Tag Archives: Politics

SF Bay Area Mass Exodus

People are leaving California at a record rate. By all accounts, the high cost of living tops the list. High taxes, fees, and housing cost have become too much for poor and middle class to handle anywhere near the major cities.

For example, the demand for U-Haul trucks leaving is greater than arriving. In San Francisco, it is $3000 for a 1-way to Dallas. And $1000 for a 1-way from Dallas to San Francisco.

Less talked about is the position California has taken on illegal immigration. San Francisco is a Sanctuary City. California has declared itself a Sanctuary State. Drawing the attention of the Dept. of Justice and AG Jeff Sessions filing suit against State officials.

Aside from the high cost of living, safety becomes an issue particular to sanctuary cities. Safety of the citizens that is. More and more people have had enough of it, and leaving.

The homelessness in San Francisco is so bad, there is an online map that shows people where the human waste is. Places a tourist might want to avoid. The admin says the map is to call attention to the homeless problem. He sure did, but not in the way he intended.

To where are Californians fleeing? Most are going to right to work states with no income tax. Texas. Florida.

Link: San Francisco Bay Area Experiences Mass Exodus Of Residents  |  California has worst ‘quality of life’ in US, study says

Cali And The Lawless Party

That California is going rogue is not new, except that this time they are breaking immigration law in the process. Causing the DOJ to get involved.

A.G. Jeff Sessions filed suit against California over some laws they made that are in violation of the immigration law.

Of course that’s BIG NEWS. Reported everywhere. What is instructive here, is also revealing. And that is the Democrats’ reaction to the lawsuit.

Their response does not dispute the charges. No, their response is to accuse the DOJ and the Trump administration as being racist.

What is instructive is that the Left doesn’t debate the issue when they know they can’t. They call people names instead. This case also reveals the Democrat Party as being the Lawless Party. Nothing new there. Only now it is by their own admission.

Links: Trump’s Justice Department sues California over immigration enforcement  |  Oakland mayor fires back at Sessions: ‘How dare you distort the reality’ to advance ‘racist agenda’

Delta: No Tax Exemption For You!

Good news for Georgia taxpayers. They will not have to subsidize Delta Airlines for the sales tax on fuel they pay. Delta will continue to pay their fuel tax. Like everyone else.

Delta requested, and was about to get, an exemption on the fuel tax to the tune of $40,000,000. But that changed quickly when Delta caved to political pressure from activists, and publicly announced they were cancelling their business relationship with the NRA.

“While Delta’s intent was to remain neutral, some elected officials in Georgia tied our decision to a pending jet fuel tax exemption, threatening to eliminate it unless we reversed course,” Bastian said. “Our decision was not made for economic gain and our values are not for sale.”

It’s too late for that. That’s what Delta’s Chief Executive Ed Bastian should have told the nut jobs that bombarded his company.

Bastian is right about one thing. He didn’t do it for the money. For being political, caving to the anti-NRA crowd, Delta said they had a total of 13 NRA travelers’ discounts from a program created for the 2018 Convention in Dallas in May. His uninformed decision saved Georgia taxpayers  $40,000,000.

Georgia lawmakers had a lot to say about the tax exemption for Delta. This is one.

Secretary of State Brian Kemp said lawmakers should reject the perk to airlines and instead focus on creating a sales tax holiday for buyers of guns, ammunition, holsters and safes where guns can be stored.



President Obama introduced this mess into our immigration policy. But it wasn’t anything approved by Congress. Its was instead, by Executive Order. He designed the “temporary” work status for an illegal that meets certain criteria for two years. After which, it expires. When something expires, it’s over. Bu Bye!
Designed by the Obama administration, DACA allows for those people to re-apply upon expiration. There’s no guarantee of acceptance of a renewal application. So when these illegals signed the deal, they should have expected to return home after 24 months if/when their renewal application would not be approved.
But of course, Obama never intended that to happen. What he intended to happen was to create  more chaos, leaving room for rogue judges to handle the rest.
This is why Trump wants DACA fixed via legislation, by Congress, and gave some bullet points of what it would include. And, to insure that lawful immigration benefits America. 
Even though Trump doubled the number of DACA recipients than Democrats originally asked for, they turned it down. Not surprisingly, the Dems in Washington will have nothing to do with settled legislation on immigration. Well, unless they get amnesty for all (over 20 million), no border security, sanctuary cities/states, and pouring millions more of low-skilled, poor, government-dependent undocumented Democrats. I say that, not only because the stats on party preference among illegals say so, but because they all have come from socialist regimes where they are dependent on their government. For them, voting Democrat is a natural choice.


