Tag Archives: Politics

Tea Party ‘Don’t Raise The Debt Limit’ Demonstration Saturday

Just a note from the Pensacola Tea Party about a demonstration in front of University Mall, or what once was University Mall, this Saturday Noon-2PM.

Although the Rally in Washington, D.C. on October 12 has been postponed local groups intend to Rally and be on the same subject. The Administration wants to raise the Debt Limit and waste even more hard earned tax dollars. Many of those dollars are sent to other countries, some of which do not like us at all. There is sufficient tax money coming in to meet all obligations and there is no need to raise the National Debt to 18 Trillion dollars! This Administration added 159 new bureaus to add to the Union rolls, increase union dues and spend the money against the American public needs! DO NOT RAISE LIMIT!

It’s just amazing how words have absolutely no meaning to people in Washington. Here are two that mean absolutely nothing to President Obama and his party.

Limit and Border

If you’ve had enough of this lawless administration, come out and be seen. Bring a home-made sign with you. (The SEIU won’t be printing them up for you. You’re the opposition.)

Tell President Obama to live by the current debt limit, or resign.

Check out the national Tea Party Patriots website for a protest near you.

Barack Obama, Governing By Tantrum

President Obama certainly is enjoying HIS government shutdown. To be sure, it is his and Senate majority leader Harry Reed’s government shutdown.obama-always-a-cry-baby

Beginning with how he despises America so much as to smother it in debt and unaffordable so-called entitlement programs while breaking and selectively enforcing laws, some of which (Obamacare) are of his own making.

And now, in response to Republicans in the House to wanting to put an end to this reckless and lawless administration, to return the country within the bounds of the constitution and fiscal sanity, President Obama is governing by his temper tantrum. Described by one Park Ranger succinctly, “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”

No surprise here! It’s what community organizers do.

Things like this is what our childish and vindictive President is responsible for . . .

  • Blocking access by WWII veterans (and everyone else) to the WWII Memorial.
  • Blocking access to roadside view parking to Mount Rushmore.
  • Blocking access to the Matrin Luther King Jr. Memorial. An unstaffed, open at all times Memorial.
  • Blocking access and evicting people (senior citizens) from their private residences around Lake Mead.
  • Blocking access to the parking lots at Mt. Vernon. The home of George Washington, is privately owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association. But the parking lots are jointly owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association and the Park Service.
  • Blocking access and use of the Ocean. 1,100 square miles of Florida Bay. The area between the southern tip of Florida and the Florida Keys is a prime fishing area.
  • Shutting down the Amber Alert website. During the shutdown, they have a link pointing to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) “to serve in a clearinghouse capacity for the AMBER Alert program and to aid in the dissemination of AMBER Alert information.”
  • They did not shut down Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move website.
  • The golf course at Andrews AFB, where Obama plays, remains open.

This is the tyrant you were warned about. This is what you get when a media refuses to vet a presidential candidate. You elected a community organizer. You got a community organizer. Only on a national level.

Liberal Blowtorch Burns Ring Of Fire

Mike PapantonioWas checking in to one of my favorite liberal, progressive, downright wacko websites, the Ring of Fire1, to see what they had to say about the IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) report on climate change. Who according to them, is the world’s authority on the greenhouse effect.

I previewed the report in a comment on one of their posts a few days before its release. Where their scientists had to admit that there has been no global warming in the last seventeen years.

Harken back to 2007 when the global warming nuts were saying that the arctic ice would be gone by 2013. When in fact the arctic ice grew by 29%, over a half million square miles, in the last year.

But alas, not only is my comment gone, but all comments are gone (not that they had very many in the first place). In fact, they have disabled comments altogether. So now, the Ring of Fire has been reduced to a blow torch. No ring, no two-way. Like Obama himself, no negotiations. Just fun food for their lemmings.

On slow news days, the big lawyers post about big lawsuits against big pharma, big energy, and whoever else has big, deep pockets.


