Ham Traumatized Muslim

Imagine being in your 9th grade geography class and talking about different climates associated with different locations. Like what happened in a school in Spain recently.

The teacher was giving a normal lesson about the different climates on our planet, and he used the locality of Trevélez [Granada] as example of a cold and dry climate. For an anecdote, the teacher explained that precisely this climate was best for the curing of hams. Then the student demanded of the teacher, “Don’t speak about hams,” because this subject was offensive for him as he is a Muslim.

This is going way beyond political correctness.  There seems to be some kind of new Muslim supremacy being taught nowadays that kids would even think of such an absurd claim.

I wonder if we’re not looking at the Muslim version of the KKK?

Which picture is more offensive to you?


or this?

Link: Spanish Muslim Traumatized by Ham.

Update: 16:04, There’s show on the travel channel right now about bacon. I think it’s called ‘Bacon Paradise.’ Ahhh. Fit for a Prophet.


2010 Census Adjusts Representation

The purpose of the census, done once every ten years, is to make adjustments in the House of Representatives to assure accurate representation in Washington based on population of the states. This interactive map provided by the Census Bureau illustrates the population shift for the last hundred years.

Census Bureau Director Robert Groves gave the highlights.

“This 2010 census population represents a growth of 9.7 per cent over the official population count of 2000.”

“As you know the constitutional purpose of the census is the redistribution of the membership of the House of Representatives across states proportional to the population,” continued Groves. “Since 1940 the law has specified that the Census Bureau use the method of equal proportions to assign seats to the states.”

Pointing out the trend since 1940 that N.E. and Midwestern states lose seats, and South and Western states gain seats (creating a net shift of 79 seats) Groves went on to prove this decade as no exception. This decade’s population spread will see a 12-seat shift with eight states gaining representatives, 10 states losing seats. Texas benefits most with a gain of four seats.

Link: U.S. Census Bureau Announces 2010 Census Population Counts