Tag Archives: Politics

Contraception, Democrats’ Next Entitlement Program

Did you happen to see the 30 yr old college (over $40,000/yr) student confess in front of a bunch of Nancy Pelosi news cameras, that she is so sexually active that she is going broke over her cost for contraceptives. It’s so bad, she said she spends $1,000/yr. for her contraception needs.

As unbelievable as that may sound, I mean, condoms are free for the asking at the county health department, Planned Parenthood, and anywhere else. And I’m told that a month’s supply of birth control pills is $5 at Wal-Mart.

So no! This isn’t about the cost or availability of contraceptives. This is about an ever-growing government dictating to insurance companies what insurance companies must cover, if not give away. You remember seeing that power granted the federal government in the Constitution, don’t you?

It also represents the next entitlement program coming out of The White House.

The problem with this whole made-up controversy, well, aside from it being a made-up controversy, is that its intent is to make women fear Republicans. You know, scare them onto the Democratic plantation. Says a lot about their character doesn’t it? It’s what community organizers do.

I’ve got the solution to this problem. It is, by nature, the conservative alternative relative to this issue. Rather than heaping on more government, and smaller everything else, the conservative alternative would solve the problem. And do it totally in the private sector. And it requires no government money-laundering bureaucracy to run it.

Three words, ‘bring your protection.’

Those three words alone can save that women $1,000 a year. Which might be well spent in counselling. Doesn’t say much for the success of the Women’s Movement. Be your own woman. Responsible for your own self. Now we have a 30 yr. old whining for the government (you and me via our taxes) to force private companies and religious institutions to do something that they may not want to do, that is free or practically free anywhere else.

Mayor Hayward’s Town Hall Tonight

Sorry I won’t be able to attend the town hall meeting at the Vickery Center tonight, but I do have a question for the mayor. (In case you are going.)

Mr. Mayor, at your April 2011 town hall meeting at Gull Point, you said that the city has a plan to deal with the chronic fecal contamination in Bayou Texar. The health department again had to close the bayou last week. Please tell me what the city’s plan for Bayou Texar is, and what has been done so far?

Treasury Sec. Geithner, ‘We Have No Solutions’

In what has turned out to be the most important news item NOT reported, it is this gem that bubbled up from the questioning of Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan.

After three years of Hope and Change, after three years of blaming the Bush administration for its $4 trillion in debt that the Dear Leader Barack Obama inherited, after 4 yeas of consistent deficit spending, and after spending programs that hike the national debt from 4 to 16 trillion dollars, our treasury secretary is finally asked whether his 10 year budget projection does anything to reduce the debt and deficit. The short answer is NO.

Here’s the way Obama’s Secretary of the Treasury put it . . .

We’re not coming before you to say we have a definitive solution to our long-term problem. What we do know is we don’t like yours.

Well, wait a minute.  What happened to compromise?  What happened to working together?  What happened to crossing the aisle?  You notice how that only goes one way?

It takes pure audacity to presume to tell the American people that the economy is turning around, which it isn’t, while having no intention, not now and not for the next ten years, to limit spending to something less than the government takes in. That is reckless and irresponsible. Well, unless you’re a Marxist.

Apparently no solution is preferrable to a Republican one. Guaranteeing that the President will have a ‘do nothing’ congress.

Where Is The Post-Racial America Obama Promised?

If it exists anywhere, the post-racial America that the Obama campaign promised us exists only in your head, not theirs. Walter E. Williams examines Obama’s Racial Politics with an article by Victor Davis Hanson, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.

Being a community organizer at heart, playing the race card and using divisive politics comes natural for Barack. His campaign gave up months ago to attract working white people. Why do you suppose that is? And Americans elected this empty suit of a President?

Maybe this time around, Americans will have had enough of his broken promises and send him to the unemployment line in November.

Link: Obama’s Racial Politics  |  The Future of the Obama Coalition

Bayou Texar Closed Again

“Visit Pensacola! You’ll love our shit!” There’s your Chamber of Commerce bumper sticker.

Like water sports? Fishing, swimming, water skiing? Come to Pensacola. But just don’t go in Bayou Texar for any of that. The Health Department has closed it for the umpteenth time due to excessive levels of fecal contamination.

It happens so often now, that the Health Department no longer calls it what it is like they used to. Now they’ve sanitized the warning. Now they just call it ‘bacteria.’ You have to call the Health Department to find out the nature of that bacteria. I called to ask. It’s the same as it has always been. Fecal bacteria.

What’s worse, the reaction to it is also the same. After having abandoned the study to find out the sources of the contamination years ago, the city and county officials continue to ignore the problem. Apparently, unless it has anything to do with BP, they’re not interested in cleaning up their own back yard.

Link: Bacteria prompts Bayou Texar health alert

Gasoline, The Hidden Tax On Working People

Whether high gas prices at the pump are referred to as a tax is irrelevant. Although high gas prices are not a tax, they may as well be because it is a distinction without a difference. Everyone pays the price regardless of your economic status or family budget.

Under normal circumstances, the president could effectively lower the price of a barrel of crude oil in a matter of minutes. All he has to do is announce and commit this country into becoming an oil producer instead of an oil buyer.

Using his bully pulpit, he can announce an energy policy that actually gets energy.

  • Free-up natural gas and oil drilling and exploration
  • Call for the rapid approval of the XL Pipeline
  • Building of new refineries.
  • Stop fining the coal industry out of existence with Cap and Trade.
  • Reverse himself on the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste depot.

