Looking at what the political Left is up to is one of those ‘dirty jobs’ I don’t mind doing. The reason is knowing what your political enemy is up to and what motivates them.
The Ring of Fire folks don’t know how to react to a primary race in the Democrat party. Reminds me of a squirrel crossing the road in front of an oncoming car.
In one post, they castigate Jim Webb (D-VA) for calling out the party for moving too far Left, and ask “What Planet is Webb Living? Since Webb’s assessment is true, one could ask the Ring of Fire the same question. On what planet are they living?
In the next, they heap attention to the Socialist candidate (running as a Democrat), Bernie Sanders with the notion of a Sanders-Warren ticket.
The Ring of Fire is a website, web-tv, and progressive talk radio enterprise run by a bunch of slip and fall and mass tort trial lawyers in Pensacola, Fl. Occupying the bottom of the barrel in ratings pretty much shows what world they’re living in.
You’ve seen it on the news, “Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 223,000 in June, and the unemployment rate declined to 5.3 percent.” That, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Wasting not a millisecond, President Obama is in front of a camera touting his progress. The only problem is that there is no progress. As pointed out earlier here, several times, the unemployment rate isn’t dropping because more people are working. It’s dropping because the BLS has stopped counting all the unemployed for the low numbers that the media and The White House are bragging about.
The 5.3% you see in the news, is known as the U-3 report. That rate went down from 5.5% in May 2015. And, 223,000 jobs were created in June. That’s not enough new jobs to break even when retirements, deaths, and population growth are considered. That’s why the labor participation rate is at Jimmy Carter era levels, and has been for years.
The unemployment rate dropped .2% for June from May’s 5.5% because for the month of June, 432,000 dropped out of the labor force. Which means, they’re no longer counted. It’s as though they don’t exist for purposes of calculating the U-3 unemployment rate. The real unemployment rate, known as the U-6, is 10.5%.
Don’t be surprised to see the U-3 to get below 5% before President Obama’s term ends. Just remember why. It’s not because of net new jobs being created. It’s because of not counting all who are not working, and counting people getting a second or third job to make ends meet are counted as a new job being created. Part of that 223,000 number.
The cultural decay of America didn’t just happen in the last couple decades. This was proscribed in American culture three-quarters of a century ago.
A political party, running from decades of racial discrimination, and the pop culture of the 1960’s in the form of its music and entertainment, gave the process a booster shot.
The pilfering of Social Security’s so-called “lock-box” to fund welfare programs, and a youth anti-war movement that embraced the “Love the one you’re with” mindset, magnified by a non-critical news media were the termites introduced to American society. Defeating liberalism is the treatment.
Remember how the country was wooed when Sen. Obama arrived to challenge Hillary Clinton for the 2008 presidential race? And Hillary was tossed aside like a dirty sock?
The thought of the first Black president who, just by his election, would heal the stigma of slavery from our country’s past. He would be the one to transform America into its new post-racial era. Or so we thought.
Get ready for another slam of the Obama Wrecking Ball if what seems to be brewing comes to fruition. And I’m not just talking economically.
Reparations isn’t something new to this administration. He’s already tested the waters. For someone who dislikes America as much as him, and as community organizers go, stirring up something like reparations, for people who had nothing to do with it, from people who had nothing to do with it, is right up his alley.
Is this a belated April Fools joke, or just the next step in erasing the “United” from the United States?
Ann Coulter, not one to shy away from interviews in hostile territory, sits down with Jorge Ramos on Fusion TV.
Below is a snippet of the interview that Lefty talk show host and FOX News contributor Leslie Marshall asked about.
I gave her my thoughts on her Facebook page. So far, she has expressed none of her own. Except to chant “bigotry,” “white supremacy,” and “disgusting rhetoric” about an honest and open conversation that Leslie apparently does not want to have.
Leslie Marshall
Below is a “dialog” constructed from her Facebook page. My replies are in italics. From her? Crickets.
Leslie Marshall: “AnnCoulter says Immigrants Are More Dangerous Than ISIS, Tell me your thoughts”
1. What is your reaction when you hear these comments?
She is right.
