Category Archives: Religion

Democrats And Jews

The rise in antisemitism in the United States is disturbing to say the least. What’s even more disturbing is the silence coming from The White House on stopping it. And the so-called news media complies by not asking Biden why he’s not doing so.

Could it be because the hate rallies in the streets and on campuses are also Biden supporters? Supported and financed by the same donors that support Biden and Democrats.

It’s about political power and money with them. The Constitution be dammed. We’ve seen this movie before.

Since its founding, the Democrat Party has been pro slavery and anti-Black. In a word, racist. They were against all the civil rights laws of the 50’s and 60’s.

The only thing that has changed now is it’s not Blacks, its Jews. And Biden hasn’t the guts to call it out. Power and money. Since the 10/7/24 attack (and the rest that continue to follow), Biden has demonstrated more support for Israel’s enemy than for Israel. Biden doesn’t want Hamas to lose more than he wants Israel to win.

Same goes with the Russia/Ukraine war. Two countries that have given millions of dollars to the Biden crime family. Biden would not give Ukraine the kind of military support that would have them win. Just like with Israel, Biden doesn’t want Russia to lose more than he wants Ukraine to win.

Now Russia has warships in Cuba and gets a big yawn from Quid Pro Joe. What’s next? WWIII?

PCC Wins M.R.I.O.T.D. Award

Pensacola Christian College wins the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award for expelling Allen Armentrout, a student who peacefully exercised his 1st Amendment right in Charlottesville, VA last week.

His statement to the Pensacola News Journal was ignored by his school, who apparently succumbed to the media meme that you must deny your ancestors and history, else you’re a violent Nazi White Supremacist.

The college administration failed to show a violation of their rules that would apply to someone exercising their 1st Amendment right. Makes one wonder if any of the anarchists who actually were violent were expelled from school?

“I have been released from my school and will be unable to return to college to finish my senior year. I’m processing this and making adjustments to my life to compensate for this scrutiny.”

He does not deny the history of this country or his family.

Armentrout later told the News Journal he made the trip to Virginia because the KKK, Neo-Nazis and other groups are destroying the history of his ancestors and he wants to share “the true history” of the American South. He said Neo-Nazis have wrongly “latched on” to Confederate history.

One thing is certain, he is consistent in his convictions. Here he is in Pensacola last March.

What’s different this time? The national “news media” made him famous, and he exercised his 2nd Amendment right too! Oh the nerve.

For this reason, Pensacola Christian College wins the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award.

Can you say “lawsuit?”

Link: Confederate demonstrator kicked out of Pensacola Christian College

No Security For You

Palestinian gunmen ambushed and killed two Israeli police officers at the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem on Friday, July 14, bringing bloodshed and chaos to a religious site that is sacred to both Jews and Muslims. The attackers were all (Muslim) Israeli citizens of Palestinian descent.

The attackers smuggled weapons into the compound. In an obvious attempt to make the holy site safe, for everyone, including Muslims and Jews, Israel set up metal detectors at the three strategic entrance points. Unfortunately, it comes too late for the two dead Israeli police officers. Had they been installed years ago like exist in Mecca and Medina, they would be alive today.

The reaction to make the site safe has resulted in protests by the Palestinians and like-minded terrorists who just want to kill Jews. Which explains why there are no protests over metal detectors going on in Mecca and Medina. In Israel, Muslims can practice their religion and be citizens. Not so in Saudi Arabia, where Jews are not even allowed in.

The UN, the Pope, and other nations are calling for a de-escalation of tensions. Looking for Israel to submit. Not for the out-of-control Palestinians to shut up and go home. True to form, the Muslim authorities that oversee al-Aqsa said they would continue to oppose any new Israeli-imposed measures. And Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas cancelled a planned security meeting after announcing he was cutting all contacts with Israel.

So the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, does not want a secure holy site either. This should tell you how good a “two-state solution” would work.  They want to be able to kill Jews. Jews don’t want to be killed. Where’s the common ground?

Funny how the Fake News media doesn’t think this story is more important than the flow chart at The White House.

