Timeout for a moment to mark some time. A decade. That’s how long The Lunch Counter Blog has served up politics, the right way. Exploring the issues, exposing the Left, holding the news media to account, and generally annoying Liberals with no argument beyond name-calling.
The Lunch Counter software has evolved as information sharing software evolved. Beginning with a software platform called Radio UserLand, then finally settling on WordPress.
Take a look back to August 2004, when The Lunch Counter began.
I am pleased to announce that The Lunch Counter now has a discussion forum area made for current technology. It's called Lunch Counter Discussion. It has RSS capabilities built-in to…
Unemployment is higher than Obama's worse case scenario had the stimulus not been done. Workforce participation, the number of Americans still working, is at its lowest level since Jimmy Carter.…
Isn't it amazing that the 'Letters to the Editor" section is becoming a news source for local politics? As of this writing, this LTE is the only mention of candidate…