed account on the Democrats’ lie about race than I’ve seen anywhere.

The “we’ve switched” claim is a lie too, and is revealed in this piece as well. Democrats’ record on race was consistently against civil rights from the beginning. Lying about it has been their only defense.

It’s not your fault you never knew this about the history, and behavior of the Democrat Party about race relations, neither the media or the education system are the best teachers of history, past or present.

Bob Parks lays it out for you, and for democrats who are open-minded enough to see.

Links: The Democrat Race Lie | The Dixiecrat Myth

IRAN, It’s Deal & No-Deal

To say that this deal with Iran is good because it will prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power with the ability to create and deliver a nuclear bomb is just plain not true. And, to say, like President Obama did, that this deal was made from a position of strength is also not true. Well, unless you put Iran on the “strength” side.

After months of hype over this deal, including the false choice of if not this, the alternative is war, what we got is not a Deal or No Deal. What we got is Deal And No Deal.

Iran gives up nothing. The U.S., U.N., and the E.U. are the ones giving up. And, where the U.S. in concerned, the deal also pokes the eye of Congress. Why wouldn’t Iran sign that “deal?”

First of all, the only sites that are open to inspection are the ones that Iran itself says that it has. Consequently, their list omits all nuclear sites on military bases.



1. Iran’s long term plan includes certain agreed limitations on all uranium enrichment and uranium enrichment-related activities including certain limitations on specific research and development (R&D) activities for the first 8 years, to be followed by gradual evolution, at a reasonable pace, to the next stage of its enrichment activities for exclusively peaceful purposes, as described in Annex I. Iran will abide by its voluntary commitments, as expressed in its own long-term enrichment and enrichment R&D plan to be submitted as part of the initial declaration for the Additional Protocol to Iran’s Safeguards Agreement.

This deal ends all sanctions already in place. Under the heading of


18. The UN Security Council resolution endorsing this JCPOA will terminate all provisions of previous UN Security Council resolutions on the Iranian nuclear issue – 1696 (2006), 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008), 1835 (2008), 1929 (2010) and 2224 (2015)

19. The EU will terminate all provisions of the EU Regulation, as subsequently amended, implementing all nuclear-related economic and financial sanctions

A “screw you Congress” provision . . .

25. If a law at the state or local level in the United States is preventing the implementation of the sanctions lifting as specified in this JCPOA, the United States will take appropriate steps, taking into account all available authorities, with a view to achieving such implementation.

Here is the NO-DEAL deal.

26. The EU will refrain from re-introducing or re-imposing the sanctions that it has terminated implementing under this JCPOA, without prejudice to the dispute resolution process provided for under this JCPOA. There will be no new nuclear- related UN Security Council sanctions and no new EU nuclear-related sanctions or restrictive measures. The United States will make best efforts in good faith to sustain this JCPOA and to prevent interference with the realisation of the full benefit by Iran of the sanctions lifting specified in Annex II. The U.S. Administration, acting consistent with the respective roles of the President and the Congress, will refrain from re-introducing or re-imposing the sanctions specified in Annex II that it has ceased applying under this JCPOA, without prejudice to the dispute resolution process provided for under this JCPOA. The U.S. Administration, acting consistent with the respective roles of the President and the Congress, will refrain from imposing new nuclear-related sanctions. Iran has stated that it will treat such a re-introduction or re-imposition of the sanctions specified in Annex II, or such an imposition of new nuclear-related sanctions, as grounds to cease performing its commitments under this JCPOA in whole or in part.

And another “screw you Congress” provision . . .

27. The EU and its Member States and the United States, consistent with their respective laws, will refrain from any policy specifically intended to directly and adversely affect the normalisation of trade and economic relations with Iran inconsistent with their commitments not to undermine the successful implementation of this JCPOA.

So when critics of the deal say that the Obama administration is hell bent on having an historic agreement (even a bad one) was for Obama’s legacy, they’re right.

There’s more that is plenty wrong with this deal. Beginning with what happens if Iran is caught cheating. That hasn’t been worked out yet. The full text is below.

Link: Full text of Iran Nuclear Deal

Confusion On The Left?

Looking at what the political Left is up to is one of those ‘dirty jobs’ I don’t mind doing. The reason is knowing what your political enemy is up to and what motivates them.

The Ring of Fire folks don’t know how to react to a primary race in the Democrat party. Reminds me of  a squirrel crossing the road in front of an oncoming car.