Links: Israel refuses to remove metal detectors from mosque despite rising violence  |  Two Israeli police officers killed by Palestinian gunmen near Jerusalem holy site, police say

UPDATE 7/24/2017: Israel to remove metal detectors at Temple Mount


Khizr Khan, Rebuttal

The 15 minutes of fame for Khizr Khan has passed. The mainstream media, and their political party are not done milking it as the big distraction though. Whatever! They, and the Clinton campaign, will do anything to draw the attention away from their flawed, lying, unqualified, and dangerous candidate and onto Donald Trump.

To mark the end of the Khizr Khan’s DNC speech (aka Trump Attack), it is necessary to finally address it.

“If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America.”

Gold Star father’s demagogic lie. The Khans immigrated here, decades ago, and legally. They were not scooped up and brought here like bales of hay. Trump only wants inhabitants of terrorist hotbed countries to stay in place, in safe zones within their own countries or nearby, so they can return home when the war is over, or until such time as a safe, and real, vetting process is in place.

“Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims.”

Gold Star father’s demagogic lie. Trump calls out Islamic terrorists for what they are, terrorists. Only if Khizr Khan believes that all Muslims are terrorists could his attack on Trump be true. And Trump does not believe that. Maybe Khan does?

“He disrespects other minorities — women, judges, even his own party leadership.”

More political and demagogic rhetoric. Par for the course. Mr. Khan forgets the he isn’t the only American who has a 1st Amendment right. The “judge” of Mexican heritage Trump spoke of has his own biases on illegal immigration built-in, both in practice and otherwise.

“He vows to build walls and ban us from this country.”

Again, another attack based on a false narrative, on national television, at the political event. Typical “red meat” kind of rhetoric one would expect from a political hack like Debbie Was-a-man Shultz or Khizr Khan. Let’s be clear about the Syrian refugees. They are not coming here in boats, airplanes, or swimming across the ocean to get to America. If you ask them, they will tell you that they want to stay there and to go back home as soon as they can. But no,  they are being picked up like low-hanging fruit (and undocumented democrats) and brought here, by the thousands. Terrorists among them.

“Donald Trump, you are asking Americans to trust you with our future. Let me ask you: Have you even read the U.S. Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy. In this document, look for the words “liberty” and “equal protection of law.””

Can’t speak for his copy of the Constitution, but my copy also says, above all else and, in the first sentence, called the Preamble, exactly what Donald Trump (and most Americans) wants to do. Look for the words “insure domestic Tranquility” and “provide for the common defense.” There is no liberty or equal protection for terrorists. Foreign or domestic. Similarly, the U.S. Constitution does not apply to inhabitants of Syria, Yemen, Tunisia, Somalia, Libya, Algeria, Nigeria, Sudan, or anywhere else and anyone else who is not a U.S. citizen.

“Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery? Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending America — you will see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities.”

More of the same demagogic rhetoric that fails to distinguish between regular Americans and those who want us dead. It’s what elected Democrats and Hillary Clinton do.

Khizr Khan has no immunity from reprisals for spreading lies about Donald Trump just because he is a Gold Star father. His son fought and died for our country. His son fought against the kind of Islamic extremism that Donald Trump will fight against for us, as President. To keep us, not terrorists, safe.

By his statements at the Democratic National Convention, what Khizr Khan is doing, and continues to do, aside from baseless attacks on Donald Trump, is to advocate on the side of the terrorists that killed his son. And that remains his cross (no pun intended) to bear.

Imam Demands Halal Meat

An Imam in Hong Kong contacted McDonalds, KFC, and Pizza Hut to request that they begin serving halal meat in many of their outlets. Halal means ‘permissible’ in Arabic. This is what you can expect from the Sharia Law side of Islam. The chains declined.

The trouble is, these Muslims don’t see the opportunity before them. They can open up their own shops and serve what THEY want to serve. Taliban Tacos, Jihad Jerky, Prophet’s Pizza. Whatever!

