Fascinating to watch just what a cover-up looks like. Cover-up combined with a major case of CYA. How’s that go again? If you have nothing to hide, just answer the questions. All of them. This video is a re-enactment of the deposition of Cheryl Mills, who was the a lawyer for both the Clinton’s. Representing Bill Clinton during the impeachment chapter of his presidency, and, was Hillary’s Chief of Staff while she was Sec. of State.
The reason that this is a re-enactment, instead of the real audio/video recording is because the judge, U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, has sealed them from the public until such time as he may change his mind. What? Ostensibly it seems, not until after the November election. Here is his order on release of the audio/video public record.
Notice how this judge is obviously making political, not legal, judgements in his decision. And where is the cacophony of media analysis and calls for this judge’s impeachment like we are hearing about the judge who gave a rapist a 6 mo. jail term? Like the judge hearing the Trump U. case is politically tied to his party, his LaRaza affiliated lawyer club, and the La Raza agenda. Something, to be honest, he should recuse himself from that case for. Not because it has anything to do with Trump University, but because he is an advocate for everything that Trump as president wants to stop, where illegal immigration is concerned.
Judge Sullivan is inserting his political beliefs into his legal obligation as a judge. That’s why it is our/your obligation to spread the word about not only Judge Sullivan enabling, but the extent Hillary Clinton’s staffers go to shield her and cover their own butts. When the mainstream media won’t, the alternative media must.
The collapse of the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, was predicted. Basically because it was designed to fail.
Three years ago we learned that, in order to get insurance companies to cover the extra mandated coverages, the act (aka taxpayers) would reimburse the insurance companies for their losses for three years. The gamble was that by that time, so many young and healthy people would enroll to cover their costs. Well, that didn’t happen.
Now, because they will no longer be reimbursed for their losses, the insurance companies are pulling out. And those staying with it are raising their rates accordingly.
The failure of Obamacare to deliver on its promises, and the insurance carriers pulling out, paves the way for what Democrats have been longing for, and something that Americans have rejected ever since it was first proposed 73 years ago by John Dingell Sr. in 1943. Single-payer health care. Or to put it another way, Medicare for all. The government can’t take proper care of veterans. They can’t deliver affordable health care for the ten percent of Americans that had no health care. So why would anyone believe they can take care of 320 million of us?
This presidential election will be the deciding point. The Republican sides wants to fix it with private sector solutions. The Democrat side wants to exacerbate the problem regardless if it makes health care worse.
Listening to the political Left, like HIllary Clinton and lefty talkers like Alan Combs, you would think the flow of illegals into this country has improved. If by improved you mean decreased.
They’re now claiming a net zero flow. Even if true, which it is not, they are not claiming that illegals are no longer coming into the country. So that’s supposed to make us feel safe and secure?
Here are a few things a wall and enforcement would do.
Save lives, from convicted criminals and human traffickers
End bunji deportation, once deported, stay deported
Prevent terrorists and ISIS from walking in.
The surge of illegal and unaccompanied children is ramping up again. This summer it is worse than in 2014. Not better.
Yuma, Arizona is on our southern border. Far from Washington DC and New York City. Here’s a couple articles from 5/28/2016, that is in the news down there.
On Tuesday, Agents from the Deming Station were patrolling an area east of Columbus, N.M. when they were alerted to five subjects who crossed the international boundary from Mexico. The area is a known illegal immigrant and drug smuggling corridor.
During processing it was discovered that 34-year-old Mexican national, Juan Antonio Canales Martinez, had a prior conviction for “Sex with a Minor” in California, along with other criminal charges
U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the Rio Grande Valley Sector saved the lives of a man, a women and a 3 year old who were abandoned by their smugglers in two separate incidents in the last 24 hours.
“These heartless smugglers left a woman and child helpless and lost” said Chief Patrol Agent Manuel Padilla Jr. “this reinforces the message from our Border Safety Initiative, “smugglers view little regard for the safety of migrants.”
Bridges are not what is needed. Despite what Hillary Clinton keeps saying. We already have “bridges.” And they’re not working to keep illegals, terrorists, and human traffickers out.
Bridge that looks like a wall.
On top of the human cost described above, there are also social costs incurred with illegal immigration and sanctuary cities.
Fewer jobs for Americans, while record unemployment persists
Depressed wages for Americans because of cheap labor of illegals, enabled by lack of enforcement of current immigration laws
Overburdened health care facilities and schools.
Poor service and higher cost to taxpayers in servicing people who don’t belong here in the first place.
Putting Americans first must be our priority. Starting with enforcing immigration laws and re-establishing our southern border. After all, protecting the American people, not illegals, is the main responsibility given to the federal government. It is the oath all elected officials have taken. There’s nothing controversial about that.
Memorial Day, Monday May 30, is he one day the country officially pays respects and gives thanks to all those who served and died for our country. It’s not meant to be just a day off for a picnic.
This fact goes unnoticed by the SEIU inspired rioters and other anarchists and democrat miscreants following Donald J. Trump around the campaign trail.
They don’t appreciate what they have and how lucky they are to have been born in America. (for the ones who were)
They are the selfish ones who think they can burn the flag and stomp on it. They don’t know and don’t seem to care that Americans fought to keep the right to free speech and to protest. They fought, knowing that they might come home laying under it. They did not make that sacrifice so those bastards could stomp on it.
American Flag Etiquette
Federal law stipulates many aspects of flag etiquette. The section of law dealing with American Flag etiquette is generally referred to as the Flag Code. Some general guidelines from the Flag Code answer many of the most common questions:
The flag should be lighted at all times, either by sunlight or by an appropriate light source.
The flag should be flown in fair weather, unless the flag is designed for inclement weather use.
