Category Archives: Pensacola

goLeftTV Says The U.S. Is Like Old Communist Russia

I’d say that this video would qualify Mike Papantonio’s1 way-out-there ‘progressive news’ outlet called goLeftTV for the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award. But it would diminish the value of the award because they would probably win it every day.

There are a few topics in this video, but the most outrageous is the take that Farron Cousins has concerning the Bush administration (probably the National Security Agency) and Google.

According to Cousins, at the request of the administration, Google has agreed to block images of military installations, war zones, The White House, and other potential sensitive areas. To that, the progressive news source accuses the Bush administration of being like the old communist Russia. Which, by the way, is the place where Vladimir Putin is trying to return.

If you need one, here’s a quick credibility test for goLeftTV. Look up The White House on Google Earth. Is it blocked out on your screen?

video link

1Bio: Mike Papantonio hosts a nationally syndicated radio show, the Ring of Fire, on Air America Radio and is the founder of He is a partner in the Levin Papantonio law firm in Pensacola.

pMSNBC Libs Ignite On Scarborough

Michael Calderone at Politico details the story that spans two days. Beginning with Keith Olbermann piping in for Joe to get a shovel. Apparently implying that McCain has not gained in the polls, like he actually has, to a point of being competitive with Obama, like Joe was pointing out. With that comment, Olbermann was implying that Joe was putting out bullshit. It is Olbermann’s political blinders than prevent him from seeing McCain’s rise in the polls to within the margin of error of tying the Messiah. Then again, I don’t remember when he ever read the news from an objective perspective. That was Monday night.

Then on Tuesday morning, reporter David Shuster, tries to equate the criticism of the left’s call to leave Iraq immediately with al-Malaki’s call for all troops to leave Iraq in 16 months. For some reason, we all know what the reason is, Shuster is unwilling to see the difference between an immediate and precipitous withdrawal from one over the span of 16 months. And, according to Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, even that is not cut in stone. But hey, Shuster has an agenda to uphold. David Shuster stepped in it when he tried to draw the relativism between the two, which wasn’t at all what Joe was talking about. Then Shuster attaches his bias to Joe with his ‘your party’ comment. What a blithering idiot.

Got to hand it to Joe though. He doesn’t take the abuse, and holds his own. I hope they pay him well over there.

related links: Hardboiled with Chris Matthews video | Morning Joe video | MSNBC prez defends convention team

ACLU Sues Santa Rosa School District, MRIOTD Winner

Yep. The intolerant left, in the form of the ACLU, is once again intimidated by a prayer at graduation, and by people (argh even teachers) professing to be religious. In the lawsuit, the ACLU fails to show where anyone was forced to participate in anything approaching religious belief.

The ACLU’s version of freedom of religion means you are not free to practice or even mention religion solely for the benefit of the intolerant, who feel it their duty to deny us of that freedom so that they don’t have to be exposed to it. Qualifying the ACLU to receive the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award.

related link: Pensacola News Journal article | lawsuit PDF

And as an aside, Stop The ACLU dot org.

'Dirty Harry' Is For The Movies

Sad news from Fort Walton Beach today. A police officer lost his life in what seems to be one of the shortest armed standoffs in history. An armed nutcase holed up in a vacant house shot and killed a special operations officer who, along with others in his team, went into the house to get him. They killed him, but not until after they lost one of their own.

It’s an awful price to pay. The nutcase is, of course, responsible for the murder of the deputy. When time was clearly on the side of law enforcement, who can justify sending those officers into that house after only three hours while knowing that the guy was armed and irrational? Now there are two fatalities that did not need to happen.

The incident is the first fatality of and officer in the line of duty since the police department was formed in 1924. You can’t read this story without questioning the judgement of the leader of the Special Response Team who decided to send his men in for a shootout.

link: Deputy slain, suspect also killed

Holebrooke Has It Wrong On McCain And Timetable

But that’s never stopped him before. On MSNBC’s Morning Joe show this morning, former Ambassador to the U.N. Richard Holbrooke perpetuates the media spin about Iraqi PM alMaliki and the timetable and McCain. In speaking about Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Holebrooke portrays McCain as being at odds with both Bush and alMaliki regarding a timetable for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq when they are all, in fact, on the same page.