Warren-Sanders-2016-2-300x157In one post, they castigate Jim Webb (D-VA) for calling out the party for moving too far Left, and ask “What Planet is Webb Living? Since Webb’s assessment is true, one could ask the Ring of Fire the same question. On what planet are they living?

In the next, they heap attention to the Socialist candidate (running as a Democrat), Bernie Sanders with the notion of a Sanders-Warren ticket.

endofstoryThe Ring of Fire is a website, web-tv, and progressive talk radio enterprise run by a bunch of slip and fall and mass tort trial lawyers in Pensacola, Fl. Occupying the bottom of the barrel in ratings pretty much shows what world they’re living in.

Ramadan Ends Friday

As the Ramadan holiday ends Friday, July 17, the time to get extra special rewards for killing infidels comes to a close.

In celebration of the end of Ramadan, I’ve been thinking about just how restaurants can recognize such an event. Taking into account how our troops in predominantly Muslim countries have had restrictions placed on their eating, I think it only proper to reciprocate, in this, a predominately non-Muslim country.

Here’s a few I came up with.  You have any to add?

MO Ribs For Mohammed, get a side of ribs free with a regular order. Friday Only!

Say the secret word “Allahu Akbar” and BOGO on any Pork platter or sandwich. Friday Only!

Free Bacon for anyone named Muhammad. Must show picture ID to qualify. Friday Only!

Wendy’s is in no way responsible for this use of their video. I am.


Getting nuked is for losers . . .

Link: U.S. Troops Face Eating, Drinking Restrictions During Ramadan

Obama’s No Fool, Are You?

He fooled too many people with Obamacare, none of what he sold it on has come to fruition. He lied to us. This bad deal is no different, except that it involves a WMD.

All the so-called red lines he talked about in this “historic” and “unprecedented” deal have been crossed, and he STILL went along with Iran. There is no UN-announced inspections anywhere. There is no inspections PERIOD, at any nuclear facility on ALL of their military sites.

All rhetoric aside, the bad deal expires in fifteen years, after which (and presuming that Iran doesn’t cheat (which would be unprecedented),  Iran is free to have their nukes, according to THE DEAL.

He’s right about this deal being unprecedented, but there’s nothing good about it. Well, except that Iran likes it.

Link: 16 reasons nuke deal is an Iranian victory and a Western catastrophe

Who Needs Labor Unions?

Have you seen one of those SEIU graphics that read “If unions aren’t needed anymore, why are corporations spending billions to destroy them?”

unions not needed anymore

Shoe on the other foot. If a group of union thugs wanted to make your business (assuming you have one) less profitable, what would you do? Let them?

Here’s a thought. Why don’t unions just cut out the middleman and create their own product, instead of becoming parasites on business and industry? Like any good parasite, you don’t want to kill the host, just suck from it as much as you can. Truth is, businesses don’t need a labor union to exist. But labor unions need government and/or business to exist.

BIG LABOR advocates say “Without America’s labor unions, we wouldn’t have many of the protections and benefits that we have today.” That’s a true statement. It was true 30 years ago too! Thanks to the ‘wake-up call’ delivered to employers by organized labor decades ago, which was “treat your people right or lose,” the labor movement has successfully put itself out of business so to speak. Their usefulness has diminished due to their earlier success as shown by their decreasing member rolls.

  • Total percentage private sector and public sector labor union workers: 1983; 20.1%, 2014; 11.1%
  • Percent of private sector labor union workers: 2004 7.9%, 2014 6.6%
  • Percent of public sector, government, labor union workers: 2004 36.4%, 2014 35.7%
  • Total number of union workers, public and private sector: 1983 17.7 million,  2012 14.6 million.

Now the BIG LABOR advocates lament “Every American worker benefits from the hard-fought battles of our labor unions, but they are becoming extinct under our watch.” That’s also a true statement. Sucks to be them. Now they are the ones that need to learn a lesson. To get their own ‘wake-up call.’ Which is, be competitive in the marketplace, or lose. And union labor is far from competitive. And, they are losing. They are overpriced, and clinging to the last vestige of survival they have, the public sector. IE. government unions, where they are in bed with politicians who have no problems taking your tax dollars to pay for them and their unsustainable benefits and pension plans, so they (unions) can continue to give to their (Democrats) campaigns. In reality, it’s a huge money laundering scheme.