Can’t think of a better way to just slit this country’s throat. Why do Democrats like Schumer hate this country so much that they’re willing to lay down our sovereignty and heritage? Too embarrassed to be proud of America at the expense of political party dominance. Do you know of any country that would pay illegal immigrants to come and for being here illegally?
It’s no wonder Democrats won’t consider the FairTax. It doesn’t allow for income redistribution like this.
Raising the issue of ‘trust‘ in the Obama administration yet again. It turns out that the IRS’s targeting of political enemies of the administration was not a result of a few rouge agents in the Cincinnati IRS office. According to agents, present and former, those orders came from Washington. Who is surprised to see that the story we were originally told by Ms. Lerner proved to be a lie and, the reason she plead the 5th? It’s like Benghazi without the movie.
One can only hope that this lawless administration sooner or later is held to account, fired, or jailed.
There’s been a special election underway, early voting began last Saturday, for a Representative for Florida’s District 2. The Pensacola News Journal and their editorial board both (both? don’t know what the difference could be) endorse the Republican candidate Mike Hill.
The candidates; Mike Hill (R), small business owner and founder of the Northwest Florida Tea Party who also happens to be Black, and Jeremy Lau (D), aircraft mechanic and labor union leader who happens to not be Black, are vying for your vote.
The vitriol in the comment sections in the PNJ directed against Hill are all too commonplace. The fact that Lau is also a labor union leader brings out the union thugs to gang up on him in the comment sections.
I support Mike Hill. Your mileage may vary. But I’m inviting all interested to jump in and opine for your candidate, or against the other candidate. For this post only, to facilitate the unabridged rudeness and nonsense of the Left, I am suspending the rule of being civil in your comments. You may feel free to behave here like some do on the PNJ’s website, or like you normally do.
” Do you want someone who will go to Tallahassee to stand up for the working people?” said Raymond Guillory on Mike Hill’s facebook page. NO Raymond, I want someone who will go to Tallahassee to stand up for ALL people. Someone who will legislate to create more jobs so more people may work. And that man is Mike Hill. The Democrat candidate Lau, is the labor union’s choice. That should tell you who he’s looking out for. He’s looking out for unions, a small percentage of “working people,” and will vote for legislation designed to increase union membership, not more jobs. He’ll vote for legislation that will buttress union’s underfunded pensions. He’ll vote for legislation that is bad for your children’s education, but good for the teachers union. And that’s not good for ALL the people.
Now there’s a ticket. Gov. Jesse Ventura and Howard Stern. Couldn’t you see them on the campaign trail, complete with the circus tent? The security detail would have to include some lesbians (Stern) and Occupy Wall Streeters (Ventura). Instead of guns, the Occupiers would carry bongs or something.
With Jesse “the body” being a 9/11 truther himself, whatever votes they may get would come from the Democratic side.
Go for it Jesse, Howard. You can count on a contribution from me.
In a statement released to the media at 3 a.m. today about the IRS scandal, President Obama said . . .
I demand that everyone in my administration cooperate fully with this investigation. People found violating any laws will be prosecuted.
No, he didn’t really say that. Why do you suppose he hasn’t? What he has said about it all is that he is “shocked.” Yep, just another one of those thing happening around him that he knows nothing about. Rest assured though, he’s going to get to the bottom of it. Because he said so. And that seems to be good enough for the mainstream media.
Seems like only yesterday that we were talking about an American being thrown in jail on a trumped-up drug charge. Actually, it was. News from Mexico City today is about a mass kidnapping. 11 people kidnapped from a bar in broad daylight, a half block from the city’s main boulevard, and a few blocks from police headquarters. Not far from where the grandson of Malcom X was murdered a few weeks ago over a phony bar tab.
And if you think the corruption and criminal drug related activity is limited to Mexico, you’d be wrong. It’s migrating into cities all over the United States as well. Think about that the next time you hear Secretary of Homeland Security Janet ‘Big Sis’ Napolitano say how our border with Mexico has never been more secure. I guess she can say that when, on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the most secure, the protection level is 3. That’s good news. It could be worse. By 2. It sounds better than saying we’ve got a long way to go before it is really secure. Of course she’ll never say that.
