Raise My Taxes, Please!

One of life’s truisms is, we’re all going to die. Another one is, there is no such thing as a temporary tax. Escambia County residents today voted for a 1.5% tax increase. Only they don’t call it that. They call it a half-cent and a one-cent tax. With that kind of deception, I’ll make a deal. I’ll go to the tax collector’s office and give them a nickel. Then don’t ask for another cent. People of Escambia County, learn how to live with what you have.

Link: Election returns for Escambia, Santa Rosa counties

Democrat Campaign Strategy; Racial Fear

Whether by design or by accident, this years mid-term campaigning brought out the racist-ness and divisiveness in Democrat party operatives and its leaders. That the “race card” and class/gender warfare is employed is nothing new for Democrats. So what’s different this time? This time, Republicans are not campaigning on any kind of platform. Instead, Republicans are campaigning on the misery caused by the confluence of bad policies and incompetence of the Obama administration. It’s a given, considering two-thirds of the country feel Obama is taking the country in the wrong direction.

But whether that was by design, or the result of being shell-shocked by Democrats demagoging every policy initiative they advance is immaterial. My money is on the latter. The establishment republicans are afraid of their own shadow and, afraid of advancing true conservative values. (And I don’t mean social values.) What they’re really afraid of is being demagoged by Democrats because, history shows, they don’t know how to respond to being lied about. The result has been to draw out the worst in Democrat politics.

  • The second worst president in American history, Jimmy Carter, said that any criticism of President Barack Obama is because of his race. My response to him is HERE.
  • A mailer in Alabama scaring Blacks into voting Democratic because if they don’t, they’ll be putting the KKK in charge.
  • In support of Mary Landreau, Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) projects racism upon Republicans by saying “I don’t care what [Obama] does, he is not going to be acceptable because of his skin color.”
  • An ad by the Senate Majority Fund, a group tied to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, is running ads on black-oriented radio, attempting to link Thom Tillis to the death of Trayvon Martin.
  • Georgia Democrats are also trumping up racial fear in the minds of Black voters saying to vote for Jimmy Carter’s grandson for governor, Jason Carter, if you want to prevent another Ferguson.

Now, there is evidence that their racial accusations are beginning to backfire in Chicago and Georgia, with Black preachers endorsing Republicans and denouncing the promotion of racial fear to, ostensibly, get Blacks scared enough to get out and vote for Democrats.

Devoid of anything positive to run on, all that is left is spreading racial fear. It’s not only what desperation looks like. It exposes the moral standard of the Democrat Party.

Communist Environmentalist News

According to the United Nations (aka Useless Nations), the end is near, it’s our fault, and we’re all going to die. Well, only one thing there is certain.

From the AP:

Climate change is happening, it’s almost entirely man’s fault and limiting its impacts may require reducing greenhouse gas emissions to zero this century, the U.N.’s panel on climate science said Sunday.

Here’s the plan.

  1. Everyone who has anything to do with the United Nations and the IPCC must not exhale for the next 24 hours.
  2. Continue to monitor the weather and take up the matter again in 2214.

Link: UN climate report offers stark warnings, hope

Update: 11/3/2014 Are you suffering from CD? There is help for Climate Depression. Take one of these.


Why Democrats And Voter ID Is Like A Cross To A Vampire

Why do you think Democrats don’t see a problem with voting registration and voting laws? Why do they rile at the thought of a requiring a picture ID to vote? Why wouldn’t they want to join Republicans to take steps to keep your vote sacred, and not negated by someone ineligible to vote? Here are two reasons.

The pro-amnesty Hispanic activist organization the National Council of La Raza helpfully promoted a Washington Post article explaining which states people can vote in without having to use a photo ID.

Then there are Democrats telling “illegals” that they can vote. And not just campaign workers, candidates themselves. No problem.

Especially when elections are close, as the country is closely matched on both sides by political party affiliation, it doesn’t take much fraud to alter the outcome. That’s why, from the White House and Justice Department on down, there is no emphasis on stopping voter fraud. The moral standards for Democrats are different.

And if you have to cheat to win, that’s OK. That’s why.

CNN Off Of Dish Network

Candy Crowley, Anderson Cooper, and other CNN faces are not available now to 14 million Dish Network customers thanks to a carriage dispute.

“Thank You” carriage dispute!  What this means to CNN is that their cable ratings are (like MSNBC) down to friends and relatives. What this means to me is I’ll have to find another network “cold shower” to look at now that Candy Crowley isn’t available.

Link: CNN, Cartoon Network, TruTV off Dish TV over carriage dispute