Category Archives: 2016 Election

Who Would Lie To Save An Election?

After hearing the cacophony of Democrats in Washington over the Benghazi hearings, starring the person in charge, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, a few facts are clear.

Setting the stage to not ignore history, the attack on the Consulate that ended in the deaths of our Ambassador and three other Americans, happened two months before the 2012 Presidential election.

Security conditions in Benghazi had been getting worse to the extent that the U.N. and other countries had left their Consulates because of it. The U.S.. Consulate was the only one that remained.

During that summer, the same U.S. Consulate was attacked. Also during the months preceding the September 11, 2012 attack, Ambassador Stevens had requested better security because of the escalation of terrorist attacks in Benghazi. The Arab Spring quickly turned into the Arab Winter.

Also during this same time, President Obama’s re-election campaign was in operation. During this time, President Obama was telling us that al-Qaeda was on the run. Remember VP Biden’s line? “Bin Laden is dead, GM is alive.” The meme, as echoed by the media, was that terrorism was in decline. When the truth was the opposite. They were on the run alright, but not from us, to us.

Today’s hearing revealed that Sec. Clinton knew on the night of the attack that it had nothing to do with a video. She said as much to the newly elected president of Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed Morsi, the day after the attack. After all, through her Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin Weiner, the nearly familial relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood was there, for all to ignore.

Of 63 leaders who make up the Muslim Sisterhood – which is essentially nothing more than the female version of the Brotherhood – we learned that Huma’s mother, Saleha, was one of those leaders. Little attention has been paid to the other 62 leaders, however. One of them is Najla Ali Mahmoud, the wife of Mursi. Both are members of the Guidance Bureau, which proves fallacious, the claim that Najla is just an innocent and naïve spouse.

After the attack, what flows from the Obama administration and his State Department, is the lie about how the attack was attributed to a “disgusting video.” The lie was perpetuated at the United Nations, and continued through the election. With the help of the Obamamedia, nothing stuck to the two people responsible. Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton. The two of them went so far as to make a video of their own to perpetuate the lie broadcast to people in Pakistan.

The other thing that is clear is how right Elijah Cummings, D-MD, was when he said this hearing is political. That’s because the lies about the event under investigation were blatantly political. Which was, to keep the truth of his and Sec. Clinton’s agenda and campaign of deceit from the American people until at least after the election. Where four Americans under her purview were left with no protection and no rescue attempts made. After all, to quote Mrs. Clinton, “It is a subject that we are absolutely required to explore.”

Obama and Clinton lied. And four Americans died. And the lie lasted well past the November election. You bet it’s political, on their part. To save his re-election in 2012 and her election in 2016.

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Democratic Socialist Debate On CNN

Americans, illegals, and future illegals were treated to a triple dip of taxing, spending, and free stuff as the Democrat Party’s vision for America. Like most everything they’ve been supporting since 2008, it has been the turning everything we know upside-down. From the American dream and capitalism, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and any hint of fiscal responsibility. It also was the first Democratic debate I’ve seen where an Independent was included. Were it not for the Independent (avowed socialist) Bernie Sanders, the TV viewing audience would have been down to friends and relatives of CNN employees.

Wealth envy and class warfare, with a heaping topping of race divisiveness were also evident. Basically, they get their power from pitting Americans against each other by creating victims, villains, and the savior. Not Jesus Christ, but them and their Party. Exhibiting a moral standard  of the lowest of society, with expectations to match.

Doubling the national debt since 2008, and proposing to double it again with all the “free stuff,” and ignoring the already unsustainable unfunded mandates (Social Security, Medicare) that exceed $100 trillion, were not even considered. Essentially, what we saw was a race to the bottom if Democrats keep The White House in 2016.

They also were bold to say how they would circumvent Congress and the Bill of Rights. The 1st and 2nd Amendments to this bunch are not principles to be protected. Instead, they are obstacles to their rule.

The most amusing thing to see was how they all trashed Obama’s seven years in office with no jobs, low wages, brutal police in Democrat strongholds,  and the bad Iran deal. You know, that deal they were for before they were against it. They all were talking as though a Republican has been in power for the last seven years.


Hillary’s First Night As President ??

Hillary Clinton was sworn in today as President. She has disposed of Bill and is spending her first night alone in the White House. She has waited several years for this!


Suddenly! The ghost of George Washington appears to her, and Hillary says, “How can I best serve my country?”

Washington says, “Never tell a lie.”

“Ouch!” Says Hillary, “I don’t know about that.”


The next night, the ghost of Thomas Jefferson appears…?

Hillary says, “How can I best serve my country?”