Or something like this.

aluas_yak_barLink: McDonalds, Pizza Hut And KFC Refuse Muslim Demands To Serve Halal Meat – Muslims ENRAGED

Black Islamist Shoots White Cop

Officer Jessie Hartnett, shot by a guy who said he did it in support of Islam, is a hero by any measure. Despite being shot at point blank range, and hit 3 times in an arm, Officer Hartnett called for backup then got out of his car and chased the POS and shot him. Keeping him from getting away while his backup collard him. Within minutes, President Obama got on television and gave this sobering statement, ” .” Yeah, that’s right. Not a peep out of him, his Attorney General, or the head of the FBI.

They are, no doubt, working on their “message” before going public. Translation; how can we blame anyone but the perp (except the liberal-progressive Democratically-controlled city), distance Islam from it, politicize it by tying it to the Democratic candidates’ gun control agenda, and make the American people believe it?

hartnett ambushed

And to top it off, the idiotic mayor of Philadelphia, goes on TV to say that what we saw was not what we saw, and what we heard (from the perp) was not what we heard. It’s a double whammy against the liberal agenda, which resides in a perpetual state of denial. Deny that Islam has anything to do with terrorism and attacks like this, and two, they just can’t find any room to support police.

This is soooo not in keeping with the liberal meme. Black man shoots White cop. Not just any Black man. This Black man was inspired, and empowered, by radical Islam. Like it or not, believe it or not, this is a segment of the population that is more susceptible to radicalization than other demographics. Especially those in prison. Unfortunately, the perpetual state of denial that the political left is in means we can expect to see more of this kind of attack on our police.

China Gets Control By Law

China approves far-reaching counter terrorism law. Virtual control and access to all internet and electronic communications, to be able to get terrorists who use encryption.

The term, according to Xinhua, is “defined as any proposition or activity — that, by means of violence, sabotage or threat, generates social panic, undermines public security, infringes on personal and property rights, and menaces government organs and international organizations — with the aim to realize certain political and ideological purposes.”

“However, some analysts feel that the purpose of the bill is aimed at control of the Chinese population, rather than curbing domestic and international terrorism.”

BINGO! Well, it’s a twofer.

I tell you. This is the kind of stuff that makes Obama envious. He and Hugo Chavez (Venezuela) were soul brothers. That is, in a political sense. Watch for China’s president, Xi Jinping, to be visiting The White House. Oh wait, Xi Jinping was there in September, 2015.

It’s pretty obvious that China wants a part of everything their people do. And sets the standard for what “terrorism” is, to include un-friendly sectors of the country. Like the (ethnic minorities) Muslim sectors.

In the U.S., it would be an Obama wet dream, to have government-mandated access to watch what you do. Especially those bitter clingers you know. IRS, DOJ, EPA . . . imagine the thrill of government intimidation by a visit from some of those letters of the Executive branch. Xi Jinping and Obama have a lot in common in their idea of government and its role. China doesn’t have a Constitution and Obama will not follow the Constitution. Going by China’s definition, it’s not a stretch.

Actually, Obama already uses those letters to intimidate political opponents. Using China’s definition of what terrorism is would make it more fun (from his perspective) and easier to do.

Link: China approves wide-ranging counter terrorism law

Catholic Charities, UWF, Make Your Case!

Big in the  national and local news as well as on the campaign trail is the plight of, among others, the Syrian refugees seeking asylum in this country. Only, they’re not seeking refuge in this country. This administration is hell-bent on bringing them to the United States instead of supporting/protecting them in and around Syria. Some are coming here to Northwest Florida.

When asked if they would rather be home or here, they prefer to be home, or close enough to home so they can return after the  civil war is over and ISIS is destroyed.

Catholic Charities of Northwest Florida President/CEO, Mr. Christopher Root

NGO’s are bringing the “refugees” and embedded terrorists here, financed with grants from the federal government. Attempts to speak to Catholic Charities CEO Christopher Root have fallen on deaf ears. Neither phone calls or in-person requests for a meeting on the subject of the refugees have been returned or acknowledged.

Mr. Root is hold up in a secure office building on Garden Street, just what you might expect for a non-profit Catholic charity. What?

In an attempt to get some transparency, and for Mr. Root to justify why, in spite of administration officials (and the terrorists themselves) saying that there will be terrorists among them, why he feels sacrificing our national security is necessary? I think the reason can be summed up in money. As in grant money. National security? Not the Catholic Charity’s problem.

