Tag Archives: Politics

Why Would Democrats Resist Voter ID?

Requiring a voter to provide a picture identification would ostensibly prevent people, dead or alive, from voting multiple times. After all, isn’t having a fair and honest election process the right and moral thing to do?Shelton_moral_standards

lessadolla-sowers_mugshot-400x800Fraud on absentee ballots is a whole other issue. NAACP Exec. Lessadolla Sowers of Tunica County, Miss., sentenced on 10 counts of voter fraud. Voted for Obama 10 times using absentee ballots of people living and dead.

Unfortunately, different moral standards exist. There is no right to vote more than once in a given election.

Link: DEMOCRATS Arrested and/or Convicted of Voter Fraud

Obama Administration, You’re A Racist If You Don’t Hire Criminals

Basing their lawsuit on the disparate affect on minorities for employers having a policy of excluding the hiring of someone with a criminal background, the Obama Administration’s EEOC filed a lawsuit against Dollar General and a BMW facility for using background checks on job applications because it’s racist. It’s now criminal-justiceunlawful to discriminate against applicants who have committed a crime. Well, they may as well add the State of Florida, Sacred Heart Hospital, and Baptist Hospital to the suit. They won’t hire people with a criminal record either.

Talk about having it both ways, the EEOC is sanctioning the same kind of criminal profiling that law enforcement, and community watch people, are not permitted to do.

Under the same assumption, employers like Escambia and Santa Rosa counties, Baptist and Sacred Heart hospitals are racist because they will not hire people that smoke tobacco. Apparently, marijuana is OK because that would be criminal. And, more blacks smoke tobacco than any other demographic except Native Americans.

So how’s the President doing in bringing America to the “post-racial” status he campaigned on?

[polldaddy poll=7273047]

Link: Obama Administration Sues Companies For Running Background Checks Calling them Racist.

“Could Have Been Me 35 Years Ago”

Two can play that game Mr. President.

If you were Trayvon 35 years ago, it would have spared the country from . . .

  • record unemployment
  • a stagnant economy
  • high energy prices
  • high food prices
  • union bailouts
  • a move towards socialism
  • Obamacare
  • the dilution of “equal justice under the law” with your inclination toward “social justice” and “racial justice”
  • your lawless administration that selectively enforces laws, especially current immigration laws
  • your Attorney General ignoring voting rights laws (New Black Panthers in Philadelphia)
  • your dozens of unaccountable Czars
  • using the Federal Govt. and its agencies to oppress (and attack, George Zimmerman) the citizens
  • abuse of voting and first amendment rights (IRS)
  • attacks on second amendment rights
  • racial tensions fueled by you not seen since the 60’s.
  • Did I mention voting rights abuse?

The Country, And Justice, Is Failing

Don’t know about you, but the country I once knew is starting to become unrecognizable, fast. We had Presidents that would keep our country secure. And would call for calm when the need arose. We had a justice system that was the envy of the world. A nation of laws, not men. When justice was “blind” and there was “equal justice under the law.”

Who knew that the justice system would go after a private citizen like George Zimmerman? No, would target a private citizen like President Obama’s Department of Justice is doing. Going on television and in every news broadcast, soliciting input from the nation for a way to put one of its citizens behind bars. That, after having already been through the judicial process and found not guilty by a jury of his peers.

Who knew that after having gone through the legal process with a jury trial, there would then be elected representatives in the nation’s capitol making slanderous accusations about this citizen, and claiming that “justice” has not yet been served? That something more needs to be done to this citizen. Never mind that this citizen has no job or resources left to support his family after having to defend himself in a long and drawn out legal battle.

And it doesn’t stop there. Aside from the government coming down on this citizen, there are national organizations like the NAACP calling for this citizen to be tried again for something, anything that they could find (having found nothing in the preceding 18 months) that would show this citizen to be a racist. The attacks on this citizen are coming from all areas public and in the government.

Innocent until proven guilty? Now, it’s guilty after proven innocent. The judicial process has been turned on its head. What’s worse is that all of this persecution is sanctioned by the President himself. He’s not calling for calm. He’s not calling for an investigation of the IRS scandal, but he instead, supports a witch hunt on a citizen, the justice system be damned. This from a man who said he was going to be the post-racial President in a post-racial administration. Who believes that now?

If I didn’t know better, I’d swear I was living in the former Soviet Union, Communist China, Cuba, or a host of other corrupt countries where the people are subjects of the government. Not in a country where the government protects its people.

That’s the state of our State. And it didn’t get this way by accident.

And integral part of the “fundamental change” President Obama and his acolytes are implementing is the bastardization of the justice system through the introduction of some modifiers. Social Justice and Racial Justice. And from there the sky is the limit. Why not have a little economic justice? Check, we have that too.

No, this is not the country it used to be by a long shot. When political considerations like “social,” “racial,” and “economics” are introduced, equal justice under the law is by definition, extinct.

The good news is, you don’t have to accept it. You have the power to change it at the ballot box. Let’s get busy.

Holder Advocating Against Blacks

Proving that Eric Holder is politicizing the Zimmerman case, he is fomenting opposition to Florida’s “stand your ground” law, which was not even part of the Zimmerman case, and claiming that it is making Florida more dangerous. Liar liar, pants on fire. Since Florida’s stand your ground law, violent crimes in the state fell by 23 percent. It is not getting worse like Holder would have you believe. And you know what else? Blacks (or “his people” as he calls them) benefit more, disproportionately more, than whites in Florida from the stand your ground law.