Jefferson says, “Listen to the people.”

“Ohhh! I really really don’t want to do that.”


On the third night, the ghost of Abraham Lincoln appears…?

Hillary says, “How can I best serve my country?”

Lincoln says,

“Go to the theater.”


The Ambidextrous Lady Golfer

A group of men live and die for their Saturday morning golf game. One transfers to another city and they’re lost without him.
A new woman joins their Club. When she hears the guys talking about their golf round, she says, “I played on my college’s golf team. I was pretty good. Mind if I join you next week?”

No one wants to say ‘yes’, but they’re on the spot. Finally, one man says. Okay, but we start at 6:30 a.m. He figures the early tee-time will discourage her. The woman says this may be a problem, and asks if she can be up to 15 minutes late.

They roll their eyes, but say, “Okay”. But she’s there at 6:30 a.m. sharp, and beats all of them with an eye-opening 2-under par round. She’s fun and pleasant, and the guys are impressed. They congratulate her and invite her back the next week. She smiles, and says, “I’ll be there at 6:30 or 6:45.”

The next week she again shows up again at 6:30 sharp. Only this time, she plays left-handed. The three guys are incredulous as she still beats them with an even par round, despite playing with her off-hand. They’re totally amazed. They can’t figure her out. But she’s very pleasant and a gracious winner. They invite her back again, but each man harbours a burning desire to beat her.

The third week, she’s 15 minutes late this time, which irritates the guys. This week she plays right-handed again, but narrowly beats all three of them. The men grumble that her late arrival is petty gamesmanship on her part. However, she’s so charming and complimentary of their strong play, they can’t hold a grudge.

Still, this woman is a riddle no one can figure out. They have a couple of beers in the Clubhouse, and finally, one of the men asks her, “How do you decide if you’re going to golf right-handed or left-handed?”
The lady blushes, and grins. “When my Dad taught me to play golf, I learned I was ambidextrous,” she replies. “I like to switch back and forth. When I got married after college, I discovered my husband always sleeps in the nude. From then on, I developed a silly habit….
Right before I leave in the morning for golf practice, I pull the covers off him. If his Willie points to the right, I golf right-handed; if it points to the left, I golf left-handed.”

The guys think this is hysterical. Astonished at this bizarre information, one of the guys says, “What if it’s pointing straight up?”
She says, “Then, I’m fifteen minutes late.”

Sharyl Attkisson, Dr. Ben Carson

Full Measure reporter Sharyl Attkisson’s one on one with Dr. Ben Carson.

Calm, low-key, and full of common sense. Eight minutes that will drive the Left crazy. Not because he attacks them (like they do to him), but because his message is attractive across party lines.

Video Link:

No, Islam Is Not Consistent With Freedom Or The Constitution

Obama appoints Hamas supporter to Commission on Religious Freedom

James Zogby, President of the Arab American Institute, and curiously enough, Commissioner of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, took Ben Carson’s statement to task, by denying what Islam is about and, calling his comment stupid and bigoted. Saying that Carson is “playing to the base of the Republican Party.” Did I mention Zogby is part of the Obama administration?

Can you say ‘Sharia Law’ Mr. Zogby? The term sharia comes from the Arabic language term sharīʿah, which means a body of moral and religious law derived from religious prophecy, as opposed to human legislation, like oh say, State and Federal government as guided by the Constitution.

Carson made himself perfectly clear that one’s religion does not matter as long as it is consistent with American principles and values. He also said that if a Muslim were to uphold American values and principles then that would be fine. And Muslims trying to institute Sharia Law in the United States is fact, not playing. But you’re not hearing that from the media, are you? Ben Carson is more right than anyone on the Left cares to admit. And he doesn’t do PC either.

For Zogby to deny Sharia is to deny the inseparable nature of Islam and governance. In this respect, Islam and a secular government is incompatible. Islam is the religion and the controlling governance of its believers. It’s what one says and does that matters. Obama can say he’s a Christian. He can say he’s a Witch for all I care. It’s what he does that matters. Trading a traitor for the release of 5 Muslim terrorists should tell you all you need to know.

In fact, if James Zogby wants to call out bigoted and hateful comments from politicians, he should look at Hillary Clinton who has made ‘Muslim’ the new N-word.

Link: Muslims Try to Pass SHARIA LAW in Alabama… But Citizens Say HELL NO! (WATCH)

Is ‘Muslim’ The New N-word?

In the latest media attempt to derail the Trump campaign, it only shows who the real ‘racists’ are. Forget for a moment that Islam is not a race, but a religion. But remember that in this country, there is a First Amendment that guarantees freedom of religion for everyone. Even politicians.

