Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R) has pledged that his first bill would seek to repeal “every syllable of every word” of the Obama administration’s “‘Affordable’ Health Care Act.”
South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott (R)
South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott (R) of was sworn into office Thursday on a historic day that saw him become the first African-American United States senator from the South since Reconstruction and the upper chamber’s only current black member.
Here's a more detailed account on the Democrats' lie about race than I've seen anywhere. The "we've switched" claim is a lie too, and is revealed in this piece as well. Democrats'…
Watch Sen. Saxby Chambliss introduce the FairTax, S122, into the Senate today. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vxnBgqHrp4&feature=youtu.be FairTax Act Cover Sheet Please share with everyone you know. The FairTax is an economic stimulus…
Remember when there was some hope that, if nothing else, the election of President Obama would at least put a 'period' on the 'Americans are racist' era? Americans elected the…