Did you know that the State Department website has Mexico on their Travel Warning Advisory? Since November of 2012? According to their list, it is the most dangerous country in the Western Hemisphere.
With the administration in such a rush to pass “comprehensive immigration reform” legislation crafted behind closed doors, with only eight percent of our representatives (Gang of 8), I can see a back-door opening up for when that fails. And I hope it does fail. Mexico is so corrupt and dangerous that I wouldn’t put it past this administration to simply grant asylum to anyone running across the border.
It is not often that I’ll repost a contribution request. If your inbox is anything like mine, you see enough of them already. But this is fundamental in taking back our government from those who fail to support First Principles. For the establishment Republicans to deny first principles, and to deny the reason for the broad 2010 electoral victory, is to succumb to the liberal idea of bigger government all the way around. And doing that is not going to turn this ship around.
Not sticking to principles is the fork in the road for the Republican fundraising apparatus. Ditto for the RNCC & RNSC. There’s no future in the Republican party becoming Democrat-Lite. Not for the country or the party. It is why I don’t trust the RNC, RNCC, and RNSC to spend my contribution on candidates I support. And, why I’m passing along this appeal to you, the grass-roots.
The battle starts in Virginia. Send the message to the establishment Republicans that diversity includes everyone. Support Ken Cuccinelli and E.W. Jackson directly.
According to Supervisor of Elections David Stafford, election day for the Special General Election for State House District 2 is Tuesday June 11, 2013. Early voting is from Saturday June 1 through Saturday June 8.
There are three locations for early voting:
Supervisor of Elections main office, 213 Palafox Place, 2nd Floor
There are two versions of the ballot. One for City residents, and one for Dist 2 residents outside of the city of Pensacola. The only difference between them is that the City ballot has a referendum in it to choose whether to downsize the City Council from 9 to 7 members by the elimination of 2 At-Large seats.
Sample Ballot for Florida District 2 residents, within City of Pensacola.
Sample Ballot for Florida District 2 residents, not in the City of Pensacola
The Lunch Counter endorses Mike Hill. What I know about Mike is 1) he’s not a politician, 2) he believes in First Principles, including the Constitution, 3) he’s no quitter, and 4) you can trust him to stay that way.
There is a family that needs help. A mother of seven is being held in a Mexican jail because she didn’t pay the expected bribe for a trumped-up charge of smuggling marijuana.
Ever quick to use the bully pulpit for his agenda items, our President is lying low executing his constitutionally mandated responsibility. Ever quick to embarrass Republicans, he is all too reluctant to give Mexico’s President, Enrique Peña Nieto, the same treatment on behalf of this American citizen.
Ditto for our new Secretary of State John Kerry (who served in Vietnam).
Why the bus driver or any of the other passengers on that bus was not arrested, or at least questioned, is one thing. But to arrest the only Americans that were on the bus, when there were witnesses that said that Yanira got on the bus carrying only a purse, is enough reason to demand her release.
There is only one man proven to be bold enough to do what needs to be done, Dennis Rodman, our shadow Secretary of State and Ambassador of Culture. Mr. Rodman, your next mission is a junket to one of the most dangerous countries in the world, Mexico, to seek the release of Yanira Maldonado held in a Mexican jail.
Tell Mexican President Enrique Peña Nietoto, “do me a solid and cut Yanira Maldonado loose.”
In support of Victoria Nuland, Barack Obama’s new nominee for assistant secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs at the State Department, who said this?
Ambassador Victoria Nuland has a long and distinguished record of service to our nation in both Republican and Democrat Administrations.
No, it wasn’t the President or Sec. of State John Kerry. It was Sen. John McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham.
Victoria Nuland was instrumental in crafting the Benghazi talking points, for which McCain and Graham have attacked, and rightly so, the Obama Administration. Having no trouble whatsoever in lying to the American people for political considerations, what makes the President think that anyone will trust what she says? In Obama’s world, your ability to lie and deceive is a resume enhancement. And McCain and Graham are living proof that establishment Republicans have a home in the Democrat party.