Two can play that game Mr. President.
If you were Trayvon 35 years ago, it would have spared the country from . . .
- record unemployment
- a stagnant economy
- high energy prices
- high food prices
- union bailouts
- a move towards socialism
- Obamacare
- the dilution of “equal justice under the law” with your inclination toward “social justice” and “racial justice”
- your lawless administration that selectively enforces laws, especially current immigration laws
- your Attorney General ignoring voting rights laws (New Black Panthers in Philadelphia)
- your dozens of unaccountable Czars
- using the Federal Govt. and its agencies to oppress (and attack, George Zimmerman) the citizens
- abuse of voting and first amendment rights (IRS)
- attacks on second amendment rights
- racial tensions fueled by you not seen since the 60’s.
- Did I mention voting rights abuse?