One thing is for certain, if the illegals tended to identify as Republican by 31% to 4%, they’d be clamoring for border security of the kind that keeps them out. Here’s what immigration reform should include.

The NRA Distraction

The gun grabbers are at it again. The KOSites and fellow travelers cranked up their bots, generating faux outrage and “complaints” to companies the NRA has business agreements with, and demanding they separate themselves from them. They are also attacking the 1st Amendment by trying to get social media like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, to not carry NRA-TV’s programming.

You might like to know the companies that succumbed to this phony campaign.

Enterprise Rent-A-Car, First National Bank of Omaha, Avis Car Rental, Allied Van Lines, Budget Rent-A-Car, Chubb, Delta Airlines, Hertz Rent-A-Car, MetLife, North American Van Lines, TrueCar, Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, Symantec and United Airlines.

Just as the NRA had nothing to do with the Las Vegas shooting, the NRA has zero to do with the Parkland or any other shooting.

We are witness to the Dems’ normal behavior of not letting a crisis go to waste, when you can use it to advance your agenda. Blaming everything and every one except the perp. Not making the students any more safe.

Hillary Clinton’s reaction after the Las Vegas slaughter of concertgoers . . .

Notice how Hillary attempts to inoculate herself from being political by being political with this “We can and must put politics aside, stand up to the NRA.” Stand up to the NRA? For what? They have nothing to do with it. Using this school shooting and 17 dead bodies to go after the NRA and the 2nd Amendment should be enough to show that Democrats and Progressives don’t give a wit for those students.

What they should be asking is why the shooter wasn’t flagged for his obvious wacko mental condition when he was evaluated by mental health authorities after he assaulted someone on Jan. 17, 2017? Among other failures, this one was the only one that would have prevented the shooter from legally buying any gun. Something that the NRA happens to support. And something that everyone can agree with.

Links: BOYCOTT: Here Is the List of Companies Who Have Severed Ties with the NRA  |  Parkland shooter always in trouble, never expelled. Could school system have done more?  |  NRA Statement on Corporate Partnerships

Social Musings

A week in review.



January 2nd, 2017, prior to Trump’s inauguration, the re-writing of history begins. Three days before President Obama had his meeting with Barack Obama, Joe Biden, James Comey, Sally Yates, and Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s senior advisor and Muslim Brotherhood connection, sets the meme by telling the media how scandal-free his administration is.

“Undermines the confidence of the American people in what comes out of Washington” she says. Funny, that’s the same goal as Russia and Valerie Jarrett.

Susan Rice playing CYA catch-up.


Fourth Amendment Next?

What has morphed from the Trump Dossier, to the Steele Dossier, is now known as the Clinton Dossier. The dossier that the FBI used to get a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page of the Trump Campaign. Contracted and paid for by the opposing campaign.

That all happened. The result of which screams a huge violation of the 4th Amendment of the Constitution. Something everyone should be worried about, regardless of your politics.

One of two things happened. The FBI lied to the FISA Judge to get the warrant approved. Or they didn’t lie, and the Judge approved it anyway. Which one works for you?



Steele’s Disney Dossier

It’s time to get a grip on what “opposition research” is, and what it is not. Take this Steele Dossier, aka the Trump Dossier for example. This is the document that the FBI used to get a FISA warrant on an American citizen in the Trump presidential campaign.

The fake news media calls this dossier opposition research on Trump. The FBI presented it to the FISA Court as legitimate intelligence from various sources.

Here’s the problem. “Opposition research” is a record of what a political opponent has done. Used mostly to embarrass or disqualify an opponent while helping your own candidate.  It’s normal for campaigns to use it. It’s not opposition research if it never actually happened.

The Steele Dossier is not opposition research. It’s the DNC’s version of The Wonderful World of Disney. Totally made up political theater. James Comey  referred to it as “salacious and unverified” when telling Trump about it. After having already used it to get a FISA warrant on then President-elect Trump’s New York property, where their “target” was.

