Tag Archives: Politics

New York Times, ‘Government Programs’ End Poverty

A New York Times story on Obama’s economy includes this shameless spin of how good the government (the Obama administration) is for keeping people “out of poverty” by putting them on the government dole.

Government programs remain a lifeline for millions. Unemployment insurance, whose eligibility the federal government expanded in response to the downturn, kept 1.7 million people out of poverty last year. Food stamps, if counted as income, would have kept out four million. {emphasis added}

Downturn? What downturn? This is Obama’s recovery! He isn’t called the ‘food stamp president’ for nothing. The Times finally gives him his credit due.

No doubt there is a cure to ending poverty. And it doesn’t involve unleashing a vibrant economy, creating jobs. Just send checks to everyone below the poverty level. There, no more poverty.

Isn’t it rather obvious that if you have no job and getting food stamps, and the government is your “lifeline,” that you are in poverty, not out of it?

Shutdown? Debt! Shutdown? Debt!

If there’s anything to be learned from Liberals in general and the current administration, it is that a term like “debt ceiling” means only that if it is breached, then it must be raised.

What a difference a political party makes. President Bush left office with our national debt at $9 trillion. And back then, candidate Obama said that a debt like that was “irresponsible and unpatriotic.” So as president, what has he done about it? He has increased it more in the first three years and two months in office than Bush did in eight years. And is on track to double it, to over $20 trillion, by the end of his eighth year.

Now that they are in The White House, a debt means nothing. Just print money, depress the dollar, artificially pump up Wall Street to give an illusion of recovery, and hope the shit doesn’t hit the fan while they’re in charge. The President makes no effort to fundamentally change the notion that spending more than we have is OK. Instead, he calls it being a “deadbeat” for not paying our bills. He must be one of those kids that open up credit cards to pay balances of other credit cards, because that’s what he is doing to our country.

The meme from the media is all about government shutdown by Republicans, not a peep about irresponsible management of our economy or about fixing it.

Reid, Obama Want Government Shutdown, Not Republicans

Outstanding piece by Sarah Palin on Breitbart. The majority of Americans don’t want Obamacare and the higher cost and the rest of the broken promises that go with it. It is killing jobs all over the country, including in the Health Care industry like 150 jobs at Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola and, no doubt, at a hospital near you.

Palin’s message to Republicans is simple. Stand on principles, pay no attention to how the media will demagogue you for standing up for the American people. They’ll do that no matter what, and always will. So get over it. Do the job the American people sent you to do.

It is President Obama who is willing to negotiate with people who gas children, but not Republicans. It is President Obama who continues to divide this country, and legislate by fiat against the will of the American people. Over sixty percent of the country doesn’t like and does not want Obamacare. He has demonstrated that he is President of the Democrat Party, not all Americans like he took an oath to be.

So who’s hyping a government shutdown? In an email from Lindsay Siler,National Director of Issue Campaigns, Organizing for Action, at BarackObama.com . . .

We’re 10 days from a government shutdown, and John Boehner just brought us closer to the brink.

Sarah ends her piece with this beauty, “Oh, and a little reminder to Republican senators up for re-election in 2014: Moose season ends soon, allowing more time on one’s hands. So, we’ll be watching your votes very carefully this week.”

Link: EXCLUSIVE: Palin — Bombs Away on Obamacare; Cruz Is over the Target  |  Sacred Heart Health System to Lay Off Up to 150

Big Labor Owns Democrats

They own Democrats in Washington, and there is a bill in the House and in the Senate that proves this point. It is called the National Right-to-Work Act, H.R. 946 in the House, and S. 204 in the Senate.

From the legislation Summary:trumka-caucus-blog480

The National Right-to-Work Act – Amends the National Labor Relations Act and the Railway Labor Act to repeal those provisions that permit employers, pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement that is a union security agreement, to require employees to join a union as a condition of employment (including provisions permitting railroad carriers to require, pursuant to such an agreement, payroll deduction of union dues or fees as a condition of employment).

Translation; the bill will repeal those portions of the National Labor Relations Act and the Railway Labor Act that require you to join the union as a condition of employment. Similarly, the bill repeals those provisions that force you to pay union dues via payroll deduction, whether you are a member or not. Even if you are a union member, you can’t send them a check, or use your debit card. The government forces you to pay via payroll deduction, or to put it another way, guarantees that the union will get theirs. This was a free country. This bill will ensure that it stays that way, at least as far as getting a job is concerned.

OK, that’s the background. Where’s the evidence to support that Big Labor owns the Democrats? You would think that rational people, especially our elected representatives, would be all about freedom, and would be all about removing obstacles, not only for an unemployed person to get a job, but for employers to have one to offer. But, you’d be wrong.

Neither the House bill nor the Senate bill have a single Democrat cosponsor. Not one. House cosponsors: R-101, D-0. Senate cosponsors: R-14, D-0.