Below is a letter-to-the editor submitted Dec 1, 2015. It has not been published yet. Meanwhile, there have been plenty of articles and other letters published that are sympathetic to bringing the refugees here. And, at the same time, disparaging those, like many in the country, who want no part of them coming here. Only the leading Republican candidates are talking about helping them in and around their own country in safe zones. People like President Obama are quick to say, “that’s not who we are.” Sorry, but importing terrorists to do us harm is not who we are. Democrats are all-in for bringing them here. After all, Muslims tend to vote 80% Democrat. What he means is, just like illegals flooding our borders on foot, building a permanent voting block is who he is. But that’s not who America is.

It is not just Christopher Root, but the talking heads at UWF who must justify why Syrians must come here, knowing of the high risk of terrorist embeds, and also how plucking them out of their country, continent, culture, and language will be more beneficial, for the refugees.

Letter to the editor follows.


For the U.S. to participate in helping refugees from anywhere when they come here is one thing. But to take them out of their country, continent, culture, and language, to bring them here is not only presumptuous of us to know what’s best for them, but is endangering ourselves in the process.

They need help there, in safe zones, so they can return home when their civil war is over and the dust settles. We had our civil war and no-one left the country. For the Syrians to leave their own country would be taking the opposition to ISIL away. Taking Syria’s future away. That’s not compassion.

What the media and academe won’t tell you is, it’s not the U.S. government bringing them here. It is NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organizations) who are getting government grants who are bringing them here. Money talks. And money tends to change focus and re-arrange priorities from more important factors like our homeland security from the terrorist hotbed, Syria.

How about someone from an NGO like Catholic Charities, or a university like UWF, make their case that Syrian refugees are better helped with a one-way ticket here, instead of in and around their homeland?


Inadmissible Aliens Is Settled Law

Trump-Carter-Code-1182This law was written in 1952.  It was passed by a Democrat-controlled Congress, House and Senate, and signed by a Democrat president…  Everybody in the establishment in the political class, Republican, Democrat, media, you name it, is all claiming that what Trump said is dumb, stupid, reckless, dangerous, unconstitutional, while it is the law of the land.  And it was utilized by Jimmy Carter, no less, in 1979 to keep Iranians out.

In November the 1979 United States attorney general had given all Iranian students one month to report to the local immigration office. Seven thousand were found in violation of their visas, 15,000 Iranians were forced to leave the United States, 1979.

A direct quote from the law:

(f)Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

Links: Trump’s “Nutty” Proposal Is Already the Law of the Land — and Was Used by Jimmy Carter During the Hostage Crisis | 8 U.S. Code § 1182 – Inadmissible aliens

Leaders: Trump And Cruz

Donald J. Trump​ managed to bring illegal immigration into public discourse and among all presidential candidates. Right out of the gate. It’s a national discussion we absolutely must have.

Now, Trump is leading the timid and weak again when it comes to asylum seekers, refugees, and immigration from terrorist-infested countries. As insensitive or Politically Incorrect as he sounds, his point is real, serious, and, real serious.

Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee says the enemy’s intent is to infiltrate the refugee populations. The enemy has announced that it seeks to infiltrate the refugee population. The head of the FBI says there is no good data with which to vet the refugee population.

People from both parties from the President on down continue to shift the emphasis away from the real enemy (radical Islam and Sharia Law) and onto Donald Trump, saying that what Trump proposed is UN-constitutional. It is not.

The religion clause pertains to public officials. This has nothing to do with public officials.

The equal protection clause has to do with the states. This has nothing to do with states.

The 1st Amendment is not extra-territorial. You don’t project it overseas.

Trump does not live in the PC world. He lives in Realville. And when an enemy declares war on you, ignoring the threat and their actions is not a winning strategy.

Until all those who are quick to criticize Trump and call for him to drop out of the race get serious about our national security, you can rely on the fact that they don’t have a solution to this problem. Instead, they want to import them. So far, only Ted Cruz and Donald Trump do.