Out of all their whining about the Nunes memo, you will notice that Rep. Adam Schiff has never denied that the dossier was a fraud. Ditto Sen. Schumer and Rep. Nancy Pelosi. The same bunch has never denied that the Clinton Campaign and the DNC funded the creation of the “dossier.” Admitting that much would be an admission that the dossier they presented to the FISA Judge was fake. A fraud.

Comey and others in the FBI and DOJ better lawyer up. Getting a sense that the swamp drain is about to open?

Memo: Sources And Methods

So the D’s in DC didn’t want to #ReleaseTheMemo because it would reveal “sources and methods.” And that would be dangerous.

Know what? They were right!

Sources: Obama administration officials including President Obama, top people in the Executive Branch, State Department and Sec. of State Clinton, DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, with some made up dossier from foreign (including Russian) sources.

Methods: The weaponization of government resources. Using a made-up dossier, paid for by the DNC (that Hillary was running at the time), to lie to a FISA court judge to get permission to spy on the Trump campaign and candidate Trump, then President elect Trump, then President Trump, with no focus, boundaries or limitations. In this case, since they failed to stop Trump to get Hillary elected, they had to take him out by some other means. And this is it.

And it is dangerous, in so many ways.

  • Dangerous for society based on the rule of law,
  • the 4th Amendment of the Constitution,
  • the victims of their sting,
  • and especially dangerous for Democrats.

Funny how the only Russian collusion anyone knows about is that between the Clinton campaign and the DNC, with an assist by the FBI, and the creation of that phony, DNC paid for, dossier.

Below is the memo that was unclassified today.

[scribd id=370598711 key=key-Mj3PhoeUfdPZNIAeaNQk mode=scroll]

What should happen now? The whole investigation should end since the start of it was a fraud in the first place. A new special council should be created to investigate the investigators, and, all those who had a part in weaponizing the government for political purposes. From Barack Obama to Hillary Clinton on down. Paul Manifort and Gen. Flynn should have their charges dropped, and be reimbursed for their legal expenses, and an apology given.

It took almost a year, with no charges brought against anyone in the Trump organization for what was the purpose of the investigation, Russian collusion to rig the election. Yet two citizens have been ruined in the process. Trump can’t prove a negative. He can’t prove there was no collusion. The government is supposed to prove that there was. And they are no closer now than they were last year.

Bottom line, but for that bogus dossier, FISA warrants would never have been issued, and the country would have been spared all the pain that the sore losers put our country and our institutions through.

Durbin Wins M.R.I.O.T.D. Award

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) was in The White House for a meeting to make an immigration policy that benefits Americans. At that meeting, chain immigration necessarily came up.

It’s not that Durbin doesn’t know what chain migration is, because in 2010, he knew exactly what it was when he was advocating for the Dream Act. He ostensibly worked to end “chain migration.”

“The DREAM Act would not allow what is known as chain migration,” Durbin said. “In fact, DREAM Act students would have very limited ability to sponsor their family members for legal status.” [Emphasis added]

What’s different today? His political heritage has swelled to the point that now “chain” has only one meaning. For him, a chain is for enslaving Black people. The first, and only, meeting attendee to feel a need to tell the media what he wanted them to know about a private meeting with the president, Durbin said . . .

“When it came to the issue of “chain migration” I said to the President: “Do you realize how painful that term is to so many people? African Americans believe that they migrated to America in chains. And when you speak about ‘chain migration’ it hurts them personally.” He said: “Oh, that’s a good line.”

And of course, the media ate it up. It didn’t have to make any sense because it fit their narrative.


I do like Trump’s response, “Oh, that’s a good line.” Translation: typical race card BS, stick with that and 2018 will be even easier.

For Dick Durbin to tell anyone, let alone the President of the United States, that “chain migration” means slavery migration to African-Americans, he wins the Lunch Counter’s Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day (M.R.I.O.T.D.) Award.

Missed by the media, of course, and everyone else but Patterico,

let’s focus on a different aspect of Durbin’s statement — because it shows his ability to be absurdly sanctimonious with a straight face. Namely, he claims that he told the President that “chain migration” is offensive to black people, because they came here in chains. Yes, he really said that.

Democrats have spent their total existence dominating Black people. Since the Lyndon Johnson administration, the plantation is in  thought and identity politics, and the chains have been replaced with an ideology that will keep them there.