For the reason why this is the case, you don’t have to look any further than to see what political party is the beneficiary of labor union campaign contributions and street support. Hint, it isn’t the Republican party. What it shows is that Democrats value their constituents less than their campaign contributors, and are willing to let them (you) suffer the consequences.

Want another example of union ownership of the Democrat party? Wait and see how successful AFL-CIO Richard Trumpka was with his private meeting with President Obama where he wants either a union exemption from Obamacare or union subsidies for Obamacare. But none for you. You’ll gladly pay for that, won’t you?

Link: H.R. 946: National Right-to-Work Act  |  S. 204: A bill to preserve and protect the free choice of individual employees to form, join, or assist labor …

Republicans Fund The Government Without Obamacare

So you’ll know the spin when you see it, it is President Obama and Democrats talking about shutting down the government, not Republicans. When they say Republicans want to shut down the government, it’s a lie. That’s simply not true. They are playing on your fears that the government will shut down, as though that would be a bad thing. If H.J. Res 62 gets passed, the government won’t be shut down.

For President Obama to say (over and over again) that Republicans want to shut down the government, and accusing Republicans of a crime, extortion, he is making his usual straw man argument. His lemmings of course will believe him, and his media will say nothing to the contrary.THE TRUTH IS, Republicans want to fund the government, to keep it running, at 2013 level spending, plus whatever new has been appropriated EXCEPT for funds related to Obamacare. That’s what H.J. Resolution 62 (the continuing resolution in the House) does. It again will revisit Obamacare spending in September of 2014. It essentially, puts Obamacare on hold by giving working people the same relief as Obama gave BIG LABOR and themselves (Republicans included) in Congress.

Check it out. It’s a mere 10 pages. Then tell your representative to vote YES on it. Might also remind him, in a nice way, that you expect him to represent you and not the Democrat party or the President.

Link: H.J.Res. 62: Stability, Security, and Fairness Resolution of 2013

Kerry Bowers For President In 2016


I am pleased to announce and pass along this video of Kerry Bowers’ bid for President of the United States for 2016.

Aside from a long career in the United States Air Force, Kerry has been actively involved in communities and states where he and Deb have lived. For the last several years as volunteer State Director for Americans For Fair Taxation, AFFT, and before that as Co-District Director for the Panhandlle District of the Florida FairTax Education Association, FFTEA. As a supporter of the FairTax myself, this is where and how I met Kerry and Deb.

Kerry Bowers is not only a man of principle, a believer in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, but a humanitarian too. His platform on more topics than any other candidate dare shake a stick at are available, right now, on his website KerryBowers.com. Your path to Restoring America’s Blessings starts there. Read his platform. It isn’t a laundry list of complaints and finger pointing. Rather, it is a laundry list of solutions. It also better equips you to ask questions of other candidates and probe what their solution may be. If they even have one.

Because of his openness and honesty, you know what you can expect when you vote for him in a primary election, then hopefully in the 2016 general election. He shows you where his fiscal priorities are by showing you his proposed budget for 2015. Ever seen another candidate do that? Then there is our current president who won’t make one. There’s no political smoke and mirrors with Kerry Bowers. You can expect a thoughtful and constitutionally based opinion or decision on any topic. He believes in the power of the people as opposed to the power of the government. He sees, like you see, an oppressive government now. A government that is holding America back. He knows the key to more and better paying jobs, economic recovery, and the return of, and to, family values is in reforming more than just the tax code. It must also include reforming the government. Or as he puts it, Restoring America’s Blessings.

As he states in this video, he is setting the standard for the presidential candidates of 2016. In my humble opinion, you owe it to your family and our country to visit his website and check him out.

Link: Full Transcript of the 2016 Presidential Campaign announcement video

Eleven Months Ago, Romney-Obama Third Debate

Not that it will change a thing, but here’s a little mental exercise to see if you can tell who the adult in the room is. Of course, many people knew who the adult was. He just didn’t win.

On Russia:

OBAMA: Governor Romney, I’m glad that you recognize that Al Qaida is a threat, because a few months ago when you were asked what’s the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia, not Al Qaida; you said Russia, in the 1980s, they’re now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because, you know, the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.

On Middle East:

OBAMA: So, what — what we need to do with respect to the Middle East is strong, steady leadership, not wrong and reckless leadership that is all over the map. And unfortunately, that’s the kind of opinions that you’ve offered throughout this campaign, and it is not a recipe for American strength, or keeping America safe over the long haul.

Listen to Romney on Putin, recalling Obama telling Medvedev to tell Putin that he’ll have more flexibility after the election.

Link: FLASHBACK: Haughty Obama Lectured Romney on Russia ‘The 1980s Want Their Foreign Policy Back’

h/t Black & Right

McCain To Do Obama’s Job? Now It’s Our Job

U.S. Senator John McCain will submit an opinion piece to the Russian newspaper Pravda in response to an op-ed on Syria in The New York Times by Russian President Vladimir Putin that infuriated many members of Congress. Oh really? Many members of Congress? How many Americans did it infuriate?

