You’ve seen it on the news, “Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 223,000 in June, and the unemployment rate declined to 5.3 percent.” That, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Wasting not a millisecond, President Obama is in front of a camera touting his progress. The only problem is that there is no progress. As pointed out earlier here, several times, the unemployment rate isn’t dropping because more people are working. It’s dropping because the BLS has stopped counting all the unemployed for the low numbers that the media and The White House are bragging about.
The 5.3% you see in the news, is known as the U-3 report. That rate went down from 5.5% in May 2015. And, 223,000 jobs were created in June. That’s not enough new jobs to break even when retirements, deaths, and population growth are considered. That’s why the labor participation rate is at Jimmy Carter era levels, and has been for years.
The unemployment rate dropped .2% for June from May’s 5.5% because for the month of June, 432,000 dropped out of the labor force. Which means, they’re no longer counted. It’s as though they don’t exist for purposes of calculating the U-3 unemployment rate. The real unemployment rate, known as the U-6, is 10.5%.
Don’t be surprised to see the U-3 to get below 5% before President Obama’s term ends. Just remember why. It’s not because of net new jobs being created. It’s because of not counting all who are not working, and counting people getting a second or third job to make ends meet are counted as a new job being created. Part of that 223,000 number.
The cultural decay of America didn’t just happen in the last couple decades. This was proscribed in American culture three-quarters of a century ago.
A political party, running from decades of racial discrimination, and the pop culture of the 1960’s in the form of its music and entertainment, gave the process a booster shot.
The pilfering of Social Security’s so-called “lock-box” to fund welfare programs, and a youth anti-war movement that embraced the “Love the one you’re with” mindset, magnified by a non-critical news media were the termites introduced to American society. Defeating liberalism is the treatment.
Captain Obvious confessed that “We don’t yet have a complete strategy” for fighting the Islamic State in Iraq.
He could have added that we have no hint of one for combating the Islamic State in Syria. Months ago at a news conference Obama created a firestorm when he conceded we did not have strategy for defeating the Islamic State. One wonders what the administration been up to since then.
After years of research, the EPA says there’s no problem with water related to fracking. How’s the anti-fossil fuel lobby going to handle this? Should be interesting.
Speaking with Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative Fellows at the White House, President Barack Obama said that under his leadership, the United States has become the most respected country in the world.
Of course, these weren’t real world leaders. The real leaders were at home ROTFL. These were students, who probably knew better.
This assertion is like his assertion that he has this economy in a recovery, while there is not a single economic measure that would support that claim. Beginning with, he economy is contracting, lowest worker participation rate since Jimmy Carter, real unemployment rate is north of 10%, more businesses are closing than are opening, and, a record number of people are on government assistance and food stamps.
On the world stage, every country he has had a hand in has been a disaster. Starting with the United States, the Arab Spring, Benghazi, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, China, and the rise and strengthening of terrorists around the world.
The winning statement . . .
and today once again, the United States is the most respected country on earth
For this, President Obama wins the award for the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award. For the third time.
Remember how the country was wooed when Sen. Obama arrived to challenge Hillary Clinton for the 2008 presidential race? And Hillary was tossed aside like a dirty sock?
The thought of the first Black president who, just by his election, would heal the stigma of slavery from our country’s past. He would be the one to transform America into its new post-racial era. Or so we thought.
Get ready for another slam of the Obama Wrecking Ball if what seems to be brewing comes to fruition. And I’m not just talking economically.
Reparations isn’t something new to this administration. He’s already tested the waters. For someone who dislikes America as much as him, and as community organizers go, stirring up something like reparations, for people who had nothing to do with it, from people who had nothing to do with it, is right up his alley.
Is this a belated April Fools joke, or just the next step in erasing the “United” from the United States?
Ann Coulter, not one to shy away from interviews in hostile territory, sits down with Jorge Ramos on Fusion TV.
Below is a snippet of the interview that Lefty talk show host and FOX News contributor Leslie Marshall asked about.
I gave her my thoughts on her Facebook page. So far, she has expressed none of her own. Except to chant “bigotry,” “white supremacy,” and “disgusting rhetoric” about an honest and open conversation that Leslie apparently does not want to have.
