The talks between Chinese President Hu Jintao and President Obama had some give and take on the economic front. The ‘human rights’ front was another issue. Hu pretty much excused his human rights atrocities as nothing more than growing pains.
Hu said China is a developing country with an enormous population facing challenges in economic and social developments. He said human rights must be viewed under those circumstances.
Pains like his communist government can not handle, manage, or feed its huge population. So some executions here, forced abortions and sterilization there, and other population control measures, imprisoning political dissidents and Nobel Peace Prize winners is just something they have to do while working to, get this, ‘improve the lives of our people and promote democracy and rule of law.’ {emphasis added}
At the risk of jumping the gun on this one, The Lunch Counter is holding back awarding President Hu Jintao the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award. The clincher will be when it is learned that no one in China will hear or see those words. You can bet the ranch that Hu’s statement was for U.S. consumption only. It was the bone President Obama wanted to make the visit look ‘productive.’