Projections of mortgage foreclosures in Florida are not good for the homeowner or business owner currently in trouble. Foreclosures are increasing, not decreasing. According to the administration, this was not supposed to happen. Fact is, this so-called help for main street seems to be yet another scam to help Goldman Sachs and the politicians tied to them.
Contrary to what is coming out of the mouths of Democrat(ic) candidates and President Clinton, the truth is that the U.S. economy continues to grow. Again, there is no recession.…
Remember how the home mortgage crisis became the reason the Obama administration wanted to apply $350 billion to, allegedly, provide a financial bailout, rescuing the economy and the suffering homeowners…
Many have heard people on the right, not the media, but people on the right, accuse Barney Frank as having a role in the Freddie Mac and Fanny May mortgage…