2. “We can share our culture with other nations without bringing all of their people here. When you bring the people here, you bring those cultures here.” Isn’t that the essence of the United States of America? (What is the essence of Europe Leslie?)
Right again. This country has been a ‘melting pot,’ where people come to America to realize their human potential as an American. But, as Ann suggests, when other cultures come here, not to be an American, but to use America within their own segregated culture, that’s not what America is all about. That’s what happens when the melting pot melts.
3. What will Ann Coulter be saying when the Hispanic community is the majority and white people are the minority?
She’s already said it. Leave open borders and unregulated immigration and there won’t be America as we know it. Immigration should be for the benefit of Americans, and not serve as the Welfare Office or safe-house for the third world and corrupt regimes.
4. Where does this type of white supremacy stem from?
You call national pride White supremacy? Shame on you.
5. What would this country look like if this type of cancerous bigotry existed when millions immigrated from Ireland, Italy, Germany, etc? Oh wait, it did!! Then shouldn’t we understand the detrimental effect of these attitudes?
She’s already said it. Leave open borders and unregulated immigration and there won’t be America as we know it. Immigration should be for the benefit of Americans, and not serve as the Welfare Office or safe-house for the third world and corrupt regimes.
6. What percentage of the Republican party do you think agrees with Ann Coulter?
That’s irrelevant. The question is what percentage of the American people don’t like America and/or have no clue about America, except for what they can get the government to give them? Has nothing to do with the Republican Party.
7. Does Coulter spew this disgusting rhetoric just to get noticed? Or does she actually believe this garbage?
Since when does being proud of your country, nationalist pride, become “disgusting rhetoric?” Oh, since the Democrat Party’s goal became melting the melting pot. We look at other countries’ people being proud of their country and think it is charming. But to be proud of America makes you evil? That’s a purely political reaction.
8. Do you empathize with the situation that immigrants face? What is the best way to assimilate them into U.S. culture?
Immigrate legally. Don’t break the law. If you want to immigrate here to use America instead of become an American, then you’re not assimilating. Besides, fleeing a dysfunctional and corrupt country like Mexico will not fix the problem. Using the United States as Mexico’s “safe room” will not fix the problem either. The U.S. has every right to defend its borders as Mexico, or any other country, does.
Obama has certifiably lost his friggin mind. Or thinks you are a mind-numbed robot, or that he has hypnotized you with his brilliance. It might be that the now out-of-work Letterman writers have moved into The White House? I don’t know. But, never one to accept an ounce of responsibility for absolutely everything going wrong, this sorry excuse for a president is telling the Coast Guard at their graduation that climate change is the cause for ISIS and other terrorist groups.
ISIS has captured half of Syria and a significant part (where our men and women fought and died for) of Iraq. At the same time, he wants you to believe that his military brilliance is degrading ISIS. And why not? His supporters (media included) bought his line that his stimulus spending worked too! Because things would have been much worse without it. Likewise, if ISIS had not been degraded, they would have had all of both countries by now. See?
However insane this is, it’s a sign of progress. He’s no longer blaming Bush.
While the media is preoccupied with changing history where the Iraq war is concerned, and, trying to blame G.W. Bush for the rise of ISIS instead of Obama, for losing everything the U.S. won under Bush, here’s a little refresher from ten years ago.
Saddam Hussein’s Defiance of United Nations Resolutions
Saddam Hussein’s Development of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Saddam Hussein’s Repression of the Iraqi People
Saddam Hussein’s Support for International Terrorism
Saddam Hussein’s Refusal to Account for Gulf War Prisoners
Saddam Hussein’s Refusal to Return Stolen Property
Saddam Hussein’s Efforts to Circumvent Economic Sanctions
Also note that all the links in that post, the transcript, the audio, and the video of Bush making his case to the United Nations were to The White House website. After Obama took office, all those links to what happened in “our house” were scrubbed.
Here is a link to the transcript, where you can see for yourself, all seven reasons for going into Iraq. It was not, as the meme today portends, just WMDs. Also, know that Democrats voted to approve going into Iraq too. As did the United Nations.
