Tag Archives: Media

Benghazi, Obama’s ‘Disqualifier’

Now the parents of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith and Glen Doherty know they were lied to.

Now, from the newly leaked emails, not from the President in the Oval Office, Charles Woods, father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, breaks the family’s silence.

Obama’s campaign goal (like all of his campaigns) has been to disqualify his opponent. In this case, Mitt Romney. And that hasn’t been going well lately as Romney seems to be picking up those treasured ‘undecideds’ and Independents.

The way President Obama has handled the terrorist attack in Benghazi disqualifies him to be Commander-in-Chief for another term. Leaking sealed divorce records are not required. Producing a birth certificate, school records, or passport records are not required.

Just from what we now know, from the weeks of the coverup, and not lifting a finger to help them, and telling CIA operatives who could help not to, President Obama has done to himself what he’s been trying to do to Mitt Romney.

Link: CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say

Sean Smith’s Mother Being Lied To Too!

A month after Sean Smith was killed by terrorists in Benghazi, his mother speaks out in an interview with Anderson Cooper on CNN. This is no way that anyone, let alone the Commander-in-Chief, should treat a grieving parent. Especially from someone responsible for her son’s security.

He and his State Department are consistent though. They all lied to her the same as they all lied to us.

Kudos to Anderson Cooper and CNN for the news. Keep a sharp eye out for any other news outlet to tell her story. Well, before Nov 6.

Link: Why Benghazi-Gate?

Why Benghazi-Gate?

The official (U.S.) response to the 9/11/12 terrorist attack in Benghazi was quite telling. The storyline began with we’re “still gathering facts.” Despite that, UN Ambassador Rice, Secretary of State Clinton, and President Obama were quick to proffer that the deadly attack in Benghazi was not only ‘spontaneous,’  but that it was in reaction to a YouTube video. They also said the attack was spawned from a “demonstration” in the street outside the safe-house that got out of hand, arguing that it was not a planned terrorist attack.

We now know that all aspects of their story were purposely deceptive. Not true. Lies. It wasn’t a result of the video. There was no demonstration at the “safe house” prior to the attack. And it was a planned terrorist attack by al-Qaeda. Right from the start, and for over a week after, the Obama administration pointed the finger away from them and to a private U.S. citizen.

Why would they say that if they knew it was not true? Because the event wholly exposed the naivete of President Obama’s “new direction” in Muslim/Islamic relations and foreign policy. That, and they aren’t accepting any responsibility for leaving our Ambassador virtually UN-protected in a known haven for al-Qaeda, and on 9/11 no less. A significant anniversary date for al-Qaeda. The spin about who and what was responsible began immediately.

The State Department is responsible for the security for our diplomats. The State Department is run by, and an arm of, the President as part and parcel of the executive branch. The assassination and murdering of our ambassador and three other Americans underscores the failure of President Obama’s so-called Muslim reset policies and apology tour.

It showed that killing bin Laden didn’t end the war on terror and, al-Qaeda still wants to kill us. It also showed the result of what a naive premise to the ‘war on terror’ can lead to.

After the fall of the Gaddafi regime, the administration established a consulate in the new Libya. The State Department, for whatever reason, set up the ambassador with no U.S. Marine security. In fact, they outsourced Ambassador Stevens’ security to a firm in Great Britain. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, and the Ambassador’s concerns for his security (as discovered by CNN, not FBI), our consulate was left to fend for itself, in a country rocked by terrorists, and on 9/11.

From start to finish, this tragedy is one that can’t be blamed on Bush. It is wholly owned by President Obama and his childish, if not suicidal, views about the war on terror and radical Islam. That’s why we’re being lied to. And that’s why we’re having Benghazi-Gate.

No doubt in my mind that, if there was a Republican in The White House, this would be the only story above-the-fold, from now until election day. Not a word from the MSM about lying to the American people for political cover for an election that is just weeks away. No demands for impeachment. Not even any demands for heads to roll.

Link: Benghazi-Gate: New Evidence White House Lied About Libya Terror Attack

Liberal Pundit Arrested Defacing Anti-Terrorist Ad

Mona Eltahawy, a former Reuters correspondent, has been a recent favorite of CNN and MSNBC’s weekend morning shows to discuss Egypt. Now she’s gotten herself arrested for being an idiot in public, or vandalism.

See her make a complete fool of herself. No doubt boosting her street creds for MSNBC.

Link: NewsBusters

Obama ‘Widened The (Islamic) Gap’

The recent killing of our Ambassador called a lot in to question. Lack of security at the Embassy and at the ‘safe house’ being only one. What is it about these murdering Muslims? Why do they continue to hate us now? President Obama told us he’s got this under control. Elect him and they will like us. Hope & Change. All that.

