Tag Archives: Politics

Pres. Obama Wins M.R.I.O.T.D. Award

Speaking with Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative Fellows at the White House, President Barack Obama said that under his leadership, the United States has become the most respected country in the world.

Of course, these weren’t real world leaders. The real leaders were at home ROTFL. These were students, who probably knew better.

This assertion is like his assertion that he has this economy in a recovery, while there is not a single economic measure that would support that claim. Beginning with, he economy is contracting, lowest worker participation rate since Jimmy Carter, real unemployment rate is north of 10%, more businesses are closing than are opening, and, a record number of people are on government assistance and food stamps.

On the world stage, every country he has had a hand in has been a disaster. Starting with the United States, the Arab Spring, Benghazi, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, China, and the rise and strengthening of terrorists around the world.

The winning statement . . .

and today once again, the United States is the most respected country on earth

For this, President Obama wins the award for the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award. For the third time.

Links: President Obama: Under My Leadership, US Once Again Most Respected Country on Earth  |  Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative Fellows

Still The “United” States?

Remember how the country was wooed when Sen. Obama arrived to challenge Hillary Clinton for the 2008 presidential race? And Hillary was tossed aside like a dirty sock?

The thought of the first Black president who, just by his election, would heal the stigma of slavery from our country’s past. He would be the one to transform America into its new post-racial era. Or so we thought.

Get ready for another slam of the Obama Wrecking Ball if what seems to be brewing comes to fruition. And I’m not just talking economically.

Reparations isn’t something new to this administration. He’s already tested the waters. For someone who dislikes America as much as him, and as community organizers go, stirring up something like reparations, for people who had nothing to do with it, from people who had nothing to do with it, is right up his alley.

Is this a belated April Fools joke, or just the next step in erasing the “United” from the United States?

Links: Reparations talk in the media

Climate Politics, Another Loser?

The War On Weather, or if you prefer, Man-Made Global Warming, is not going so well. Not near as good as the War on Terror. What?

  • So far, the pilots have failed to make a noticeable dent in carbon emissions
  • “This is still a market created by policy,” Kong said. “The policy needs to follow the market at some time.”
  • Starting in 2013, China set up the seven pilot markets in the country’s largest cities – Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chongqing and Shenzhen – as well as the industrial provinces of Guangdong and Hubei. Since mid-April, the seven markets have traded a total of 31.2 million tons of carbon. The European market in its first year traded more than 10 times that amount of carbon.

And about the time the President was telling the graduates at the United States Coast Guard Academy how man-made climate change was the greatest threat to our country, the CIA shut down its program to use its spy satellites to look at the weather.

Link: China readies national carbon market to fight climate change  | CIA shuts down program using spy satellites to track climate change 

Worst Commander-In-Cheif, EVER!

Obama has certifiably lost his friggin mind. Or thinks you are a mind-numbed robot, or that he has hypnotized you with his brilliance. It might be that the now out-of-work Letterman writers have moved into The White House? I don’t know. But, never one to accept an ounce of responsibility for absolutely everything going wrong, this sorry excuse for a president is telling the Coast Guard at their graduation that climate change is the cause for ISIS and other terrorist groups.

ISIS has captured half of Syria and a significant part (where our men and women fought and died for) of Iraq. At the same time, he wants you to believe that his military brilliance is degrading ISIS. And why not? His supporters (media included) bought his line that his stimulus spending worked too! Because things would have been much worse without it. Likewise, if ISIS had not been degraded, they would have had all of both countries by now. See?

However insane this is, it’s a sign of progress. He’s no longer blaming Bush.


A Discussion About Race

Walter E. Williams perfectly elucidates the plight of Blacks today. And it has nothing to do with racism, as he documents. Basically two things, liberal government policies that ease the consequences for poor decision-making, and minimum wages keeping those wanting to start a job from getting a job.

You’ll be shocked to see the social cost of government policies upon the Black community. The numbers he researched tell a story very different from the grievance industry today.

Continue reading A Discussion About Race

Aatollah Ali Khamenei 1, Barack Obama 0

Regarding Obama’s historic semblance of a preliminary introduction to the beginning of a tentative framework for a possible hope of an eventual agreement with Iran, Aatollah Ali Khamenei just told President Barack Obama and Sec. of State John Kerry (who served in Vietnam) SCREW YOU, you’re not doing any inspecting here Barack old buddy.