The reality is that the timetable the three are in agreement with is more Table than Time, based on progress on the ground and political progress in Baghdad, not on the calendar. They next interviewed Andy Card, former Chief of Staff for Bush, who corrected Holebrooke’s spin. And much to their amusement, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski laughed at him.

What is most amusing, or disturbing, about the hosts on the show, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, is that they could not discern the difference between the two.

related link: Iraq’s Timetable Is More Table Than Time

Mental Recession And Its Whiners

Had to come to the defense of Sen. Phil Gramm for his comments about ‘mental recession’ and ‘whiners.’ After all, John McCain didn’t. Pensacola News Journal editor Carl Wernicke misses the big picture in his Gramm hit piece entitled ‘It’s all in our heads? Take a pill, get over it.‘ And where are these whiners Gramm was talking about anyway?

The ‘mental recession’ that Gramm was talking about was the one created by nearly 8 years of running down the Bush administration at every step of the way. A direct result of the effectiveness of how the media can shape, if not create, public opinion to mirror their own. So for that, you and others in the MSM can be proud of your success. But the antidote is simple. Don’t read the papers and it will go away.

Talk jobs? The big picture is unemployment still in the 5% range. Not all that bad.

Talk recession? Two quarters of negative growth. Haven’t yet had one month of negative growth.

Talk price of gas? The media’s party, the Democrat party, is responsible for preventing any increase in supply from happening starting with Bush’s first term. No, starting with Clinton’s first term.

There’s your mental recession.

The whiners? (Enter number here) Americans don’t have (enter Democrat entitlement here). There they are.

related links: It’s all in our heads? Take a pill, get over it. | What Was So Bad About What Phil Gramm Said?

How The Left Likes Capitalism

What does the left like about capitalism? Air America Radio host Mike Papantonio has something to say about it in this weeks gem of an article, ‘Deregulation a bonanza for Big Business, not for you.’

‘During the long run of Republican leadership, prior to the Great Depression, Corporate America and the Republicans had an agreement: government would not regulate’

The premise is BS. No matter when in time. Free enterprise is not free if it is overly regulated. That could only be offensive to a socialist.

‘Corporations were able to generate bigger profits at the expense of workers’

Success is always attributed to one of two things by the left. It is either ‘at the expense of workers’ or ‘on the backs of workers.’

‘Eight years of deregulation have again been profitable for Big Business’

That’s a good thing. Proving the point that capitalism is handicapped and deformed when regulated. Oh the success of the capitalistic system.

‘but not for the average American.’

. . . more socialist-speak.

He goes on in the article but, generally speaking, much of Papantonio’s rants and writings seem to follow a checklist like this one. They’re all there in this week’s installment. But this checklist is not exclusive to Papantonio. You’ll find this checklist employed everywhere the far left resides.

Exxon, BIG OIL, check.
Halliburton, like BIG OIL, only worse, check.
Tom DeLay, check.
Karl Rove, check.
Dick Cheney, check.
Enron, check.
Wall Street, check.
AT&T, check.
Shell Oil, BIG OIL, check. Did I mention BIG OIL?

Bio: Mike Papantonio hosts a nationally syndicated radio show, the Ring of Fire, on Air America Radio and is the founder of He is a partner in the Levin Papantonio law firm in Pensacola.

link: Deregulation a bonanza for Big Business, not for you.

Nation's Best 'Black' Newspaper

Actually, the award is the ‘Best Newspaper,’ not the best Black newspaper. But I didn’t title it, E & P did. The relevance of the ‘Black’ aspect of it is the National Newspaper Publishers Association, known as The Black Press Of America. The NNPA is a 67-year-old federation of more than 200 Black community newspapers from across the United States. From Editor & Publisher . . .

The National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), has bestowed 10 honors, including the John B. Russwurm Award for “Best Newspaper,” to the Philadelphia Tribune, the nation’s oldest continuously running black newspaper. This is the seventh time in the last 12 years that the Philadelphia Tribune has won the “Best Newspaper” award.

Among the awards the Philly Tribune received is Best Editorial for this piece from Sunday editor Mike Bruton titled ‘End The Chaos: Start Snitching.’