So, if I may borrow a phrase from a loser of a Secretary of State who is running for president on her record, on whether Obama is a Muslim, what difference, at this point, does it make? He could be a Christian, a Muslim, or a frigging Witch. That’s all protected by the First Amendment and as such, is irrelevant.

The faux controversy is about why Donald Trump did not defend Obama at a press conference (something Hillary does not do without pre-screened reporters, attendees, and questions) from a member of the public who said he believed that Barack Obama was a Muslim, leading up to his question which was, what are we going to do about terrorist cells having training camps in this country? Trump laughed at his opening shot, and otherwise ignored it. But did answer the question (which no media outlet has bothered to mention) by saying he’s heard about that kind of stuff and would look into it if elected president. In short, it was a pretty generic answer without any controversy.

So from that, Hillary Clinton, the slavish media, and the DNC are going bonkers attacking Trump for something he did not do and did not say. Hillary calls that not acting presidential. Debbie was-a-man Shultz called Trump a racist.

What did Hillary say about the (probably planted) incident? She said that Trump should apologize. As though it is everyone’s duty to defend Barack Obama when anyone says something, true or untrue, about him. And because he didn’t do that, she retorts that Trump “should start behaving like a president.”

You know what the real dialog was. Now this is NBC’s interpretation. The meme . . .

A man at Trump’s event in Rochester, New Hampshire, asked the Republican presidential frontrunner how the U.S. can “get rid” of Muslims and asserted that Obama was a Muslim who was not born in this country.

Suffice it to say, this is not the first time that NBC has cut-n-pasted an event to change its meaning. (Zimmerman case comes to mind.)

Here is CNN’s reporting of the same event . . .

At a Trump event in New Hampshire on Thursday, an unidentified man said, “We have a problem in this country. It’s called Muslims. You know our current president is one. You know he’s not even an American. … That’s my question: When can we get rid of them?”

Cool. You have a pretty good idea of the meme over this fake controversy from the mainstream media and the struggling (for ratings) Cable News Network. Now notice those three little dots that precede “That’s my question.” Here’s what they failed to mention with those three little dots and, as you might expect, it changes the entire context of the dialog.

“Anyway, we have training camps growing where they want to kill us,” the man, wearing a “Trump” T-shirt, continued. “That’s my question: When can we get rid of them?”

From Hillary’s reaction, you would think that being Muslim, or accused of being a Muslim, is like calling someone an illegal alien, or the N-word. She was “appalled” of all the “hatefulness.”

“I was appalled,” Clinton told reporters here. “He should have from the beginning repudiated that kind of rhetoric, that level of hatefulness in a questioner in an audience that he was appearing before.”

0225_obamaturban_460x276Is being called a Muslim, or being a Muslim, something all that appalling? It should be instructive to note who the bigots, racists, really are. The media also conveniently forgot to mention who started the whole birther thing on Obama. It was Hillary’s own 2008 campaign.

If anything, it’s Muslims who should feel offended by Hillary’s reaction. Why, she’s not acting very presidential is she?

DNC Chair Comes Out, Planned Parenthood

Debbie Was-a-man Shultz comes out. In her fear campaign to raise money, Debbie says she is “pissed off.” “I’m going to be frank,” she says. (Could have been an uppercase F.)

Willing to shut down the government for preserving $500,000,000 of taxpayer money to 700 Planned Parenthood butcher shops instead of giving it to 13,540 federally qualified women’s health clinics that don’t kill babies and sell their remains, Shultz demonstrates how abortion, not women’s health, is the Holy Sacrament of the Democrat Party.

In her DNC fundraising letter, she also bemoans how those evil republicans want to repeal Obamacare. The program that was forced down America’s collective throat. The program that is so bad that it won’t even be fully implemented (if not repealed first) until Obama is out of office. Obama doesn’t want to be around to face the mess he made.

Fund Women’s Clinics, Not Planned Parenthood

If you want to see how ridiculous Hillary Clinton and her party’s response to Planned Parenthood critics are, just look at the numbers. When you do, it becomes obvious that Planned Parenthood is merely a political special interest of the Democrat Party. And as such, the $500,000,000 is the quid pro quo,  a political investment.

If serving women’s health issues were the object, then the pols in Washington would have no hesitation in pulling the half-billion dollars from the 700 Planned Parenthood Clinics, and instead divvy it up to the 13,540 other women’s clinics in the country. Clinics that do not kill babies and sell their remains.

Doing so will not shut down Planned Parenthood. They’ll get along just fine, if they don’t get shut down for the actions of their abortion department. And doing so will help more women than Planned Parenthood ever could.