Leslie Marshall
Below is a “dialog” constructed from her Facebook page. My replies are in italics. From her? Crickets.
Leslie Marshall: “AnnCoulter says Immigrants Are More Dangerous Than ISIS, Tell me your thoughts”
1. What is your reaction when you hear these comments?
She is right.
2. “We can share our culture with other nations without bringing all of their people here. When you bring the people here, you bring those cultures here.” Isn’t that the essence of the United States of America? (What is the essence of Europe Leslie?)
Right again. This country has been a ‘melting pot,’ where people come to America to realize their human potential as an American. But, as Ann suggests, when other cultures come here, not to be an American, but to use America within their own segregated culture, that’s not what America is all about. That’s what happens when the melting pot melts.
3. What will Ann Coulter be saying when the Hispanic community is the majority and white people are the minority?
She’s already said it. Leave open borders and unregulated immigration and there won’t be America as we know it. Immigration should be for the benefit of Americans, and not serve as the Welfare Office or safe-house for the third world and corrupt regimes.
4. Where does this type of white supremacy stem from?
You call national pride White supremacy? Shame on you.
5. What would this country look like if this type of cancerous bigotry existed when millions immigrated from Ireland, Italy, Germany, etc? Oh wait, it did!! Then shouldn’t we understand the detrimental effect of these attitudes?
She’s already said it. Leave open borders and unregulated immigration and there won’t be America as we know it. Immigration should be for the benefit of Americans, and not serve as the Welfare Office or safe-house for the third world and corrupt regimes.
6. What percentage of the Republican party do you think agrees with Ann Coulter?
That’s irrelevant. The question is what percentage of the American people don’t like America and/or have no clue about America, except for what they can get the government to give them? Has nothing to do with the Republican Party.
7. Does Coulter spew this disgusting rhetoric just to get noticed? Or does she actually believe this garbage?
Since when does being proud of your country, nationalist pride, become “disgusting rhetoric?” Oh, since the Democrat Party’s goal became melting the melting pot. We look at other countries’ people being proud of their country and think it is charming. But to be proud of America makes you evil? That’s a purely political reaction.
8. Do you empathize with the situation that immigrants face? What is the best way to assimilate them into U.S. culture?
Immigrate legally. Don’t break the law. If you want to immigrate here to use America instead of become an American, then you’re not assimilating. Besides, fleeing a dysfunctional and corrupt country like Mexico will not fix the problem. Using the United States as Mexico’s “safe room” will not fix the problem either. The U.S. has every right to defend its borders as Mexico, or any other country, does.
The War On Weather, or if you prefer, Man-Made Global Warming, is not going so well. Not near as good as the War on Terror. What?
So far, the pilots have failed to make a noticeable dent in carbon emissions
“This is still a market created by policy,” Kong said. “The policy needs to follow the market at some time.”
Starting in 2013, China set up the seven pilot markets in the country’s largest cities – Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chongqing and Shenzhen – as well as the industrial provinces of Guangdong and Hubei. Since mid-April, the seven markets have traded a total of 31.2 million tons of carbon. The European market in its first year traded more than 10 times that amount of carbon.
And about the time the President was telling the graduates at the United States Coast Guard Academy how man-made climate change was the greatest threat to our country, the CIA shut down its program to use its spy satellites to look at the weather.
Remembering those who fought for, and died for, their country on Memorial Day Holiday.
The country was never more united in the effort. In music, and in Hollywood.
In movie theaters . . .
Buying War Bonds was buying a share of freedom. I can’t imagine what they would be called today.
Wounded U.S. paratroopers are helped by fellow soldiers to a medical evacuation helicopter on Oct. 5, 1965 during the Vietnam War. Paratroopers of the 173rd Airborne Brigade’s First Battalion suffered many casualties in the clash with Viet Cong guerrillas in the jungle of South Vietnam’s “D” Zone, 25 miles Northeast of Saigon. (AP Photo)
Belly up to the counter. Politics are on the menu and Ross is on the grill.