The flag should never be dipped to any person or thing. It is flown upside down only as a distress signal. More
News accounts of the State Department Inspector General’s report about Hillary Clinton’s handling of email and her email server focus on “rules” being broken by former Secretary of State and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. It is clear the IG went to great lengths to write it that way. Bottom line is, the rules were written to conform with the law. She broke the law. But so far no one of any consequence is saying that.
But, the “security review” isn’t over yet. And her old buddy Terry McCauliffe and the Clinton Crime Family Foundation are now part of the investigation. According to FBI Director James Comey, the FBI does’t do security reviews. They investigate criminal activity.
I don’t think she can laugh this one off. She certainly can’t claim a vast right-wing conspiracy. This is Obama’s State Dept. and Obama’s FBI. Something smelling a little fishy? Smells like the way Obama does paybacks. He could put an end to this if he wanted to.
To the point that the IG’s report shows “consistency” with earlier Secretaries, the only consistency there is that personal emails were exchanged (on government approved servers). Hillary is the only Secretary who not only didn’t use the servers authorized by the law, she used her own server, authorized by no one but herself. There is no equivalency there. And that’s not a political misrepresentation. That’s just the facts.
Also not political, is the fact that she told everyone in her State Department not to speak to the IG. She and her “team” refused to “cooperate” with the Inspector General from the Department she was once the head of. Had she been put under oath, that’s called pleading the 5th.
Socialism requires walls to keep people from leaving. Like in Venezuela.
Venezuelans seeking a visa to leave to the United States for the first time will no longer be able to apply for one, the U.S. embassy in Caracas announced, due to the socialist government’s forced reduction of the number of American staff working there.
While Obama is bad-mouthing America in the Far East, he should be touting our success in capitalism and freedom. He is the first president to hate this country, rejects its founding principles.
There’s a reason people from all over the world want to come here. No one is trying to leave. Not yet anyway. Some Hollywood types keep promising to leave but they lie
If the direction of this country does not get turned around 180 degrees, we will look like Greece, like Cuba, like Venezuela. Then there will be no place to go.
America really is the last place on earth where freedom and liberty reign It is the reason people want to come here. To achieve the American Dream. That’s fine, but not unless you also want to assimilate to become American. Not to live here to use America and not assimilate.
A few weeks ago, the business channels were noticing stocks rise for defense contractors and asking why that would be? Here’s one reason.
On May 1, the Royal Australian Air Force boasted a fleet of no fewer than 93 Boeing-built F/A-18 fighter jets, with 12 more on order. The country also has orders in for a dozen more F-18-derived EA-18G electronic warfare aircraft from Northrop Grumman — and 100 of Lockheed Martin’s fancy new F-35 stealth fighters, with two already in training.
And here’s another. Today, while President Obama visits Vietnam, we learn this.
President Barack Obama announced Monday that the United States would begin selling weapons to the communist nation of Vietnam, a final shift four decades after the two countries engaged in war.
Not that there’s anything wrong with helping Vietnam protect itself from an ever-belligerent China. Will be interesting to see if his political base will call him out with their “industrial military complex” rant or if the Limbaugh Theorem will prevail.
Never mind the 1st Amendment issue. This is PC gone wild. It’s also proof that liberalism is a mental disorder.
Students at California State University–Los Angeles have set up a “healing” space to deal with pain they were caused by having Ben Shapiro speak on campus — even though that speech was three months ago and most of them didn’t even go.
Zimmerman Sells His Kel-Tec PF-9
While the online auction to sell the gun used to kill Trayvon Martin was beset with trolls trying to circumvent the process, George Zimmerman got over six figures for it.
“The firearm for sale is the firearm that was used to defend my life and end the brutal attack from Trayvon Martin,” he wrote in the item description.
Looking at others your own age
Have you ever been guilty of looking at others your own age and thinking, surely I can’t look that old?? Well . . . You’ll love this one.
My name is Alice, and I was sitting in the waiting room for my first appointment with a new dentist. I noticed his DDS Diploma on the wall, which bore his full name. Suddenly, I remembered a tall, handsome, dark-haired boy with the same name had been in my high school class some 30-odd years ago. Could he be the same guy that I had a secret crush on, way back then?
Upon seeing him, however, I quickly discarded any such thought. This balding, gray-haired man with the deeply lined face was way too old to have been my classmate.
After he examined my teeth, I asked him if he had attended Morgan Park High School. “Yes. Yes, I did. I’m a mustang.” He gleamed with pride. “When did you graduate?” I asked.
He answered, “In 1975. Why do you ask?”
You were in my class!” I exclaimed. He looked at me closely. Then, that ugly, old, bald, wrinkled faced, fat-assed, gray-haired, decrepit son-of-a-bitch asked ”What did you teach????”
Contrary to what the letter says, there is no groundswell of discrimination against the .02% of the population that requires 99.8% of the population to lose their privacy, safety, and security given by normal, common sense behavior like using the bathroom consistent with what’s between your legs and not what’s between your ears. It is rather, the lobbying efforts of a special interest group called the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN).
If anything, that .02% of the population with this mental condition might get some counselling. But it is no reason to further tear apart the cultural, moral, and ethical fabric of the country because Barack Obama identifies as a dictator.
Media headline, “Obama says U.S. race relations have improved, but work to be done.” Don’t you mean Obama “claims” U.S. race relations have improved? More work to be done? Like this?
First President ever to hate his country. So much so that he wants to fundamentally change it.
And the only way he’s getting away with it is, because he’s Black. And if you disagree with his agenda, then you are called a racist. Not patriotic. A racist. Not only by his acolytes, but by the willing media as well.
Part of the American Dream is the mobility of the people that liberty and opportunity affords. Blacks don’t have a monopoly on being “poor.” He wants to make sure that if you succeed and want to move to a better place, regardless of the color of your skin, that it won’t exist.