That President Obama lost the war that Bush won should come as no surprise. But you won’t hear that in today’s mainstream media. The meme today is, what else? Blame Bush.
It’s time to re-assess the false narrative about a war on Islam. It’s a war by Islam. And it is aimed at anyone, any country, that does not bow to Sharia law. And the sooner the Commander-in-Denial starts behaving like a Commander-in-Chief, the better.
Here’s the Winners and losers breakdown. Losers #texasattack & Sharia, Winners #freespeech & America.
From the “Mohammed Art Exhibit and Contest,” the event was sponsored by Pamela Geller of the American Freedom Defense Initiative and featured keynote speaker Geert Wilders, a Dutch politician and free speech advocate.
The venue for the event was no accident.
The AFDI event was proceeded by another gathering in the same venue — the Curtis Culwell Center — in January. That event? It was a Muslim Brotherhood event titled the “Stand with the Prophet” rally. It was held there, one week after radical Islamists killed 17 employees at the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo for its satirical cartoons about the prophet Mohammed.
This is the contest-winning cartoon.
This is all it takes to make the Islamic goons act out in violence. Right out of the sixth century.
Only question remaining is where will President Obama stand? With the winners, or the losers? Unfortunately, it’s a rhetorical question.
(A video link of the event is below. The program was interrupted by police at one hour twenty-nine minutes.)
Trial and mass tort lawyer Mike Papantonio of the Levin-Papantonion law firm in Pensacola, FL was inducted into the Trial Lawyer Hall of Fame in Las Vegas last week. The Trial Lawyer Hall of Fame is hosted by Temple University School of Law in Philadelphia, PA.
Ed Shultz (L) Mike Papantonio (R)
Next on his plate must be to replace Rush Limbaugh as the most listened to talk-radio show in the country, and winner of the 2014 National Association of Broadcasters Marconi Award.
I’ve figured out what the worst job in the United States is. And Mike Rowe has never been there. It is so bad that it almost takes a village to do it.
The worst job is the poor saps in The White House charged with coming up with ways to convince the American people that Obama and his State Department are foreign policy geniuses. But that’s not all. They have to do it in such a way that, with cooperation of the media, the American people won’t see that he is lying.
And that is becoming impossible. Whether you choose to believe what you see is another matter. But I live in Realville.
Remember when Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke before the a joint session of Congress, and said how Obama’s wannabe Iran plan was nothing more than a path to a nuclear bomb? Remember when he said that Iran was mere months away (2 to 3) from having the material to make one? Remember how Obama, echoed by the media, said Netanyahu was wrong? Iran was more than a year from “breakout.” And, that this deal would take Iran 10-15 years before they would have that ability. Remember that? Do you remember when he praised Sec. of State John Kerry (who served in Vietnam) for forging a historic agreement and, that Iran was not going to have a bomb under that (hope and change) agreement?
Thomas Sowell describes Obama’s Iran so-called deal this way . . .
By abandoning virtually all its demands for serious restrictions on Iran’s nuclear bomb program, the Obama administration has apparently achieved the semblance of a preliminary introduction to the beginning of a tentative framework for a possible hope of an eventual agreement with Iran.
Well, the jig is up. And, the media hasn’t noticed. This, so his low-information voter base and other ideologues won’t be awakened.
Now, NOW, Obams is admitting exactly what Netanyahu had said. But that’s only the half of it. Obama knew at the time Netanyahu made that speech that he was right. That was days and weeks before Obama was saying just the opposite.
Doesn’t that our president has no compulsion to tell the truth on the international, and national stage, make you feel just a bit disgusted? Embarrassed for your country? And, are you feeling safe and secure knowing that his lies now translate to a game of thermonuclear war with Iran, a State sponsor of terrorism?
His candidacy was a lie. He lied to sell his agenda to America. He won ‘Lie of the Year’ for Obamacare. Now it’s not just Americans who are at risk because of his lies. It’s the United States, Israel, and the rest of the civilized world.