Tag Archives: Politics

Obama’s Pay Raise For Military

You’ll have to look far and wide for a media report that explains the details behind the one percent pay raise that Obama gave to the military in the budget he signed today.

What  happened was, the House passed its version of the fiscal 2014 Defense authorization bill in June, which included a 1.8 percent pay increase for troops. The formula for determining service members’ annual pay increase is based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Employment Cost Index and the growth in private-sector wages; for 2014, that turns out to be 1.8 percent. But under the law (Title 37, Chapter 19, Section 1009) the president has the authority to set an alternate pay raise for military personnel, citing a national emergency or fiscal concerns, if Congress doesn’t pass legislation adjusting the amount or canceling it.

So one would think, what with food stamps going to active military personnel and families having shot up 400 percent, that the Commander In Chief wouldn’t be cutting the modest 1.8 percent. But he did.

All the major media outlets use this template:

  • ABC: The comprehensive defense bill Obama signed will give military personnel a 1 percent pay raise.
  •    AP: The comprehensive defense bill Obama signed will give military personnel a 1 percent pay raise.
  • USA Today: Military personnel receive a 1% raise under the bill.

Now if there were a Republican in The White House, first of all, there wouldn’t be a cut. At the very least, the military would have gotten the 1.8 percent increase based on the standard formula. But for argument’s sake, play along. If there were a Republican in the White House that did what Obama just did, the media would be screaming at the top of their lungs, front page above the fold, ‘President cuts military pay 80 percent,” and “President slashes military pay by 80 percent.”

This is a first. The media is actually calling an increase, an increase. After all, one percent is one percent more than zero. In all other circumstances where the Republican party can be demonized, that one percent increase is called a cut. A cut from the 1.8 percent increase that the House passed.

Yet another blatant example of the media covering for their president. At the expense of our troops no less.

Link: 2014 Military Pay Raise Guaranteed


“Truthers” At Healthcare.gov?

The White House appears to have dropped a bombshell when it explained to the press why White House staff in Washington enrolled President Obama in Obamacare instead of Obama himself. I figured the obvious. That signing up like he expects everyone else to do was beneath him. Besides, it would foul up his Christmas vacation. Too bad for the rest of Americans who would rather be celebrating Christmas instead of spending hours on the computer trying to sign up. Think he cares about yours?

Officials said it was because HealthCare.gov could not verify Obama’s identity. What? OK Nancy, Harry, time to start calling the Obama administration “truthers.”

So how is it remotely possible that, despite all that is already publicly known about our President, Obama, that his identity can not be verified by the same system that is supposedly “verifying” everyone else?

This should be investigated. Who else among us is stealth in our government?

Could it have anything to do with why all of Obama’s records in school, both as a student and so-called professor are sealed, or concealed?

Link: Healthcare.gov can’t verify Obama’s identity.

War On Islam Continues, In Egypt

A car bomb detonated by Barack Obama’s friends, the Muslim Brotherhood, killed 14 people, mostly police, and injured 60 others when they blew up a police station in Mansoura Egypt. More Muslims killing Muslims. There’s your war on Islam for you. Muslims in Egypt and Syria are killing Christians with abandon as well. As hateful as they are, sucks to be them.

And as you can tell by their silence, our President Obama, Sec. of State Kerry, and National Security Advisor Susan Rice, have no problem with it. You see, it wasn’t democratic rule Obama was looking for back before the Muslim Spring turned to winter. He wanted, and allowed, the Muslim Brotherhood to take over.

The bombing comes just weeks before Egypt holds a referendum on a new constitution that is billed by the country’s military-installed authorities as the first step towards democratic rule after the army ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in July.

Link: Car bomb at police HQ in Egypt city kills 14 – Yahoo News.

Fed, Still Twerking Money And Debt

So this is good news? Federal Reserve, trying real hard to keep Obama’s fake economic recovery going, agreed to continue to print money and monetize the debt by  $75 Billion a month instead of $85 Billion a month.

How about we stop pussy footing around and let the economy and the markets fix themselves? Aside from the FED’s artificial resuscitation on the monetary side, we have the economic train wreck of this administration’s ideas of economics which is nothing short of the fascist economic model. Both need to stop before we see any improvement on Main Street.

Unfortunately, it’s going to take the next two elections to start.

Link: Fed hawks back taper decision, one urges bolder action

Media Matters, Duck Pushback A Conspiracy?