For McCain to respond in kind? I say Hell No! If our own President hasn’t the balls to respond to Putin’s belittling, watching anyone else speak for him will only reinforce his misguided point. And Obama hasn’t enough pride in our country or confidence in his own beliefs to respond in a way the situation demands. Make that Putin 2, Obama 0.

Obama is incapable of responding because he, like Putin, does not understand what American exceptionalism is. Well, I really can’t speak for Putin on this point. He might understand what it is, and merely chose the occasion to play on Obama’s ignorance to rub his face in it on the pages of the New York Times. Obama proved a few years ago that he hasn’t a clue what American exceptionalism is. When asked by a foreign journalist if he believed in American exceptionalism he responded, no more than the Brits think they are exceptional, and the Swiss think they’re exceptional, and the French, you get the idea.

Since this is not taught in schools any more, here’s the Cliff Notes version. American exceptionalism is NOT that we are a better or smarter people compared to the rest of the world. On that account we are all equal. That’s Obama’s definition, and Putin hit him between the eyes with it.

America’s exceptionalism began with our founding fathers and the founding of our country. All the countries in the world at the time of our founding and before were run by dictators, despots, and governments that ruled over their people, who were merely subjects of the government. There were no basic human and private property rights, freedom, or liberties that were guaranteed by the government. The government gave the people only what the government wanted the people to have. EXCEPT for the United States of America. We were the first country to form a government by the people and for the people, with inalienable rights given by God, not by the government. The people formed the government and gave it only the power over them that they choose it to have. Not the other way around. Our founders wrote a constitution and a bill of rights that served as the ‘governor’ to governmental power over the people, limiting its power. Obama calls that a “charter of negative liberties,” just to illustrate his contempt for our founding.The people control the government by a constitutional republic form of government. We are not subjects of the government. We are, essentially, the government. That idea was very radical for its time.

Our founding fathers knew what it was like to live under a tyrannical government and ruler under King George III. They were wise to craft a form of government that would guarantee, with all due diligence, that the United States would not turn into just another kingdom under a crown.

The result was, America became the EXCEPTION to the world order. The result was a free people, free to own the fruits of their labor, unrestrained by an oppressive government, that became the superpower of the world, by any measure, in less than 200 years of its founding.  When compared to nation states that are several hundred, even thousands, of years older, it’s not difficult to see what American exceptionalism is.

Neither you or I can stop Sen. McCain from writing PRAVDA or ITAR-TASS. He has that right. What they need to see is some good old fashion American exceptionalism by writing your own letter to their editor. They’ll get the idea real quick what American exceptionalism is. And it isn’t Barack Obama.

Link: McCain to parry Putin N.Y. Times op-ed with one for Pravda – Yahoo News.

What Russian media is talking about:

Obamacare’s Alternative Gets Three New Co-Sponsors

Because you have heard the president and others in his party repeatedly say that Republicans have no alternative to Obamacare, it may come as a surprise to you that the Empowering Patients First Act of 2013 (the alternative to Obamacare) picked up three more co-sponsors yesterday.

Joining in private-sector solution to improving not only access to health care, but the health care and the health insurance industries, are Scott Rigell [R-VA2], Scott Tipton [R-CO3], and Randy Weber [R-TX14].

H.R. 2300, the Empowering Patients First Act of 2013, is all of 249 pages long, compared to over 20,000 pages of law and regulations, and still growing, in Obamacare. Why? Because is not designed as a government take over of the health care industry, or to kill the health insurance industry, and put the government between you and your doctor. Further, it does not require “Navigators” hired by the government and paid for by you, to teach people how to enroll. There is no fine, penalty, or tax imposed on anyone for any reason. Therefore, it won’t be a job killer or impediment to job creation. And it won’t make keeping your current health plan more expensive like you (and labor unions) are experiencing right now.

Which is why Obamacare needs to be repealed or, at the very least, defunded. At a time when the president’s credibility is at an all time low both on the world and national stages, he could fix this one and take credit for it.

He could admit that, despite all that he thought or was told the ACA would do, it is not working as advertised. He could remind us of his pledge to the American people when he said he wouldn’t sign the bill if it didn’t lower cost and improve access to health care, you can keep your plan and your doctor if you want. President Obama could begin to redeem his credibility, by keeping his first promise, and call for the repeal of the Affordable Care Act.

But he won’t. His political ideology won’t allow it. Congress can and should fund the government without funding Obamacare. So don’t buy the demagoguery to come from the president and his acolytes about Republicans wanting to shut down the government. It is worth noting how Democrats equate defunding Obamacare to shutting down the government. To them, Obamacare and ‘the government’ are one and the same.