1 The Ring of Fire is a Liberal (they’ll say Progressive) talk radio show, co-hosted by Attorneys Mike Papantonio and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and another lib named Sam Seder. The Ring of Fire is unique in terms of a talk radio show in that they don’t take calls live. Like Obama, they screen all questions emailed to them or left on their answering machine. Lord only knows what happens after that. Their show is scripted to pump out whatever liberal blather is on their page, regardless of what is going on in the news of the day. They really have a mis-named show. Not unlike Obamacare being called affordable. There is no ‘ring’ left in the Ring of Fire. They are unique in another way too, compared to ‘America’s Anchorman.’ They are not supported by advertisers. They don’t have a product anyone but other law firms want to be associated with. If they were ‘supported’ by advertisers, their show would have died when Air America Radio died, when its founder and Papantonio grew tired of personally footing the bill.

Big Labor Paid Protestors At WWII Memorial

Hey, I got paid $15. Yipee!

In yet another example of just how morally bankrupt the Democrat party machine is, they have astroturf  protestors show up to protest at the WWII memorial, posing as federal employees.

Embarrassed by all the media attention given to the Honor Flights that were met with barrier fencing, and not letting a crisis go to waste, an organization called the “Good Jobs Nation,” an activist group largely financed by unions, including the Service Employees International Union, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, the United Farm Workers and the United Food and Commercial Workers, were paid $15 each to pose as federal employees protesting the government shutdown for the media crowd that was already there.

Not a word about it in the New York Times.

The Times did have one article saying how the Honor Flights were now being allowed. Thanks to a guy named Jeff Miller. I’m presuming it is my representative Jeff Miller (R-FL1), but you’d never know it from the New York Times article.

Jeff Miller, the co-founder of the Honor Flight Network, which flies veterans to Washington to see the memorial built in their honor, welcomed the news.

Links: Democrats Pay Union Members to Protest World War II Vets  |  World War II Memorial Will Stay Open to Veterans

Government Is Too Intrusive When

It is amusing, not, to see how the administration is administering the government shutdown. In classic community organizer style, he makes sure he pokes the 720px-US-FederalHousingAdmin-Logo.svgAmerican people in the eye over it while at the same time blaming Republicans for it. He ends White House tours. He closes the WWII memorial so our greatest generation can’t see it. Closes the MLK Jr. monument. Neither of which need anyone to oversee or “manage” them. It’s all the politically calculated machinations he goes through to kick-off the Democrats’ 2014 mid-term election talking points.

But did you know that this government shutdown this administration is imposing will have a deleterious effect to the housing market recovery when it is most needed? How could the government be in the way of you buying a home? What do they have to do with it, you might ask? The answer is, more than 90% of all loan activity is underwritten, insured, or owned by the government and its affiliated entities. That’s how. The by-product of “reform” taking the shape of government control.

Link: Government Shutdown Risks Hurting The Housing Recovery


Obamacare, Opportunity Missed?

Listening to President Obama demagogue Republicans for trying to help Americans from the harm that Obamacare is doing to them, their families, their jobs, and their health care plans, coupled with the sympathetic media supporting him, exposes the alternate reality in the political arena today.

President Obama said yesterday that the Republicans want to deprive you from getting affordable health care offered for the first time in history. That Republicans are willing to shut down the government to deprive you of the opportunity of getting affordable health insurance. And that’s the message you hear from the media.

What you don’t hear from the media is this:

  1. Obamacare isn’t being offered to you for the first time in history. For the first time in history, the federal government is, under threat of being penalized with a fine, ordering you to buy a health insurance policy. And not just any health insurance policy, but one that the federal government approves of, else you get penalized with a fine.
  2. Obamacare is killing jobs and depressing the economy. The President has a handful of people used as props, who have a story about how Obamacare helped them. The media isn’t showing you people who have been laid off or had their hours cut because of Obamacare. Which was the point of Sen. Ted Cruz’s 21 hour speech on the floor of the Senate over the weekend.
  3. The media coverage of Sen. Cruz’s speech was centered around the Democrat talking point of Republicans being obstructionists. They completely ignored the content of Cruz’s speech, which merely highlighted all that was wrong with Obamacare.
  4. Media coverage of Cruz’s speech was reported like a horse race. As in, what did Cruz hope to accomplish by fighting a no-win fight? And how this will hurt Republicans in the 2014 election? Not a peep about how Obamacare is hurting Americans and the American economy.
  5. That it was President Obama and Harry Reid that did not accept any of the three (four if you count H.R. 2300, the Empowering Patients First Act of 2013) compromises Republicans offered to keep the government open.
  6. The irony that President Obama brags about talking to terrorist supporting regimes like Iran and Syria, but not his own Congress.