In just a matter of a few days, we’ve seen GLAAD, the activist gay rights folks, manage to get Phil Robertson “The Duck Commander” and family head of the most popular TV reality show, publicly (figuratively) crucified for a lie they started and the sympathetic media repeated. His thoughts and belief of what is a sin was a little more reality than they could collectively swallow.mediamattersradiologo

Then Cracker Barrel, also owned by A&E, announced that it was pulling all the Duck Dynasty merchandise that had the likeness of Phil on it, off of their shelves. Two days later, Cracker Barrel did a 180.

“Our intent was to avoid offending, but that’s just what we’ve done,” the company announced. “Today, we are putting all our Duck Dynasty products back in our stores.”

Seems you, with the help of the same social media that was used to start the controversy, ended it. At least as far as Cracker Barrel goes. Whether A&E will do the same to, or for, Phil remains to be seen.

But that’s not the story. The lie that the wacko Left at Media Matters is perpetuating from GLAAD is that Phil equated homosexuals to bestiality. Which he did not.

The folks at Soros-financed Media Matters, (Jeremy Holder and Jess Levin) live in their alternate reality which is so perverted that they came up with a conspiracy to support it. On their radio show, the kids at Media Matters said that the pushback was part of a conspiracy to silence the activists like GLAAD and anyone else that conservatives, republicans, tea partiers don’t like. Raise your hand if you’ve heard of this super secret plan.

They’re pretty creative. They have no boundaries when it comes to fabricating whatever “facts” they need to make a point. But hey, you gotta do what you gotta do to make the lie seem more credible. So this is what they’re pushing. The pushback from millions of Americans had absolutely nothing to do with twisting Phils words and for being fired for truthfully answering what a sin is to him. Beliefs he holds in common with the vast majority of Americans. No. Their story is that Phil was spewing hate by vile comments towards the gay community, and they’re sticking to it.

Tea Party-Like Uprising In Chicago

Having felt the heat long enough, Chicagoans are finally seeing the light. Rev. Al Sharpton went to Chicago to discuss gun violence. But the people had something to say that the he never anticipated and, not surprisingly, the media is not covering.

Here are a few choice quotes from the video:

  • “We don’t have a gangs, guns (and) drugs problem. We have a nepotism, cronyism and patronage problem.”
  • “I would call a serious town meeting, like the town meetings Republicans would call … they call it a Tea Party.
  • “we have been trained to vote in a specific manner… we need to start looking at the manner in which our elected officials have been voting… if they have not voted in a manner that is beneficial to you, yours, and your community, then you need to start voting them out.”
  • “This (meeting) was a signal sent to City Hall, to the fifth floor (this is apparently Chicagoans’ term for the Mayor’s office and the “powers that be” in City Hall — Ed.), who sent no one down here to make sure that the city he (p)resides over.” (The apparent reference is to Mayor Rahm Emanuel.)
  • “We’re asking the President of the United States: Let us, the grass roots people, not these name-brand blue-ribbon Negroes … (to) stop giving these evil people our money.”


All I can add to this is, welcome brothers and sisters. Voting differently is the way out of the malaise, the crime, and government dependency.

Link: Sharpton Holds Chicago ‘Town Hall’ on Gun Violence, ‘Tea ‘Party’ Rhetoric Breaks Out; Local Media Mum

Why Democrats, Reid, Went For The Nuclear Option

Listening to Neal (The Talkmaster) Boortz today on my way to work I happened across the mother lode of this political phenomenon. The filibuster nuclear option. I’ve heard Boortz speak of this before but not until now was I able to capture it (for lack of a written transcript) to share with you.

For years and years, the Liberals and Progressives in the Democrat(ic) party have continually stressed and relied on the courts to thwart, if not harry_reid_fingerenact, public policy that they either don’t agree with or otherwise could not do via the legislative process. In short, they view and use the court system as another branch of the legislature.

Now, after years of every Democrat leader having gone on record against the nuclear option, including all the ones who are now for it, they’re not only for it, they invoked it. So why now? It’s because President Obama’s signature legislation, the government control of health care, Democrats’ ‘wet dream’ legislation since John Dingell Sr. first introduced it 70 years ago, is losing public support as chances for repeal or defunding it become more probable.

Public opinion for the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) is dropping like a stone, not only because of what it is doing to people’s policies, families, and wallets, but the lawlessness in which the President himself is trying to keep the sinking ship from sinking by issuing edicts to insurance companies to add to and take away from the law. It’s all unconstitutional. They must fill the three vacancies in the Federal Court of Appeals in the DC Circuit with judges sympathetic to upholding all challenges to Obamacare and their regulatory over reaching. That’s why they are for the filibuster before they were against it. Most Americans see the ACA as a crisis to America. Democrats in Washington see the repeal or neutering of it as an even greater crisis, requiring the nuclear option.