Like everything this man touches, it turns to …. let’s just say, it’s not the golden touch. It’s more like the manure touch.

Link: Iran Just Slapped Obama In The Face With A Nuclear Move That Ruins His Entire Plan

Iraq, Putting The Media In Its Place

While the media is preoccupied with changing history where the Iraq war is concerned, and, trying to blame G.W. Bush for the rise of ISIS instead of Obama, for losing everything the U.S. won under Bush, here’s a little refresher from ten years ago.

There Were Seven Reasons, Not One

  • Saddam Hussein’s Defiance of United Nations Resolutions
  • Saddam Hussein’s Development of Weapons of Mass Destruction
  • Saddam Hussein’s Repression of the Iraqi People
  • Saddam Hussein’s Support for International Terrorism
  • Saddam Hussein’s Refusal to Account for Gulf War Prisoners
  • Saddam Hussein’s Refusal to Return Stolen Property
  • Saddam Hussein’s Efforts to Circumvent Economic Sanctions

Also note that all the links in that post, the transcript, the audio, and the video of Bush making his case to the United Nations were to The White House website. After Obama took office, all those links to what happened in “our house” were scrubbed.

Here is a link to the transcript, where you can see for yourself, all seven reasons for going into Iraq. It was not, as the meme today portends, just WMDs. Also, know that Democrats voted to approve going into Iraq too. As did the United Nations.

And how timely a subject. Look at the other post in this link, If We Leave Now, They Will Follow

That President Obama lost the war that Bush won should come as no surprise. But you won’t hear that in today’s mainstream media. The meme today is, what else? Blame Bush.

Links: Text Of Bush Iraq Speech To U.N. |  There Were Seven Reasons, Not One  |  If We Leave Now, They Will Follow

Hillary “Has No Clothes”

Listening to “democratic strategists” forced to explain why Hillary Clinton is avoiding the media in her campaign for the presidency, they say, she’s talking to small groups to get the feel of what Americans think. You know, those groups who were hand-picked by her campaign. Except they didn’t say that part. Trying to explain away why she has been asked, and answered only 8 questions since announcing her candidacy April 12, 2015. Over a month ago.

They, of course, have it all wrong. The real reason is two-fold. One, to avoid having to answer questions about her past, about her honesty, and two, to avoid the optics of a lot of empty seats at a venue.

Free advice for the DNC. Keep her hidden and insulated from the media. No amount of demagoguery of the GOP will overcome what people see in your candidate, Secretary Hillary Clinton.

37% Of Americans Not Working

To say that the Obama administration represents Jimmy Carter’s “second term,” is not a stretch. That’s because the labor participation rate hasn’t been this low since the malaise of the Carter era.

The “labor participation rate” is the percentage of people who can work that are working. The labor participation rate for April 2015 is 62.8 percent. More than one-third of the American work force, ninety-three million, are looking for work.

This is what the Obama administration is touting as a recovery. And President Obama readily admits, “there’s more work to do.” Translation; “what I’m doing isn’t working the way you think it should, but you’ll get used to it after a while. Remaking America takes time.”

Here’s how the BLS describes it . . .

 [T]he dynamic demographic, economic, and social forces that once spurred the level, growth, and composition of the labor force have changed and are now damping labor force growth.

To illustrate what 93,000,000 Americans out of work represents, look at it this way. It could represent the populations of Ireland, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Hungary, Portugal, Greece, Belgium, and Lithuania combined. Or ALL of Germany, or Turkey, or the United Kingdom, or France, or Italy, and a few million more.

And look at the president’s solution. Grow government and shrink the private sector, raise taxes, raise national debt, and make more people dependent on the dwindling number of taxpayers lucky enough to still have a job. He has a perverse view of economics. He thinks expanding government and spreading the wealth around amounts to economic recovery.

And it’s not because he doesn’t know what it takes to stimulate economic activity to actually grow the economy. It’s because he knows that growing the economic pie would mean shrinking government and its control over the people. And that goes against his goal of remaking America as he sees it. As though we have a new founding father in The White House.

Link: Bureau of Labor Statistics