Jean Aziz, columnist for the Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar, believes it’s all our fault. That “the repeated mistakes of U.S. policy in the Middle East and vis-à-vis the Islamic world could lead to another 9/11.”

Continue reading Obama ‘Widened The (Islamic) Gap’

Department of Justice Caught Going ‘Chicago’

The most UN-reported news story for today is the disclosing (under FOIA) of emails from the Obama Justice Department to the George Soros-funded ‘media watchdog’ organization called Media Matters.

These emails are not describing what the Justice Department did on such-and-such case. These are emails suggesting stories that would be harmful to Obama’s critics and helpful to the administration. No surprise here. It’s the Chicago way. The law doesn’t matter. Look how they’ve changed their tune.

There’s a BIG problem with this on so many levels.

The Justice Department’s mission is . . .

To enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans.

It does not include colluding with a media organization to produce propaganda favorable to the administration.

The Justice Department is not supposed to act like Chicago thugs to intimidate anybody. Like people who follow and report on ‘Fast and Furious.’ The gun-running scheme that armed Mexican drug cartels. It’s just not in their mission statement, and probably illegal.

The tax-free status of Media Matters hinges upon their actions being non-partisan. Colluding with the executive branch on story lines against people, news organizations, or a political party is not included.

Holder, and his boss, have to go. Media Matters’ tax-exempt status has to go with it. There’s plenty enough probable cause to investigate whether other organizations might have similar ties to the administration.

Keep a look-out for the kind of coverage (if any) this story gets. And can I emphasis any more the importance of this administration being thrown out of office in November?

Link: Emails show Justice working with Media Matters on stories that target critics

President Obama’s Words, Just Words

President Obama demonstrates, with the help of this stunning one-minute video, starring President Obama, exactly what an “empty suit” looks and sounds like.


Compare what he says today to what he has said in the past, going as far back as when he was a candidate running against Hillary Clinton, and you’ll realize that this guy has nothing new in store for America than what we’ve already seen.

He chastises his opponents for their empty words, just words. He should know what “empty words, just words” are. Beginning with this campaign speech in 2008 when he “borrowed” someone else’s words, and the laundry list of empty words provided in this LINK on this blog.

Same speeches. Same promises. Are you better off?

What are the chances the mainstream media will notice the same playlist on the TOTUS? (Teleprompter Of The United States)

Links: An Obama Refrain Bears Echoes of a Governor’s Speeches  |  Links to Obama’s “Words, Just Words”  |  GOP Video Demonstrates Emptiness of Obama’s Words

NBC Cuts Out Blacks, Hispanics At The Republican National Convention

What? That’s right. NBC’s coverage of the Republican National Convention on Tuesday did not include Blacks, Mia Love and Artur Davis, or Hispanics, Ted Cruz.

They were not shown on broadcast NBC or cable MSNBC.

After being caught editing George Zimmerman’s 911 call, and now this, it is NBC that has racial issues. They have lost all credibility as a news organization. But they do function well as the spin doctors for the Obama White House.

Link: Mia Love @ Instapundit.com

Charles Lane, “No Major Role In Politics”

In another example of liberal-think that is a mirror image of the “No Place In The Public Square” comment by liberal commentator Robert Beckel, Washington Post editorial columnist Charles Lane doesn’t believe military people should have a say in the public political arena either.

In discussing the Navy Seals political ad, Chuck Lane said this . . .

“I don’t believe military and intelligence people, even retireds, should have a major role in politics.”

The statement begins at 01:04 into the video.

In just the last two weeks, the Left doesn’t approve of, successful business people (Bob Beckel) or people in the military, active or retired, or people in the intelligence community (Chuck Lane), having a say in the public political discourse.

Both times, Beckel and Lane, were on a FOX News program. And both times the statements went unchallenged. Granted that those statements were not the topic of the discussion and would have changed the topic had they been challenged. So I can half understand why they were left to fly on by.

Seems to me that the Left’s desire to squelch speech and opinions that they don’t like, is a story in and of itself.


Obama’s Economy To Defend

How’s Obama doing?

  1. Unemployment, which at 8.3 percent is the highest this long after a recession ended.
  2. 8.8 million jobs lost, just over 4 million jobs created.
  3. Long-term unemployment a “national crisis.”
  4. Adjusted for inflation, wages have fallen 0.8 percent.
  5. Economic growth has never been weaker in a postwar recovery.
  6. Falling home prices have slashed home equity.
  7. Consumer spending has never been so slack. Only once has job growth been slower.
  8. Growth-chilling uncertainty.

And that doesn’t include energy and its cost. Anyone would look at this and say, ‘Yeah, I’ll vote for more of that!’

Rare act of journalism committed by AP.