Putting judges sympathetic to his cause is the only life-line he has left. Moving the United States’ free-market capitalistic economy to a fascist economy, which is what President Obama is all about and what he meant by fundamental change.

The recording of Neal’s rant begins after he explains the characteristics of capitalistic and socialist economic models. The clip begins with the fascist economic model. Boortz explains . . .

Spreading The Wealth Gone Wild

Where President Clinton built wealth-spreading into the tax code, President Obama put it into overdrive by adding “social justice” to it with the addition of the non-affordable Affordable Care Act. A nationalized health care scheme that requires the young and healthy to pay for the old and infirm. The consequences are surprising, and getting worse.

In a random act of journalism, CNBC reporter Jane Wells gives the striking details of a CBO report released last week entitled The Distribution of Household Income and Federal Taxes, 2010. (Table 3, Page 13) In personal income taxes it boils down to this, the rich don’t pay most taxes, they pay ALL the taxes. The upper two quintiles, or 40% of taxpayers, pay 106% of all personal income taxes. For the lower 40%, their “taxes” are a revenue stream.

Politicians are pretty slick when it comes to manipulating the tax code. Which is why we must get rid of it and replace it with something that can’t be used as a tool for class warfare and social engineering. The FairTax is the best alternative, for everybody. But I digress.

Remember the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997? The tax code becomes a vehicle for spending programs.

Wielding the tax hammer for social engineering increases public debt. Lesson not learned here is that money doesn’t grow on trees and, stop increasing the spending. But it’s OK if you can use the tax code to buy votes. What? This is where the class envy/class warfare tactic, as connected to the tax code, was taken to a higher level.

The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 made additional changes to the tax code providing a modest tax cut. The centerpiece of the 1997 Act was a significant new tax benefit to certain families with children through the Per Child Tax credit. The truly significant feature of this tax relief, however, was that the credit was refundable for many lower-income families. That is, in many cases the family paid a “negative” income tax, or received a credit in excess of their pre-credit tax liability. Though the tax system had provided for individual tax credits before, such as the Earned Income Tax credit, the Per Child Tax credit began a new trend in federal tax policy. Previously tax relief was generally given in the form of lower tax rates or increased deductions or exemptions. The 1997 Act really launched the modern proliferation of individual tax credits and especially refundable credits that are in essence spending programs operating through the tax system.

“There’s no difference at all in terms of the effects on the federal deficit,” says Roberton Williams of the Tax Policy Center. “It’s perfectly equivalent. It’s just easier to say, ‘I cut your taxes’ as opposed to ‘I created a new federal program to send money to people.’”

Links: The rich do not pay the most taxes, they pay ALL the taxes  |  Happy Tax-The-Rich Day


The Replacement, H.R. 2300, Gets Three More Co-Sponsors

Yes. The Empowering Patients First Act of 2013 picked up three new co-sponsors.

A big Thank You to Rep. Ralph Hall [R-TX4]Rep. Charles Boustany [R-LA3] and Rep. Peter Roskam [R-IL6].

The bill now has 54 co-sponsors. So far all are Republicans. If your representative is not yet a co-sponsor, email them, call them, suggest that they get on board with this, the private-sector solution to improving health care and health insurance. H.R. 2300 will solve all the problems that the ACA was supposed to “fix” without putting the government between you and your doctor, lowering costs through real competition among insurance companies and no government mandated coverages that you don’t want or need.

Link: H.R. 2300: Empowering Patients First Act of 2013

3 Christians Executed In Syria For Refusing To Convert

So the war on Christianity continues unabated in Syria. This is the time for President Obama to speak out against it and against the barbaric side of Islam. Beheading Christians for refusing to convert to their animal-Islam.  It’s time to call a spade a spade.     muslim-piece_of_shit

Raiding a convent, kidnapping the Mother Superior and 11 nuns. If they’re still alive, they’re no doubt praying to be with Jesus.

The only thing I can think of that is worse than what these cave men who hide their dirty faces are doing, is the silence from President Obama. Or is it just another one of his Muslim Brotherhood adventures in Syria, as in Egypt, to start something and then stand back and watch?

Link: 3 Christians executed after refusing to convert.