With the city’s crime problem and explosive murder rate, Mr. Bruton hit the nail on the head with this one. We could benefit from his message right here in Pensacola. And everywhere for that matter.

related links: ‘Philadelphia Tribune’ Named Nation’s Best Black Newspaper | End the chaos: Start snitching

Red Cross Needs Help

They are out of money and in need of volunteers who can spend a few weeks with them to help the flood victims in the heartland. For the flood relief program, they’ve only raised $3.2 million and have spend $15 million of borrowed money.

Ken Cromer/Red Cross Disaster Services: ‘A lot of the people that are able to go for two and three weeks, they’re retired.. They have the time available now to go out and make a difference. Plus a lot of them, they saw what happened here in Ivan and the help that they received and it helps them go out and help other people.’ The Red Cross is still looking for dozens of volunteers to help, especially as the flooding continues south into Oklahoma And Texas.

I think we know where all the money went.

The shortage in the organization’s only domestic disaster relief fund comes as it continues flood relief efforts in soaked Iowa and ramps up its work downstream in Illinois and Missouri as more flooding is expected there. Officials said the Red Cross has 2,500 workers on the ground, 89 percent of them volunteers. Joe Becker, senior vice president of disaster services, said the fund has been depleted over the past few years in the absence of large-scale disasters that bring attention to the relevance of the Red Cross.

This disaster seems to me to be a lot worse than what happened in New Orleans after Katrina passed. So why is it that there is not some publicity for help for these victims? Is the media too lazy to find the victims to tell the story? I don’t see Democrats in Washington jumping in front of TV cameras yelling at Bush. It is as if they are ignoring the victims because they don’t see a political advantage in trying to help them. Don’t they care about middle America? Where is the outrage, the 24/7 call for help? Where’s Hollywood in all this? Why the relative silence in the face of such a widespread tragedy? Or is the aid getting to the people, all evacuees have a roof over their head, and there’s nothing to be gained by accusing Bush of totally improving FEMA? But I haven’t seen any such stories. Like I said, you probably wouldn’t anyway. You have to ask yourself, what’s different here?

related link: American Red Cross: Disaster funds are depleted | American Red Cross – Donate Now

How About An Energy Policy That Gets Some?

The Democrats’ plan on fixing our country’s energy problem of high prices and foreign oil dependency is to punish the only people here that can help, our own oil companies. And as an added bonus, we continue to be dependent on OPEC, Venezuela, and Russia for resources that we have, but are not willing to get.

But wait! There’s more! By campaigning on creating punitive taxes upon our own oil companies, Democrats will also depress the incomes of millions of Americans who are invested in America’s energy industries either directly or through retirement and IRA accounts. We’re talking about the 50k/yr ‘hard working Americans’, people like our first responders, fire and police departments, teachers, factory workers, hospital workers, nurses and nursing home workers, small business owners and their employees.

The irony here is, the very people these Democrats say they are going to help, will actually be hurt twice. In their retirement account, and at the pump. The Democrats know it isn’t a solution, and the dumb masses will buy into the notion that the pain they feel is caused by Bush instead of these lawmakers. The fraudulent impression, or spin, is that the Democrats in Washington are the only ones who really care about them. The only ones that want to help them. All that, and a little dash of class envy and anti-capitalist rhetoric tossed in for good measure. For them, the party comes before the country.

Will robbing the oil companies of their profits and trying to control their industry via the tax hammer, without permitting them to get to our own resources and build more refineries, make the prices go higher or lower? This is a rhetorical question. For those educated in government schools, the answer is it will drive prices HIGHER.

This country needs a leader who will set a goal, equal in size to putting a man in space or a man on the moon. A short-term goal designed to get enough oil, gas, clean coal and nuclear energy within our own borders, including the Atlantic, the Pacific, and the Gulf of Mexico, in order to increase supply. Only then will we see prices fall. The long-term goal would be of course, to invent and develop alternative kinds of energy that will reduce, if not replace the need for fossil fuels.

Oil prices would start falling on the day we adopt an energy policy intended to make the United States an oil producer instead of an oil buyer. And it would only get better as we would bring it to fruition.