Black Floridians have made about a third of the state’s total “Stand Your Ground” claims in homicide cases, a rate nearly double the black percentage of Florida’s population. The majority of those claims have been successful, a success rate that exceeds that for Florida whites.

Nonetheless, prominent African Americans including Holder and “Ebony and Ivory” singer Stevie Wonder, who has vowed not to perform in the Sunshine State until the law is revoked, have made “Stand Your Ground” a central part of the Trayvon Martin controversy.

So not only is his version of justice not blind, he is advocating the revoking of the basic human right of self-defense from the very people who are benefiting the most from it, for purely political purposes. This clown must go.

Link: Florida blacks benefit from Florida ‘Stand Your Ground’ | The Daily Caller.

Piers Morgan, Jeantel Thought Zimmerman Was Gay

In the most revealing and most unreported interview from the prosecution’s main witness, Rachel Jeantel, Rachel puts in perspective what her conversation on the phone with Trayvon was about. And race had nothing to do with it.

When Trayvon told Rachel that he was being followed by a creepy-ass cracker, Rachel interpreted that to be that Zimmerman was following him because he was a gay, and possibly a predator. And she told Trayvon that. Which, with that mindset, does explain why an altercation ensued. Trayvon wasn’t going to let Zimmerman rape him or follow him home to his father’s house where is little brother was. A sick way of profiling people, but that’s Rachel.

Sure takes the wind out of the racist sails now doesn’t it? Now that this is out, pay attention to how much attention is paid to her statement from the media, the race hustlers, and the gay community. Zimmerman is looking more the victim, than the victim.


Piers Morgan’s question: “But you felt that there was no doubt in your mind from what Trayvon was telling you on the phone about the ‘creepy ass cracka’ and so on, that he absolutely believed that George Zimmerman, this man — you didn’t know who he was at the time, but this man — was pursuing him?  And he was freaked out by it?”

JEANTEL:  Yes.  Definitely. After I say, “Might be a rapist.”  For every boys or every man, every who’s not that kinda way, see a grown man following them, would they be creep out?  So you gotta take as a parent. You tell a child, “You see a grown person follow it you, run away,” and all that.

I’ll tell you one thing that creeps me out. The CNN audience that begins applauding after she said that.

H/T Rush Limbaugh

Language Adjustment From Zimmerman Trial

Well, it’s official. The meme has been cast in the media and by the administration. Self-defense is now called gun violence. And a belligerent teenager quick to go to fisticuffs is an innocent child out for a walk to the corner store. And if you are not Black, and you don’t submit to a beating by a Black, then you’re a racist. And if a trial by jury doesn’t see it that way, they are racists too. And, justice has not been done unless it also includes “social justice” and “racial justice.” In case you haven’t noticed, we are witnessing the creation of the American version of the Taliban and Sharia law. The rule of law does not apply any more, and “justice” is no longer blind. Part of the fundamental change Barack Obama has in mind.

If my memory serves me, it was President Obama himself that claimed that his administration was going to be the first post-racial administration in American history. In fact, he has done his best to exacerbate race relations, exactly as his community organizing past has taught him to do.

One can no longer say that he “missed” a chance to calm the situation down. He hasn’t missed anything. He is doing and allowing all he can to keep racial tension alive and well. It’s politics first for him. The country be damned. And the sooner Americans of all races realize that, the better for the country, and the better for race relations.

It’s Not Incompetence, It’s The “Hidden Hand”

In his first term, the media accepted President Obama’s ducking, hiding, and avoiding leadership from the Oval Office as “leading from behind.” Now, for his second term, it is called the “hidden hand” approach.Hidden-Hand

Looking for leadership, not to mention following through on his promises, the New York Times has a narrative for Obama’s inaction on important issues like immigration, Syria, Obamacare, his post-racial agenda, the economy, and unemployment. (I added the last three).

That is not to say Mr. Obama is uninvolved. In the privacy of the West Wing, away from the cameras, he has made calls to leading figures in the Arab world and has met with advisers trying to influence the crisis. But his low public profile on issues like immigration, Syria and health care underscores a calculated presidential approach that admirers consider nuanced and detractors call passive.

Translation, if you are expecting some leadership from the President, you’re a detractor.

After all, how else would you expect him to get the people’s work done while on the campaign trail, golf course, and vacations? He’s much too busy to sit in the Oval Office to play President.

That the Times has to go back 60 years to find an “example” of the “hidden hand” says how desperate they are to prop up our President. If there were a Republican in The White House, it would be harder to imagine him (or her) using the hidden hand approach than it would be for the Times to be calling for his resignation for gross incompetence.

Link: In Second Term, Obama Is Seen as Using ‘Hidden Hand’ Approach

Equal Justice Under The Law, What?

There’s a reason that Lady Justice in the Supreme Court wears a blindfold. It signifies that justice is blind to influences outside the law. The whining over “social justice” and “racial justice” are political buzz words that cause harm to the justice system.

The not so unintended consequence of bellyaching for social justice and racial justice also divides the people into “victims” and not victims. Victims that a particular political party will tend to exploit, at the expense of justice, for their own political gain. There is no place in a justice system based on the rule of law for social justice, racial justice, or politics. There is only one justice system and it applies equally to everyone. Period.

blind_justice_2 blind_justice

Link: The Next Verdict from the Zimmerman Trial