To characterize opposition to Obamacare as depriving you of a wonderful and historic opportunity, is like being deprived from having a perfectly good limb amputated.

How President Obama Despises America

Five days before his first inauguration, president-elect Obama said we were five days away from fundamentally changing America. He certainly is on a roll in doing just that.

How did he do it? It began by not passing a budget, whereby Americans could see his cards on the table. Instead, he has run the government by the seat of his pants by CR’s, Continuing Resolutions. He laid his foundation with so-called stimulus spending measures that financed his political base and contributors, instead of rebuilding infrastructure.

Then he implemented the poison pill to freedom and liberty, and the economy, by devising a plan to take over your health care choices and the health insurance industry, and the health care industry, by implementing the non-affordable Affordable Care Act. Something that Americans have rejected ever since it was first proposed 70 years ago by John Dingell Sr. in 1943. So he had to do something drastic to pull it off. He wrote the bill, preventing input from ANY person in the other (Republican) party. And no republican voted for it. Instead it was “deemed passed” by then Speaker Pelosi.

Finally, the check and balance designed by our founders, the House controls the purse strings, has been and continues to be ignored. So the House calls an end to increasing the debt, and increasing it as much as Obamacare is doing, contrary to what Pres. Obama promised; that it would decrease cost, increase care, and not increase the debt. None of that has happened.

So now, when the House proposes plans to fund the government, minus Obamacare, then postponing it for one year, then eliminating the special favors to big labor and companies, then eliminating the 72% subsidies that President Obama gave himself and the rest of Congress, with you paying for them, President turned King Obama said NO. Nothing is negotiable. And the reaction from the administration, repeated by the media, is that Republicans want to shut down the government and Republicans don’t want you to have health care.

President Obama is not budging. He’s not negotiating, he wants everything and to hell with our founding fathers and their system of checks and balances. To sum it up where Obama is concerned, he’s as un-American as any other enemy of the State.

Organizing For Action Panicked Over Obamacare

Obama on Obamacare: “. . .maybe you’re better off not having the surgery but taking the pain pill.”

“They’re outspending us on Obamacare!” Andy Rooney voice ON: Ever wonder why the President and his supporters have their shorts in a wad over Obamacare, years after it became law?”

Received an email from Erin Hannigan, Health Care Campaign Manager (Health Care Campaign Manager?), from Barack and Michelle’s Organizing for Action PAC. He is all stressed out over being overspent on advertising for Obamacare and, has his hand out for donations.

The Koch brothers have crossed a line.

Their latest anti-Obamacare ads aren’t subtle — they’ve got images of a creepy Uncle Sam in a doctor’s office, apparently taking advantage of unsuspecting patients. It’s a despicable way to do something pretty despicable: trying to scare Americans out of getting health insurance. They have millions to spend on these ads — that’s their strategy. Donate $5 or more today, and help fund the grassroots team that is fighting back hard.

Don’t worry, be happy! Worry about what needs to be done to make Obama’s “recovery” an actual recovery. That would be productive.

Update: Want another example of a law that is flawed from the get go? The Health Care Campaign Manager is desperately appealing to his online community to promote it. This has got to be a first, where a law was enacted (by hook and by crook) and needed activists to promote it. The reason is simple, half of America’s representatives (the Republicans) were prevented input on it, and most Americans don’t want it. It is, by definition, a flawed law.

So, in true community organizer style, another appeal from the OFA gang . . .

Four days to go — and then the health care marketplace will be open!

You’ve been a part of the Truth Team for the past few months now, so you know how important this moment is: Millions of uninsured Americans will finally have the chance — many for the first time — to find quality coverage that is affordable for them and their families. It’s a pretty big deal. And you know we have our work cut out for us. Outside groups are spending millions trying to scare and confuse folks about the law — $400 million so far, actually. So before Tuesday, take a minute to make sure your friends have the facts about Obamacare.