All the needed parts to get to energy independence can be announced, and the markets would react.

There is a problem. These are not normal circumstances. We have heard his commitment to reach energy independence before. We have seen his actions doing the opposite. His liberal man-made-global-warming ‘theology’ is calling the shots.

President Obama could hold his press conference on energy independence, a new ‘war,’ if you will, on high energy prices. But his biggest obstacle to him using the bully pulpit on this subject is that no world leader or oil speculator would believe him.

Link: Obama’s Oily Rope-a-Dope, Part 2  |  Who Do You Trust?

Playing Politics On The Backs Of Senior Citizens

Time was when the United States was the envy of the world. A country that took care of its own. A super-power that stood for freedom and liberty.

The 2012 elections are coming. President Obama is staking his campaign on divide and conquer the only way he knows, community organizer style. His options are limited, and everyone knows it. He certainly can’t run on his job performance and continuing to blame Bush. Instead, he has to energize his base, his radical anti-military base (which he is and always has been part of) by gutting the military and weakening our national security.  Continue reading Playing Politics On The Backs Of Senior Citizens

Today’s Special, Daniel Hannan At CPAC

Listen to the advice from someone who has been there. Where ‘there’ is the place where President Obama is taking this country. This video shows what this writer, and I’m not alone on this point, was saying about the Obama administration two years ago.

Essentially, they are heading the country southbound in the northbound lane. And instead of advising him to turn around, they’re telling him to speed up. And before too long, this great country will be in the same shape as Greece, Great Britain, Spain, Italy, and the rest of them.

Hon. Daniel Hannan, Member of European Parliament


Capriles To Run Against Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez

State governor Henrique Capriles won Venezuela’s first-ever opposition presidential primary Sunday by a wide margin with 62% of the vote. 30 percentage points ahead of Zulia state Gov. Pablo Perez. Venezuela’s election is October 7, 2012.

“He’s going to be the candidate who can get us out of this giant hole we’re stuck in,” said Carmen Gloria Padilla, a 66-year-old telephone company employee who voted for him.

Some of Capriles’ supporters said they think he has a good chance of winning over Venezuelans who otherwise might lean pro-Chavez because he campaigned on issues instead of personal attacks, promising solutions to problems including a 26% inflation rate and one of the highest murder rates in Latin America.

Chavez remains a hero to many of his supporters and ‘maintains a visceral connection’ to a significant segment of the poor in Venezuela. To woo the suffering poor, Chavez is campaigning on increasing government spending on new social programs that offer cash benefits for the poor, public housing, and transportation infrastructure.

Where have I heard this before? The vacuous socialist political Left, otherwise referred to as the Obama administration.

Link: Venezuela’s opposition chooses youthful governor to challenge Chavez in presidential election

Liberal Groupthink And Media Matters

A look from the inside of Media Matters. Where the media hatchet jobs come from, and what the stenographic mainstream media and the Obama administration does with it. Simply put, if you are not part of the liberal community, and you are an effective communicator, you become the target of Media Matters.

Never willing or able to counter the political Right on the issues, they do it the Chicago way. Eliminate the competition in any other way possible.

This is the first in a Daily Caller investigative series on Media Matters For America, a George Soros funded media company, and its founder David Brock.

Some nuggets in this issue . . .

  1. Media Matters has to a great extent achieved its central goal of influencing the national media. Founded by Brock in 2004 as a liberal counterweight to “conservative misinformation” in the press, Media Matters has in less than a decade become a powerful player in Democratic politics.
  2. The group’s effect on many news organizations has already been profound. “We were pretty much writing their prime time,” a former Media Matters employee said of the cable channel MSNBC. “But then virtually all the mainstream media was using our stuff.”
  3. The group scored its first significant public coup in 2007 with the firing of host Don Imus from MSNBC. Then came Lou Dobbs at CNN.
  4. It was Media Matters that orchestrated much of the opposition to Beck. “We called it ‘fingerprint coverage,’” explains one former staffer, “where you know it was the result of your work.” As an example, he cites the left-wing group Color of Change, co-founded by the controversial former White House “green jobs” czar Van Jones, which received much of the credit for pressuring advertisers to drop their sponsorship of Beck’s show. But in fact, he says, Media Matters developed the campaign that cowed Beck’s sponsors.
  5. Stories about Fox News were especially well received by MSNBC anchors and executives: “If we published something about Fox in the morning, they’d have it on the air that night verbatim.”
  6. Reporters who weren’t cooperative might feel the sting of a Media Matters campaign against them. “If you hit a reporter, say a beat reporter at a regional newspaper,” a Media Matters source said, “all of a sudden they’d get a thousand hostile emails. Sometimes they’d melt down. It had a real effect on reporters who weren’t used to that kind of scrutiny.”
  7. Media Matters has been in regular contact with political operatives in the Obama administration. They also began a weekly strategy call with the White House, which continues, joined by the liberal Center for American Progress think tank. Jen Psaki, Obama’s deputy communications director, was a frequent participant before she left for the private sector in October 2011.
  8. Eric Burns, then president of Media Matters, had focused much of its considerable energy on the Fox News Channel.  Fox, he said, “is a political organization, and their aim is to destroy a progressive policy agenda.”  Less than a month later, in language that could have been copied directly from a Media Matters press release, White House communications director Anita Dunn leveled almost precisely the same charge, dismissing Fox as “more a wing of the Republican Party.”

There is plenty more on this story, right HERE.