Links: Health Clinics Nationwide Compared to Planned Parenthood Centers |  State maps of Women’s Health Centers v Planned Parenthood


Jeb Bush Off By Hundreds Of Billions

Jeb Bush criticizes Donald Trump’s plan to build a great big wall with a beautiful door as something that will cost hundreds of billions of dollars. He’s on the campaign trail saying that doing so is ridiculously unaffordable and hopelessly unrealistic.

Well, he’s only off by hundreds of billions of dollars. Not only that, but when you consider the cost of an illegal alien to the United States, it would reach a break-even point after 8,500 illegals are prevented from crossing.

The 245-mile security fence in Israel cost $450 million, averaging $1.8 million per mile. Assuming the completion of our security fence would cost the same amount, the total tab would come in at just under $2 billion. Even if we use higher estimates of 9 million per mile, as estimated by DHS for the cost of the San Diego fence, that would amount to roughly $6 billion for the project. 

Af far cry from hundreds of billions of dollars Jeb. The more Jeb speaks, the more he demagogues, the more he sounds like Obama. Bush is not the one for The White House because like Obama, he does not have America’s, and American’s, best interest in mind.

h/t Mark Levin

Link: The Case for the Border Fence

On Immigration, Trump Owns Media

There’s one guy just tickled to death that Donald Trump is dominating the news on the subject of immigration. President Barack Obama. Anything to draw attention from participating in nuclear proliferation and providing funding to a terrorist-supporting country. And from trying to cripple the energy industry, coal specifically, and drive up the cost of electricity. But I digress . . .

Were it not for Donald Trump, what would the candidates be talking about?

Trump held a press conference yesterday. It was broadcast on two cable news channels. (Are any other candidates talking to the media? Or, is any media talking to other candidates?) At the start, Jorge Ramos from Univision, failed at imitating a BlackLivesMatter antagonist and got the spanking he deserved. Not because Univision and Trump are involved in a lawsuit, but because Ramos was acting like a spoiled child. After Ramos returned, Trump gave him more time than any other candidate would at answering and taking questions from a single reporter. Trump came out the winner in that exchange.

Later on FNC’s The Kelly File, Megyn Kelly asked Ted Cruz if he would deport an American citizen if his parents were illegals? She was speaking of an anchor baby. Instead of answering that question, Cruz gave his own answer which included words to the effect of “I’m not playing that game.”

I’ll answer your question Megyn Kelly. The answer is YES. That’s because, obviously, the family should be kept together. And if the parents would refuse to take their child with them, abandoning the child, then the kid should be taken from them as unfit parents, put in foster care, and the parents sent back to wherever they came from. And the anchor baby problem will cure itself.

Also yesterday, speaking in McAllen, Texas, Jeb Bush said, in Spanish, “I, as President, I would go to congress and change the law to give them not a residency but citizenship.” It is Bush’s belief that illegals (he and Obama call them Dreamers) deserve it. Like so many other candidates, Jeb is on that “the immigration system is broken” bandwagon.

It’s that whole “deserve” thing that troubles me. The other thing that troubles me is when people/politicians say the immigration system is broken. The only way to determine that is to enforce the immigration laws. They are pretty clear. We need a leader to demand that the laws, all of them, be enforced. No sanctuary cities, no anchor babies, no anything for illegals, except a ride back to the border.

Aside from Trump pretty much owning the media, the media is doing a great disservice to the folks by ignoring all but a select few of the other candidates. One such candidate has filed a complaint to the FEC over the media’s totally biased reporting on the field of candidates. And, he’s the only candidate so far who can show you his plan in writing. That would be Kerry Bowers.

The Buck Stops In The Oval Office

So how’s the 2016 Clinton campaign going? Not very well. The fact that people do not trust her was brought on by her own actions.

From the start of her position as Secretary of State, we now learn that she was allowed to have her own private mail server to conduct official business, instead of the required secure government servers.

True to form, for Hillary Clinton, her mission was to keep her activities out of public view and out of the reach of any Congressional oversight. Can you say Benghazi?

So why is it that the most obvious questions about Sec. Clinton’s mail server activity still has not been asked of her boss, President Obama?

Like these two . . .

Mr. President, the Cabinet officials work under you and for you.  Confidential and Top Secret emails are normal business for our Embassies around the world. Not only between our Ambassadors and the Sec. of State, but between the Sec. of State and yourself. How is it possible that you never noticed that email communications to and from your Cabinet Secretary were not going through a government-secured mail server? Will you agree to an investigation to verify that you also do not, and did not, have a private server and private email account of your own, that was not part of a government-controlled secure environment, for official business?